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NPTEL: Fiber Optic Communication Technology

Fiber Optic Communication Technology

Assignments- Week1
Motivation for fiber optic communication,
Introduction to digital modulation, Overview of Optical
Communication System

1. Which among the following range of wavelengths is termed as the optical C band?
(a) 1530-1565nm
(b) 1500-1530nm
(c) 400-700nm
(d) 750-833nm

Solution: (a)
By definition

2. Which of frequencies/wavelengths fall under the visible spectrum?

(a) Frequency of 600 THz
(b) Wavelength of 600 nm
(c) Frequency of 600 GHz
(d) Wavelength of 900 pm

Solution: a,b
By definition

3. Which one of the bands given below is used for Wi-Fi standard?
(a) 22 GHz
(b) 1.8 GHz
(c) 2.4 GHz
(d) 235 MHz

Solution: Ans: c
By accepted standard

4. For a complex modulation system with symbolrate of 10 Gbaud using 16-QAM modulation
format, what is the effective bitrate?
(a) 160 Gbps
(b) 16 Gbps
(c) 40 Gbps
(d) 20 Gbps
EE5504 Fiber Optic Communication Technology Jan - April 2020

Solution: Ans: c
16 - QAM has 4 bits/symbol representation. Hence the bitrate is 10 Gsymbs/sec × 4
bits/symbol, which is 40 Gbps

5. In Quadrature Phase Shift Keying((QPSK) modulation scheme, the effective bit rate is
(a) four times the symbol rate.
(b) eight times the symbol rate
(c) half times the symbol rate
(d) two times the symbol rate

Solution: Ans: d
By definition

6. Which one of the following has the highest spectral efficiency at Nyquist sampling rate?
(a) 16-QAM at 10 Gbaud
(b) 16-QAM at 20 Gbaud
(c) 16-QAM at 16 Gbaud
(d) 16-QAM at 40 Gbaud

Solution: Ans: a,b,c,d

All the options have 4 bits/Hz spectral efficiency.

7. For a Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) with sampling frequency of fs , with N quantization
levels, the effective bit rate is given by
(a) R = 2fs × log2 N
(b) R = fs × log2 N
(c) R = 4fs × log2 N
(d) R = fs × log2 N 2

Solution: Ans: b
By definition

8. The number of photons in a pulse of duration 1 ns at 1550 nm wavelength if the power is

1µW is .......

Solution: 7790
Answer range [7750 to 7800]
N = P ×T

= 7790

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EE5504 Fiber Optic Communication Technology Jan - April 2020

9. What is the modulation format you would pick if you had to transmit 100 Gbps, but a symbol
rate of 25 Gbaud.
(a) 16QAM
(b) PAM4
(c) QPSK
(d) PAM16

Solution: (a) and (d)

10. Which of the following modulation formats are commonly used in commercial optical commu-
nication systems.
(a) FSK
(b) QPSK
(c) OOK
(d) Pulse Code Modulation

Solution: (b) and (c)

11. The power from a transmitter is 10 mW. It is propagated through a 100 km long fiber with
an attenuation of 0.2 dB/km. The power at the end of the fiber in dBm is ...... and in µW is

Solution: -10, 100

Answer Range [-9.9 to -10.1] for the first blank
Answer Range [99 to 101] for the second blank
10 dBm - 20 dB = -10 dBm = 100 µW

12. Conventional CDs used for voice recording employ a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz with 16-bit
quantization for each sample. The maximum allowable recording time is 74 minutes and 33
seconds. Every 8 bit of voice data will be encoded as 17 bits (8 bits as voice data + 9 bits
for error correction). Given that 8 bits are 1 byte and that 220 bytes are 1 Megabyte (MB),
calculate the storage size of a CD in Megabytes. (Round off to the closest value)
(a) 395 MB
(b) 441 MB
(c) 1400 MB
(d) 800 MB

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EE5504 Fiber Optic Communication Technology Jan - April 2020

Ans: d
Duration of the analog signal = 4473 s (74 min + 33s)
Total number of samples = (4473s) × (44100 samples/s) = 197300000 samples
Total bits of digital data = (197300000 samples) × (16 bits/samples) = 3156000000 bits
MB of digital signal data = (3156000000 bits) × ( 81 byte/bits ) × ( 2120 MB/bytes) = 376.2
MB of signal and error correction data = (376.2 MB) × (1 + 98 ) = 799.5 MB

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