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Developer Productivity with

Python and Jython

• Frank Joseph Wierzbicki
• Project lead for Jython
• Java Developer for 10 years
• Python/Jython Developer for 10 years
• Contributor to Jython for 4+ years

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What is Python?
• A programming language that is:
> Elegant and Robust
> Powerful and as applicable as traditional compiled
> Easy to pick up, readability is at the forefront of the
language design
> Easy to use, yet powerful
• The fastest growing language of 2007 according to
Tiobe (

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What is Jython?
• Jython brings the Python language to the JVM.
• Jython has full and nearly seamless integration into
any Java libraries and code.
• Jython can access many of the libraries and
frameworks written in Python.

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Some code
print “hello world”

def hello(name):
print “hello”, name

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Some Users of Python and Jython
• Python
> Google and YouTube
> The new OpenSolaris packaging system (IPS)
> Ubuntu, Red Hat, etc for system utilities
• Jython
> IBM WebSphere for admin scripting
> BEA Weblogic for admin scripting
> Testing engines like PushToTest and the Grinder

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Demo: Jython installation
and basics

Jython and JDBC
• Jython has built in support for DB-API, Python's
standard database interface in the zxJDBC
• zxjdbc is a thin wrapper around JDBC, Java's
standard database interface.
• Provides Python programmers with access to any
database with a JDBC driver.
• Provides Java programmers with access to any
Python frameworks that are built on DB-API

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Basic Database Access
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC

db = zxJDBC.connect("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test",
'user', 'pass', "")
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select name from user")
for row in cursor.fetchall():

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Swing from Jython
from javax.swing import JTable
from javax.swing import JFrame

rowdata = [('bill', 'Bill Williams')]

colnames = ['user name', 'full name']
table = JTable(rowdata, colnames)
frame = JFrame("Table")
frame.getContentPane().add( table )
frame.size = 400, 300
frame.visible = 1

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Demo: Database Access from

• A Python MVC framework with a web and database
bias (similar to Ruby on Rails)
• Makes creating a project very simple
• Comes with a powerful admin tool that can be used
to manage the data in your database – no need to
write your own admin tool!
• Very clean and simple design, easy to read and

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Demo: Django on Jython

Hibernate From Jython
• Hibernate is a ORM written in Java
• It can be accessed as EJB3
• Jython can be used

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EJB3 From Jython
from javax.persistence import *
from hello import Continent # A Java class
emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
newEm = emf.createEntityManager();
newTx = newEm.getTransaction();
continents = newEm.createQuery('select c from Continent c \
order by asc').getResultList();
print continents.size(), " message(s) found:"
for c in continents:
emf.close(); Sun Confidential: Internal Only 15
Demo: Hibernate/EJB3 From

• SQLAlchemy is a ORM written in pure Python
• Written by Michael Bayer who consults on
Hibernate by day
• Utilizes Python's strengths to create very clear ORM

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SQLAlchemy Code Example
from sqlalchemy import *

db = create_engine('mysql://mydb:mydb@localhost/mydb')
metadata = MetaData(db)
continents = Table('continent', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(40)),

s =
r = s.execute()
for continent in r:

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Where to find out more
• Twitter: fwierzbicki

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El Zen de Python
• 1. Hermoso es mejor que feo.
• 2. Explícito es mejor que implícito.
• 3. Simple es mejor que complejo.
• 4. Complejo es mejor que complicado.
• 5. Plano es mejor que anidado.
• 6. Disperso es mejor que denso.
• 7. La legibilidad cuenta.
• 8. Los casos especiales no son suficientemente especiales
como para romper las reglas.
• 9. Aunque lo pragmático gana a la pureza.
• 10. Los errores nunca deberían dejarse pasar
silenciosamente. Sun Confidential: Internal Only 20
• 11. A menos que se silencien explícitamente.
• 12. Cuando te enfrentes a la ambigüedad, rechaza la tentación
de adivinar.
• 13. Debería haber una -- y preferiblemente sólo una -- manera
obvia de hacerlo.
• 14. Aunque puede que no sea obvia a primera vista a menos
que seas holandés. (NT: Guido van Rossum es holandés)
• 15. Ahora es mejor que nunca.
• 16. Aunque muchas veces nunca es mejor que *ahora mismo*.
• 17. Si la implementación es difícil de explicar, es una mala idea.
• 18. Si la implementación es sencilla de explicar, puede que sea
una buena idea.
• 19. Los espacios de nombres son una gran idea -- ¡tengamos
más de esas!
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