Miketz - Vineyards of Jerusalem

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‫מקץ‬ ‫בס"ד‬

The ‫ מדרש‬brings from ‫ איוב‬the phrase ‫קץ שם לחשך‬, which means an end to the darkness. Yosef
comes out of prison, the dungeon he was in for ten years. As we saw before, ‫ חשך‬stands for
the Greek empire, which also came to an end with the ‫ נס‬of ‫חנוכה‬. This is always the ‫ פרשה‬of
‫ שבת חנוכה‬-‫ =קץ חשך‬518= ‫להדליק נר חנוכה‬.
The ‫ ארי‬says that the ‫ קץ‬of ‫ גאולה‬is hinted in ‫ויהי מקץ שנתיים ימים‬, when the ‫ אור הגנוז‬will be
revealed- ‫=עת קץ‬660=‫ את האור כי טוב‬which Rashi says is the light that is ‫גנוז לעתיד לבא‬. On
‫ חנוכה‬we enter into the world of ‫קץ‬, the end of ‫=קץ המשיח– גלות‬553=‫ לעתיד לבוא‬In ‫ז‬:‫שה"ש ב‬
it's written ‫ ואם תעוררו את האהבה עד שתחפץ‬- The “awakening” of the ‫ קץ‬is when Hashem wants
-‫שתחפץ‬. Chanuka is a time of awakening. Miketz has 146 ‫ פסוקים‬in it. The only other
‫ פרשה‬with 146 ‫ פסוקים‬is ‫בראשית‬, hinting to us that ‫חנוכה‬, where in it we always read Parshas
‫מקץ‬, is a new and fresh beginning. Also, both ‫ ותיפרש‬have the same ‫ מןיס‬of ‫ יחקיהו‬and ‫אמציה‬,
intimating that this is a time to be ‫חזק ואמץ‬.

The ‫ פסוק‬in ‫צב‬:‫ יהיו טו‬- - ‫ ורעננים דשנים בשיבה ינובון עוד תהילם‬means that when we get old in
years, and it's very easy and justified to Kvech, ‫יהיו ורעננים יםדשנ‬, we must stay young and
enthusiastic, as is said in ‫ "ה‬- ‫בעבודת זקן להיות אסור נחמן רבי ספרי‬. On ‫ חנוכה‬we are rejuvenated
and renewed ‫= מתתיהו‬861= ‫יהיו ורעננים דשנים‬. The word ‫ קץ‬is also a ‫ לשון‬of awakening- -
‫=שתחפץ‬878 =‫הדלקת נר חנוכה‬. Also, ‫ משיח‬comes when Hashem wants, ‫=שתחפץ‬878= ‫ממ שין‬
‫יוד חית‬. When we light ‫ חנוכה‬candles we find ourselves in the time that Hashem wants to
reveal the ‫קץ‬. In ‫גלות‬, it’s as if Hashem is sleeping. The ‫ בני יששכר‬says that Chanuka is a ‫י"ט‬
from above as opposed to Purim which came through our efforts. The dreidel is spun from
the top, and the grogger (Purim) from the bottom.

The ‫ ספר יצירה‬says that the mode of ‫ חודש כסלו‬is ‫שינה‬, sleeping, which doesn't mean that we
should sleep a lot, but that it's the month that we have lots of ‫בטחון‬. Someone who has ‫בטחון‬
can sleep, like the story of ‫ חזקיהו‬who went to sleep, even when he was surrounded by
hundreds of thousands of soldiers of ‫סנחרב‬. The ‫ ב"ך‬says that ‫ גלות יון‬came about due to the
‫התרשלות‬, the lack of enthusiasm of the yidden. On ‫ ר"ה‬we are awakened by the ‫שופר‬, and
‫ חנוכה‬is another ‫ י"ט‬of awakening, beside the fact that ‫ חנוכה‬is the ‫גמר חתימה‬, to the ‫ כתיבה‬of
Rosh Hashana ‫ =ראש השנה‬861= ‫ מתתיהו‬In ‫קכו‬:‫ תהילם א‬it says ‫שיר‬
‫ את שיבת ציון היינו כחלמים‬....‫ המעלות‬- when ‫ שיבת ציון‬takes place, ‫ שיבת‬is ‫תשבי‬, when ‫אליהו‬
comes - eight x ‫=חנוכה‬eight x 89=712=‫ שיבת‬we will realize that all our life in ‫ גלות‬was a
dream, an illusion. ‫ויהי מקץ‬, when the end of life takes place, ‫ שנתים ימים‬all the years pass
like days, that is life passed by fast, ‫ופרעה חלם‬, it'll be revealed that it was all a dream ( ‫פרעה‬
is a ‫ לשון‬of revelation). Galus is a dream that could only be interpreted in the ‫ זמן‬of ‫קץ‬. After
‫ יוסף‬was released from prison, he was ‫ ינק‬in ‫ שמירת הפה‬and thus was able to interpret dreams.
We see all throughout the ‫ פרשה‬that ‫ יוסף‬is trying to unite with Binyamin - ‫נר חנכה ממ יוד נון‬
‫=בית נון יוד‬744= ‫משמאל‬. The ‫ י"ט‬of ‫ חנוכה‬is both ‫ יוסף‬and ‫בנימין‬. When they are united, the
yidden are not afraid of anybody. In ‫וישב‬, because ‫ יוסף‬was not together with ‫בנימין‬, the
‫ ישמעאלים‬were able to sell ‫יוסף‬. The only time in ‫ חומש‬that the word ‫ חנוכה‬is hinted, is when
‫ יוסף‬sees ‫ בנימין‬for the first time, in
‫טז‬:‫ פסוק מג‬where ‫ יוסף‬tells his servants to prepare a meal for his brothers - ‫וטבח טבח והכן‬
spelling ‫חנוכה‬. Amalek could only have a downfall through the descendants of Rachel – ‫שאול‬

‫מרדכי‬, ‫יהושע בן נון משיח בן יוסף‬, ‫המלך‬. When ‫ יוסף‬joins with ‫בנימין‬, we have ‫ חנוכה‬and ‫פורים‬.
After they sold ‫יוסף‬, and the brothers saw that their father Yaakov couldn't be consoled,
‘‫’וימאן להתנחם‬, they took an oath not to drink wine. But in ‫לד‬:‫ פסוק מג‬we see that they did get
drunk on wine ‫ ישתו וישכרו עמו‬The ‫ שפת אמת‬says that here ‫ פורים‬was revealed. On ‫ חנוכה‬and
‫פורים‬, we are experiencing the future world, where there are no restrictions. It says that the
brothers were shown that the meat was shechted kosher. They were shown the ‫ קנה‬and the
‫ושט‬. The ‫ בני יששכר‬says that the ‫ קנה‬is ‫חנוכה‬, where the ‫ ענין‬is to ‫ להודות ולהלל‬which is done
with our windpipe 155=‫בכה בכסליו=קנה‬. Also ‫ חנוכה‬is a ‫ גלוי‬of ‫ תורה שבעל פה‬- Chanuka is
the 85 day of the year ‫ = פה‬85. The ‫ ושט‬is ‫פורים‬, the ‫ י"ט‬where we feast and drink wine

(since we were threatened with physical annihilation) using the foodpipe- ‫ושט‬+‫= קנה‬470=
‫ עת‬as it says ‫עת לעשות ה" הפירו תורתך‬. The ‫ שבטים‬were shown Chanuka and Purim, when the ‫ג‬
‫ שבועות‬of Galus, at least in a spiritual sense, do not apply -‫הפירו תורתך‬.

On ‫ חנוכה ופורים‬we have to ‫ מבטל תורה‬in order to light candles and read the ‫מגילה‬. Yosef
showed his brothers the ‫גיד הנשה‬. There are 365 negative commandments ‫לוים‬, parallel to the
365 days in the year. The ‫ מצוה‬of ‫ הנשה גיד‬corresponds to ‫ט" באב‬. The ‫ שטן‬wished to prevent
the building of the ‫ ק"מבה‬by maiming the left thigh of ‫יעקב‬. The left thigh represents ‫הוד‬,
which is the ‫ בהמ"ק‬as it say in Gemorra ‫ברכות נח‬. The ‫ ספיר‬of ‫ הוד‬is the fifth, representing
‫ חנוכה‬which is the fifth ‫ט"י‬. Others say the ‫ שטן‬affected both the left and right ‫גיד‬, which by
doing so he was trying to prevent ‫ חנוכה‬and ‫פורים‬. When it says that the ‫ שטן‬tried to injure the
left thigh of Yaakov, one ‫ פשט‬is he was trying to prevent future children from being born.
The nations, all under the banner of ‫ עשו ועמלק ישמעאל‬desire that ‫ בנימין‬not be born. ‫ לעאישמ‬is
the ‫חמור‬, the ‫ שור‬is ‫עשו‬, and the ‫ כלב‬is ‫עמלק‬. The birth of ‫ בנימין‬was extremely difficult-
‫= בהקשתה‬812= ‫חמור שור כלב‬.
Yosef, in showing the ‫ גיד הנשה‬to his brothers, were also hinting to ‫ חנוכה‬and ‫פורים‬. In pasuk
‫לב‬:‫ כו‬it says in ‫וישלח‬- ‫ ירכו‬89= ‫ויגע‬ ‫ חנוכה =בכף ויגע‬and ‫= כף ירכו‬336=‫ פורים‬and-
‫ יעקב‬512= ‫נר להדליק חנכה =ירך כף‬. The ‫ י"ט‬of ‫ חנוכה‬is not complete, not ‫ שלם‬w/o ‫בנימין‬. By
‫יעקב‬, he had a ‫מיטה שלמה‬- twelve ‫שבטים‬. Yosef and ‫ בנימין‬were ‫ ותשלמ‬together in that they also
had twelve children between them, two from Yosef and ten from Binyamin.

There is an opinion, the ‫ בנין שלמה‬that says that in the future there will be no ‫ איסור‬of the ‫הנשה‬
‫גיד‬, since the ‫ ק"בהמ‬will be built. Maybe, when ‫ יוסף‬showed the ‫גיד הנשה‬, he was saying to
take the ‫ גיד‬and eat it, since it was now ‫המשיח ימות‬. Chanuka is a ‫ תיקון‬for the ‫חורבן ק"בהמ‬, as it
says ‫ דוה היום כל‬where ‫ דוה‬is ‫ הוד‬. We lost the ‫הוד‬, the ‫ ק"בהמ‬and on ‫ חנוכה‬we have the ‫תיקון‬.
The ‫ ןמשכ‬was completed on ‫ כהחנו‬but not dedicated until the next Nisan. In the actual time of
‫ חנוכה‬which took place 214 years after the second ‫ ק"בהמ‬was built, this was the ‫חנוכת ק"המב‬
since before this, they were still under ‫ פרס‬and ‫ יון‬rule - ‫המקדש בת‬
=861=‫מתתיהו‬. The ‫ הקדוש ארי‬says the ‫ קץ‬of ‫ גלות‬is hinted here in the first Pasuk- ‫ימים שנתים‬
1167= ‫שמנה של כנור נימין =ץמק ויהי‬. The first Rashi of ‫ ויהי מקץ‬is - ‫= כתרגומו מסוף‬861=
‫מתתיהו‬. In the time of ‫מתתיהו‬, we experience the ‫ קץ‬of the darkness- ‫לחשך שם קץ‬.

The ‫ בני יששכר‬says ‫ גביע‬is composed of ‫עב יג‬, the 13 ‫ מדות‬of ‫ =סד רחמים‬72= ‫חעב‬. The
number 13 refers to both ‫ חנוכה‬and ‫פורים‬. The ‫ שבט‬of Levi is considered the 13th tribe, since
Efraim and Menashe are considered two of the twelve tribes. Purim was on the 13th of ‫אדר‬
and ‫ המן‬cast lots on the 13th of ‫ניסן‬. Sometimes there is a 13th month - ‫אדר ב‬. When
lighting ‫ חנוכה‬candles, some have the ‫ מנהג‬to recite the 13 ‫ מדות‬of ‫רחמים‬. The ‫ יונים‬made 13

breaches in the ‫ סורג‬around the ‫ק"בהמ‬, aiming to bring a ‫ כפירה‬in the ‫ עשר שלשה עיקרים‬of
‫אמונה‬. The ‫ חשמונאים‬restored them and instituted 13 ‫השתחויות‬. The ‫ גביע‬was placed in the sack
of ‫ בנימין‬who according to the ‫ הקדוש הארי‬represents ‫ כסלו חודש‬and in whose portion the
‫ ק"בהמ‬is found. Binyamin was ‫ נקי‬in ‫הפה שמירת‬. His stone on the ‫ חשן‬was ‫ ישפה‬which
stands for (‫יש פה )ושותק‬. Binyamin could have told his father ‫ יעקב‬that the bothers sold
‫יוסף‬, but he remained quiet- 85= ‫פה =גביע‬.

The ‫ בני יששכר‬says ‫ גביע‬is 13-‫ יג‬x 72-‫= עב‬936. As we stated previously this number represents
both ‫ חנוכה‬and Purim. A ‫ פסוק‬in ‫ מיכה‬that says ‫אור יהוה בחשך אשב כי לי‬. This refers to ‫חנוכה‬
exactly, that when we find ourselves in the darkness of ‫ לילות ארוכות‬of ‫ טבת‬or the ‫ חשך‬of the
‫ יונים‬or the thick ‫ חשך‬of ‫ גלות‬that we find ourselves in, - Hashem is with us. Even when a yid
finds himself below ten ‫ טפחים‬or on the left or in the ‫חוץ‬, he's still ‫ זוכה‬to the ‫ אור‬of Chanuka -
‫וה אור לי‬-‫= כי אשב בחשך יה‬936= ‫ היהודים‬936=‫אשר על כף הירך=ישלטו אשר‬
On ‫ חנוכה‬and ‫פורים‬, the yidden rule even in ‫גלות‬. The left and right thigh of the ‫ גיד הנשה‬are
‫ נוכהח‬and ‫ פורים‬- 936= ‫ירךה כף על אשר‬. Yosef tells ‫מנשה‬- (‫ )שמנה‬to put the ‫ גביע‬in the sack of
‫בנימין‬. This is where it belongs. The 13 ‫ של מדות מיםרח‬are revealed on ‫חנוכה ופורים‬. The word
‫ גביע‬is written five times at the end of ‫מקץ‬, and ‫ כוס‬is written five times at the end of ‫ וישב‬and
‫ אור‬is written five times at the beginning of ‫חומש‬. This is all a connection to the five parts of
the ‫ השמנ‬which are revealed on ‫ חנוכה ופורים‬- ‫ = יחידה חיה נשמה רוח נפש‬1099= ‫מתתיהו בן יוחנן בימי‬.
Chanuka is the ‫ גמר חתימה‬of the ‫ חתימה‬that was on ‫יה"כ‬, when we daven five tefillos, there are
five ‫ענויים‬, and the ‫ כהן גדול‬changed his clothes five times and was ‫ טובל‬five times. Yosef has
the ‫גביע‬, the ‫שמן פח‬, the ‫אור הגנוז‬, put in the portion of Binyamin-
‫=חנכה נר להדלק וצונו ידו עין‬660= ‫תיב למיג יה‬. In ‫מב ק‬:‫ פרג‬it says ‫ רהעש יוסף אחי וירדו‬the
brothers went down below ten ‫ טפחים‬and now are looking for ‫ףוסי‬. The ‫ תיקון‬of ‫גלות יון‬, which
is the ‫ תיקון‬of ‫ מכירת יוסף‬is ‫אחדות‬. Now the brothers are joined together as one, ‫אחי יוסף‬, in
order to redeem ‫ יוסף‬at any cost- ‫=הנוכה‬89= ‫ פדה‬and ‫ןפדיו שבויים‬
=518=‫חנוכה נר להדליק‬

Why is ‫ יוסף‬giving his brothers such a hard time? The ‫ אלשיך‬says that if this was revenge,
Yosef would have revealed himself before the revenge- “This is payment for what you did to
me !!!” Here ‫ יוסף‬is giving his brothers a ‫כפרה‬. Putting the ‫ גביע‬in the sack of ‫ בנימין‬was
giving the brothers a chance to display ‫ מסירת נפש‬for a son of ‫רחל‬, which would result in their
tikun. The last ‫ גביע‬is written, is in the last ‫פסוק‬, which begins- ‫זאת מעשות לי חלילה ויאמר‬. This
last and fifth time, represents the fifth and hidden ‫ גלות‬of ‫גלות ישמעאל‬, and the fifth level of
the ‫ נשמה‬or the ‫ יחידה‬the level the ‫ משיח‬will reveal. Rashi says on the words ‫ חלילה לעבדיך‬in
‫מד פסוק‬:‫ ז‬that ‫זאת מעשות עלינו יהי ה"הקב מאת חס‬. These words of the last pasuk ‫חלילה לי מעשות‬
‫זאת‬, are hinting to the great mercy that Hashem shows all yidden on ‫זאת חנוכה‬. The word
‫ חלילה‬is ‫ ח לילה‬and 83= ‫חנכה =חלילה‬.

Even the lowest yidden will merit ‫הםל שי (ישראל כל) באה עולםל לקח‬, whose acronym make up
the word ‫ לילהח‬or ‫לילה ח‬. In ‫צב תהילם‬: ‫ ז‬it says ‫וכסיל זאת את יבין לא‬, implying that a fool doesn't
understand the great power of ‫זאת חנוכה‬. When they took ‫ יוסף‬out of the ‫בת הסהר‬, it says he
was given a haircut- ‫ ויגלח‬where ‫ רשי‬says ‫כבוד מפני המלכות‬. We wouldn't know that he
needed a haircut after twelve years, w/o ‫ ?רשי‬Yosef went free on ‫ר"ה‬, the day of "‫מלכות ה‬. The
first Rashi, on the words ‫ ויהי מקץ‬is ‫ =השנה מסוף‬861= ‫ראש כתרגומו‬. For the ‫ תוכלמה כבוד‬a
haircut is permitted even from a goy. In the ‫ תפילה‬of the ‫ יששכר בני‬on ‫ ה"ר‬is- -

‫= הויה מלכותו מלך ישראל אלוהי בכל משלה‬1638=‫ בימי גדול כוהן ןיוחנ בן מתתיהו חשמונאי‬The Ari Tzal says
that the ‫ מילוי‬of the "‫ ה שם‬for ‫ חנוכה‬is ‫ סג‬or 63. Chanuka is the letters ‫ כו חנה‬where ‫ חנה‬is 63,
the name ‫סג‬, the ‫ מילוי‬of ‫ –הויה‬that the ‫ ארי הקדוש‬says is connected to ‫חנוכה‬, and ‫ כו‬is the
pashut name ‫הויה‬. Multipying 63 x 26 = 1638. Chanuka is the ‫ חתימה גמר‬of the ‫ כתיבה‬of ‫ראש‬
‫השנה‬- ‫ =מתתיהו‬861= ‫השנה ראש‬. Rosh Hashana is known as the ‫ יום הזכרון‬and Chanuka is the
‫ י"ט‬of ‫ שמן זית‬which the Gemorra says is a ‫ גולהס‬for memory. Chanuka is the ‫ י"ט‬that the ‫יונים‬
attempted ‫ תורתך להשכיחם‬and on ‫ חנוכה‬we were remembered and were ‫ זוכה‬to a ‫ ריבוי‬of ‫תורה‬.
At the end of ‫ וישב‬the ‫ רש המשקים‬forgot- ‫וישכחהו‬, and in ‫מקץ‬, Yosef is remembered- ‫שם לחשך‬
‫קץ‬. When a yid forgets, his mind is darkened- ‫ שכח‬is ‫חשך‬.

What's missing ‫ בזמן הגלות‬is ‫מלכות‬. The world doesn't recognize that Hashem is king. On ‫ה"ר‬
we say ten ‫ פסוקים‬of ‫מלכות‬, the tenth being ‫שמע אלשרי‬. The ‫ זוהר תקוני‬says the 25th of ‫כסלו‬
represents the 25 letters in the first pasuk of ‫שמע‬, that is on ‫ חנוכה‬the ‫ מלכות‬of Hashem is
revealed. After 214 years into the second ‫ק"בהמ‬, the ‫ חשמונאים‬brought the ‫ מלכות‬back to the
yidden. The ‫ רמב"ם‬considers this a very positive act, however the ‫ רמב"ן‬says that the ‫חשמונאים‬
all died out because they took the ‫מלכות‬, which only belongs in the hands of ‫בית דוד‬-
‫לא יסור שבט מיהודה‬.

In ‫ ישעיה‬there is a ‫ סתירה‬in ‫פסוקים‬. One ‫ פסוק‬says that the ‫ מלאכים‬have six wings and another
‫ פסוק‬says they have four wings. The Gemorra says - - ‫ שישראל בזמן ןכא עושים ה רצוןויה‬is when
there are six wings, and when the yidden are not doing Hashem’s will, the ‫ מלאכים‬have only
four wings. The ‫ ספרים‬say that the six wings represent the six words of ‫ועד לעולם מלכותו כבוד‬
‫שם ברוך‬. The ‫רב אפטער‬, the ‫ אוהב ישראל‬says the two words missing from the ‫ שם ברוך‬when the
yidden are not doing ‫ ה רצוןויה‬are ‫ כבוד מלכותו‬- ‫=דויד בן המשיח המלך‬534= ‫לכותומ כבוד‬.
When ‫ משיח‬is not here, the ‫ מלכות כבוד‬is missing. On Chanuka there is a revelation of ‫מלכותו‬

In ‫ פרק ה‬of ‫ שקלים‬the ‫ משנה‬says ‫חותמו שאבד מי ממתינין הערב עד לו‬. The ones collecting money
for bird offerings gave a ticket or ‫ חותם‬with which to receive the birds. If one lost this ticket,
at night they would check the cash register, and see if he had really lost the ticket, and then
give him another. The ‫ פנימיות‬of this Mishne is ‫חותמו שאבד מי‬, one who didn't get a ‫חתימה טובה‬
on ‫כ"יה‬, that is, he didn't do the proper ‫תשובה‬, then ‫ לו ממתינין‬we wait till the ‫ ט"י‬of ‫וכהחנ‬, that
is ‫( עד הערב‬the ‫ ט"י‬that is performed in the ‫ ערב‬and dispells the darkness (‫ ) ערב‬of Galus) with
‫לו נרות‬. There are 74=‫ עד‬days between ‫ יה"כ‬and ‫חנוכה‬. In ‫ שמע‬the letters ‫ ע‬and ‫ ד‬are larger than
the rest. ‫ עד‬is also ‫ – עוד‬there is always hope.
The word ‫ ויגלח‬is ‫ח גלוי‬, the revelation of the ‫שמיני‬, the eight days of ‫חנוכה‬. Yosef is now ‫זוכה‬
to ‫הקודש רוח‬. Just like the ‫ פך שמן‬was hidden underground and then revealed, ‫ יוסף‬was
underground in the ‫הסהר בת‬, and then revealed. What ‫ רשי‬says ‫כבוד מלכותו‬, is the ‫ גלוי‬of
Chanuka - ‫ =המהדרין מן מהדרין‬713= ‫המלכות כבוד מפני‬. Yidden, in the last generations, or
yidden that didn't have the time or the ability, to rectify the ‫ כבוד המלכות‬of ‫ ה"ר‬and ‫ כ"יה‬and
‫ סוכות‬are given a chance to do so on Chanuka - 586= ‫ירושלם=ךתמלכ ודכב גלי‬

Yosef said to his brothers in pasuk ‫טו‬:‫ מד‬- ‫כמונ אשר איש ינחש נחש כיי‬. This is a ‫ לאו‬in the Torah.
How could Yosef say about himself something that is a sin, even if he had a different
agenda? Yosef was preparing the ‫ ט"י‬of ‫חנוכה‬. ‫ נחש‬is the acronym and hints to ‫לש רנ נוכהח‬.
When ‫ יוסף‬put the ‫ גביע‬in the sack of ‫בנימין‬, he was putting the ‫פח שמן‬, the ‫ אור הגנוז‬into the

portion of ‫נימיןב‬, the future ‫ק"מבה‬, and so Yosef did see into the future (‫)שינח‬.

In ‫ספר דניאל‬, Nebuchanetzer had a dream, but forgot what the dream was. Daniel had to
recall the dream and then interpret it. There was a golden head, silver hands, and copper
torso and thighs, and brass toes. Daniel interpreted the dream as the different empires, where
copper ‫ נחשת‬was ‫ יון‬.The ‫ נחשת‬is associated with ‫עזי פנים‬, arrogance. Rashi says the ‫ מזבח‬was
covered in ‫ נחשת‬to ‫מצח עזות על מכפר‬. In the ‫ מעוז צור‬it says ‫תוכחנ המזבח‬. Chanuka is the ‫ י"ט‬of
the ‫ מנורה‬and not the ‫מזבח‬, but we mention the ‫ מזבח‬since the ‫ כהנים‬took fire from the ‫ מזבח‬to
light the ‫מנורה‬. When the ‫ יונים‬entered the ‫ק"בהמ‬, they destroyed the ‫מזבח‬. Since their ‫ מדה‬was
‫עזי פנים‬, their intention was to eradicate the object of ‫תיקון‬, the ‫מזבח‬. The ‫ משנה‬says ‫יהי עז כנמר‬.
The ‫ ספרים‬say that the ‫ נמר‬is a ‫ממזר‬, a mixture of two animal, the ‫ אריה‬and the ‫חזיר הבר‬. One
of the ‫ סימנים‬of a ‫ ממזר‬is its ‫עזי יםפנ‬. It says they knew ‫ אותו האיש‬was a ‫ממזר‬, due to his
arrogance. Daniel saw in a ‫ הנבוא‬that the ‫ יונים‬were compared to the ‫נמר‬. It's written that the
‫ פלשתים‬were ‫ממזרים‬, and this is why ‫ דוד המלך‬killed Goliath, who was completely covered in
armor of ‫נחשת‬, with a stone to the middle of the forehead -‫מצח הנחש‬. This humbled the ‫טומאה‬
of the ‫ פלשתים‬- arrogance. The Plishtim lived in '‫'עזה‬. Daniel saw that there would be an
arrogant king - ‫אנטיוכס‬.

The ‫ ט"י‬of ‫ חנוכה‬displays the exact opposite trait- ‫זותע דקדושה‬, by pushing its way into ‫טבת‬,
the left side, under ten tefachim, and in the ‫ר"הר‬, all in order to ‫ מתקן‬the ‫ פנים עזי‬of ‫יון‬. An
arrogant person does not thank and praise Hashem, whereas Chanuka is the ‫ י"ט‬of ‫להודות‬
‫ולהלל‬. Chanuka enters into ‫טבת‬, which is connected to ‫ שבט דן‬according to the ‫הקדוש ארי‬. In
‫ויחי פרשת‬, Yaacov says ‫נחש דן יהי‬. The ‫ לש רנ הנוכח‬extends into ‫ טבת‬-‫ דן‬and is ‫ תקןמ‬the ‫נחש‬.
When ‫ יוסף‬said ‫ נחש ינחש‬he
meant that he was able to affect the yidden who were most affected by the ‫נחש הקדמוני‬. The
‫ משיח‬will complete the task 358=‫נחש=משיח‬
The ‫ מגלה עמוקות‬says that ‫ גלות יון‬was a direct result of ‫מכירת יוסף‬, which was rooted in ‫קנא‬, the
brothers having jealousy of ‫סףיו‬. The ‫ הטורים בעל‬many times connects various places in ‫חומש‬
where the same word is used. The word ‫ מקץ‬is also found in the Parsha of ‫ןקי והבל‬, where ‫קין‬
displayed a ‫ קנא‬toward ‫הבל‬, in that Hevel was born as a triplet, one more sister than ‫ ןקי‬had.
Also Hevel's ‫ קרבן‬was accepted, where Kain's wasn't. The very root of this ‫ מדה‬of ‫ קנא‬was the
moon toward the sun, resulting in ‫מיעוט הירח‬. The ‫ פרי צדיק‬says the three ‫ גזירות‬of the ‫יונים‬
represent the three major character flaws that the ‫ משנה‬says- take a person out of this world-
‫ חודש‬is ‫קנא‬, and ‫ שבת‬is ‫כבוד‬, and ‫ מילה‬is ‫תאוה‬. The ‫ פרי צדיק‬says these three are the ‫אבות נזיקים‬.
He says the ‫ ישמעאל‬-‫ מורח‬is ‫תאוה‬, the ‫ עשו‬-‫ ורש‬is ‫קנא‬, and the ‫ עמלק‬-‫ לבכ‬is ‫כבוד‬. Chanuka, with
the new revelation of ‫תורה‬, the ‫אור הגנוז‬, helps us rid ourselves of these character flaws - -
‫ =בקדש מעלין‬606= ‫וכבוד תאוה הקנא‬. When we are ‫ מתקן‬these character traits, we elevate the

In ‫נח פרשת‬, there's another ‫ מקץ‬- ‫אשר עשה‬ ‫ויהי מקץ‬

‫ארבעים יום ויפתח נח את חלון התיבה‬. Rav ‫פנחס ברוך‬, the Skoyer Rav, says that this ‫ פסוק‬is ‫ מרומז‬to
Chanuka. When the 40 days from ‫ ר"ח אלול‬to ‫ יה"כ‬are over and a yid feels he hasn't really
done ‫תשובה‬, there's still another ‫פתח‬- - the ‫ נר חנוכה‬-‫נח‬, and he still has the ‫לו נרות חנוכה‬- ‫חלון‬
where he says ‫ אשר קדשנו במצותיו‬and ‫שעשה נסים‬.
There's also a ‫ מקץ‬by ‫ הקהל‬where the yidden were united with no ‫קנה‬, and by ‫ שמיטה‬where
there are no debts, ‫שמיטת כספים‬, and therefore no ‫קנה‬. All the references of ‫ מקץ‬are connected

to ‫חנוכה‬.

Chanuka destroys the ‫ מדות רעות‬and the ‫ אומות‬that these evil traits are rooted in. The only
Rosh Chodesh that we say ‫ הלל שלם‬is ‫ ר"ח טבת‬which is on Chanuka, as all other Rosh
Chadashim are not complete, since there is still ‫ חטא‬in the world. The month of Teves is the
lowest month of the year, when the beginning of the ‫ חורבן בהמ"ק‬took place on ‫י טבת‬, the
Torah was translated into Greek on ‫ח טבת‬, and prophesy ended with the death of ‫ עזרה‬on ‫ט‬
‫טבת‬. Also on this date, according to the historians, is the day when ‫ נצרות‬began (Dec. 25), the
sign being the ‫שתי וערב‬, the day of their false ‫ משיח‬was killed -
‫=עשרה בטבת‬988=‫=שתכלה רגל‬988=‫שתי וערב‬.

The only ‫ הלכה‬of ‫ חנוכה‬in all the ‫ סדרי ששה משנה‬is in ‫ – ק"ב‬if a ‫ חנוני‬puts a candle or fire
outside, and a donkey filled with flax passes by, and the flax catches on fire the ‫חנוני‬, store
owner, is ‫חייב‬. Rav Yehuda says ‫חנוכה רנ פטור‬. Chanuka affects all, even those we would
think have no ‫תיקון‬, even ‫ןדת ירםואב‬. The ‫ תפארת שלמה‬argues with the ‫אור החיים‬, and says that
there is a ‫ תיקון‬even for ‫ואבירם דתן‬. At the end of ‫ ז פרק‬of ‫ שה"ש‬it says ‫ריח ו כל פתחינו ועל מגדים‬
‫נתנו הדודאים‬. The ‫ מדרש‬says ‫ נתנו הדודאים ריח‬this refers to ‫ ראובן‬trying to save ‫ יוסף‬from
the ‫בור‬, and ‫ כל פתחינו ועל מגדים‬refers to ‫נר חנוכה‬. What's the connection? The simple
connection is that Yosef represents Chanuka. Reuven tried to save ‫יוסף‬, even though the ‫בכורה‬
was taken away from him and given to ‫( יוסף‬who is ‫)חנוכה‬. This was a tremendous display of
no ‫קנא‬.
On Chanuka, if a yid lit the candles, but the candles went out after a few minutes, if he didn’t
put the Menorah in a windy place to begin with, he would be ‫ פטור‬and doesn’t have to light
them again- ‫אם כבתה קודם שעבר זמנה אינו זקוק לה‬. This is similar to Reuven, who placed
Yosef in the pit with the intention of coming back later to take him out and bring him to his
father Yaakov. Reuven did what was necessary to save Yosef’s life, and if after this, his plan
to bring him back to his father could not be fulfilled, he still gets the credit for saving him.
We have to do our part, and whether we succeed is in the hands of Hashem.

Reuven was clean of jealousy ‫= כסליו כה‬151= ‫קנא‬. Reuven claims that in his ‫זכות‬, his
decendants should have a ‫תיקון‬- ‫דתן ואבירם‬. Chana which are the acronym of ‫רנ דלקתה נוכהח‬,
davened for those that were swallowed up ‫… קרח‬Her ‫ תפילה‬was ‫מוריד שאול ויעל‬. On ‫חנוכה‬
there is a ‫ תיקון‬for all- ‫=המהדרין מן מהדרין‬713= ‫=םואביר דתן‬713= ‫ויעל שאול מוריד‬

Chanuka is the only ‫ י"ט‬that the ‫ מצוה‬starts off one way- ‫איש וביתו‬, and then a little more-
‫מהדרין‬, and then more- ‫מן מהדרין המהדרין‬. Because the generations get lower and lower, more
light is needed and more ‫ נשמות‬need a tikun- - 724= ‫הימים אחרית =ןהמהדרי מן והמהדרין‬.
When the brothers were confessing that they shouldn't have sold ‫יוסף‬, Reuven said 'I told you
not to sell him' - ‫ =המהדרין מן‬713= ‫מהדרין נדרש הנה דמו וגם‬.
We're lacking ‫ מהדרין‬w/o Yosef. The ‫ גם‬is ‫ מרבה‬all the ‫ נשמות‬that could have a ‫תיקון‬. Aharon's
stick sprouted ‫קדיםש‬. The ‫ בעל הטורים‬says 454= ‫חשמונים =שקדים‬. The ‫ חשמונאים‬come out of
‫אהרן‬. Korach's ‫ חטא‬was rooted in ‫קנא‬, and ‫ אהרן‬was chosen because he was free of jealousy-
‫ שמח בלבו‬and therefore he was ‫ זוכה‬to wear the ‫ חשן‬over his heart ‫ חשן‬is ‫נוכהח לש רנ‬. At the
beginning the eighth parsha of ‫ שמות‬-‫תצוה‬, it says ‫ ויקחו אליך זית שמן ךז‬refering to ‫חנוכה‬
(Rokeach). Then comes the ‫ שמנה בגדים‬of the ‫ בגדי כהונה‬symbolizing a lack of ‫קנא‬. The
‫ נס נוכהח‬happened through the ‫ כה"ג‬because they lacked in ‫קנא‬.

Korach claimed he was a ‫ נוכהח‬Jew, since his father was called ‫( יצהר‬olive oil), but he had ‫קנא‬
which disqualified him from being the ‫ג"כה‬. Hashem said to ‫ אהרן‬not to be distressed in not
contributing to the ‫ברקנות משכןה‬, since his ‫ בודהע‬would be greater- ‫משלהם‬
‫ =יהומתת‬861= ‫ גדולה שלך חייך‬Hashem told ‫ אהרן‬that he has Chanuka, which through his
‫ עבודה‬he is going to ‫ מעלה‬all the ‫נשמות‬, even the lowest. The ‫ קרבנות‬are brought during the day
‫בזמן שהבהמ"ק קיים‬, whereas Chanuka is lit at night and will last forever.
Rashi says ‫ חלון‬is ‫ צהר‬or ‫שמן זית‬. There is a question of how we could say ‫קדשנו אשר במצותיו‬
on ‫ ?חנוכה‬One answer given is ‫ אביך שאל ואגדך‬and the second ‫ךל יגידו אשר הדבר מן תסור לא‬.
The word ‫ יגידו‬is a ‫ לשון‬of ‫גילוי‬, and so ‫ חנוכה‬is a ‫ ט"י‬of revelation- ‫= החנכ‬83= ‫לך יגידו‬.

On the last day of Chanuka, the laining is ‫ זאת חנוכת המזבח‬and so this day is called ‫זאת חנוכה‬.
The ‫ בית שני‬never really had a ‫ חנוכת המזבח‬since for 34 years the yidden were still under
Persian rule, where immediately after the Greeks took over for 180 years. Another reason we
call the last day ‫ זאת‬is that on the last day we all see ‫ זאת‬that this is Chanuka in its fullest,
with eight candles. The ‫ נס‬is now complete and connected to the world of eight. When there
are two Shabbos Chanukas, then on the second we lain the ‫ הפטרה‬which speaks of ‫ חירם‬who
finishes all the ‫ מלאכה‬for ‫שלמה המלך‬- the water basins, the shovels and the pots etc. The ‫נביא‬
stresses that all these ‫ כלים‬were made from copper ‫נחשת‬. The mother of ‫ חירם‬was from ‫שבט דן‬
and the father from ‫נפתלי‬, the two lowest tribes. The ‫ משכן‬was constructed by ‫ בצלאל‬from
‫יהודה‬, the greatest of the ‫שבטים‬, together with ‫ אהליאב‬from Dan, the lowest tribe. Hashem
wanted to show that all of ‫ כלל ישראל‬are one unified nation, with no difference between the
greatest and the lowest among them.
In ‫כא‬:‫פסוק מב‬, after ‫ יוסף‬asked his brothers to bring ‫ בנימין‬and he’ll keep ‫ שמעון‬as collateral,
the bothers said "‫ " על כן באה אלינו הצרה הזאת‬The ‫ שבטים‬said this in reference to ‫ מכירת יוסף‬.
This ‫ צרה‬was manifested on the tenth of Teves - ‫=על כן באה אלינו הצרה הזאת‬988=‫עשרה בטבת‬,
the rectification being on Chanuka- ‫=הצרה הזאת‬713=‫מהדרין מן המהדרין‬. The ‫ צבי לצדיק‬says
‫ ועת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יושע‬- that ‫=וממנה יושע‬527=‫ טבת כסלו‬Chanuka, which
connects ‫ כסלו‬to ‫טבת‬, is a ‫ תיקון‬for the ‫ עת צרה‬and enables us to endure ‫ גלות‬until ‫ משיח‬comes
‫במהרה בימינו‬.
Parshas ‫מקץ‬, which is always ‫ שבת חנוכה‬is the only Parsha that has the number of words
written- 2025, a clear hint to Chanuka- 8 x ‫=נר‬8 x 250=2000+‫= כה‬2025.

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