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Exam Starters

Name: _________________________ Score: _____________

Date: __________________________
Phone number: _____________________

Listening (5 POINTS)
A. Listen to the people talking. Check (✓) the correct answers. (2 POINTS, 1.25 each)
1. The woman spells her name _____ . 2. Her name is _____ .
L-O-U-I-S-A Spanish
L-U-I-S-A American
L-U-S-I-A Italian

B. Listen to the people talking. Check (✓) the correct answers. (2 POINTS, 1.25 each)
1. There’s no _____ in the kitchen. 2. Michael’s apartment doesn’t have _____ .
stove a view
microwave oven a yard
refrigerator a nice kitchen

Grammar (60 POINTS)

A. Complete using verb TO BE affirmative (2.5 POINTS 0.5 each)
Example: I am happy
1. Paul __________ handsome.
2. We ___________ students.
3. You ___________ in the classroom.
4. They ___________ from Argentina.
5. She ___________ hungry.

B. Complete using verb TO BE negative (2.5 POINTS, 0.5 each)

Example: He is not tall
1. Lucy and Robert __________ in love.
2. Elephants ___________ big.
3. The cat __________ white.
4. I ___________ from Chile.
5. We __________ in the house.

C. Put the sentences in the interrogative form: (2 POINTS, 0.5 each)

Example: I am intelligent. Am I intelligent?
1. Mary is beautiful. ________________________________________
2. Mark and Bob are friends. _________________________________
3. We are students. _________________________________________
4. The bananas are yellow. ___________________________________

D. Complete using: What – Why – Who – When – Where (2.5 POINTS 0.5 each)
1. _____________ are you happy? Because I love James.
2. _____________ are the flowers? The flowers are in the vase
3. _____________ is Christmas? Christmas is in December.
4. _____________ is his name? His name is Jonathan.
5. _____________ is Dilma? She is our president.

E. Put in this or these (2.5 POINTS 0.5 each)

__________ is my ball in my hand. __________ is my cup. __________ is Sally’s coat
here. __________ are our parents. __________ is my sandwich here. __________ are
Tony's friends.
F. Numbers (What are these numbers?) (2.5 POINTS 0.5 each)
Example: 21: twenty-one ninety-two: 92
1. 50_____________________
2. One hundred and twelve_____________________
3. 33____________________
4. One thousand_____________________________
5. 970____________________
G. Complete the table with either a country or a nationality). (2.5 POINTS 0.5 each)
Example: Hungary = Hungarian.

Country Nationality

H. Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of be. (6 POINTS)

Jack: Excuse me. …………………… you Isabel?
Isabel: Yes, I …………………….
Jack: …………………… your family from Mexico?
Isabel: No. We …………………… from Brazil.
Jack: What …………………… your first language, Isabel?
Isabel: It …………………… Portuguese.
I. Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. (You will not use all the
words). (6 POINTS)
It’s - these - they’re - your - there - they - where - is - you’re
Joey: Kate, ……………… my cell phone?
Kate: I don’t know, but ……………… is a cell phone on the dresser.
Joey: Oh, good. ……………… my phone. And are ……………… my glasses?
Kate: No, ……………… aren’t. ……………… glasses are in the kitchen.
Joey: Great. Thanks.

J. Circle the correct words. (3 POINTS)
1. It’s cold today, (and / but) it’s very windy.
2. It’s noon, (so / but) we’re eating lunch.
3. John is wearing shoes, (so / but) he isn’t wearing socks.
K. Write the missing questions. (4 POINTS)
1. A: _________________________________________________________________ ?
B: I’m fine, thanks.
2. A: _________________________________________________________________ ?
B: I’m 28 years old.
3. A: _________________________________________________________________ ?
B: I’m a salesperson.
4. A: _________________________________________________________________ ?
B: I work in a shoe store.

L. Check (✓) the correct responses. (5 POINTS)

1. A: Have a good evening! No problem. Thank you.
B: ___________ There’s a pen on the desk.
It’s nice to meet you. 4. A: When do you study?
Not bad, thanks. B: ___________
Thanks. Good night, Ashley. Yes, a lot.
2. A: What’s Marta like? At school.
B: ___________ In the evening.
She’s from Mexico. 5. A: Where are my keys?
She’s very nice. B: ___________
She’s eighteen. They’re under your hat.
3. A: I need a pen. It’s on your backpack.
B: ___________ There are three.
Let me see. Yes, it is.

M. Complete these sentences. Use the present continuous of the verbs in the box. (5
do - not - work - watch - rain - wear
1. A: What are you doing right now?
B: We _____________ TV.
2. It _____________, but I’m not wearing a raincoat.
3. A: What _____________ Carol _____________ ?
B: She’s checking her messages.
4. A: _____________ you _____________ shorts?
B: No, I’m not. It’s cold today.
5. A: Is Joyce at work now?
B: No, she _____________ today. It’s Sunday.

N. Complete these conversations. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (5
1. A: Where do you live?
B: I _____________ (live) in the suburbs with my family.
2. A: _____________ you _____________ (have) any children?
B: Yes, we have two children.

3. A: Do you drive to work?
B: No, I _____________ (not do). I take the bus.
4. A: _____________ your wife _____________ (work)?
B: Yes, she works in a hospital.
5. A: What _____________ she _____________ (do)?
B: She’s a nurse.

O. Complete the sentences with the words below. (4 POINTS)

at in midday on past quarter until up
1. We always have P.E. ___________ the afternoon.
2. Call me tonight ___________ 6 p.m.
3. We get ___________ late on the school camp.
4. The concert is ___________ Saturday.
5. He isn’t home at the moment. He is in Berlin ___________ the weekend.
6. The play starts at ___________ to five.
7. We have lunch at ___________.
8. Geography finishes at half ___________ two.
P. Check (✓) the correct words to complete the sentences. (5 POINTS)
1. Robert is handsome. He’s very _________ .
friendly good-looking serious
2. Anne works in a store, and she handles money. She’s a _________ .
cashier pilot musician
3. Mia doesn’t like her job. It’s very _________ .
interesting exciting boring
4. Mario is Celia’s father. Celia is Mario’s _________ .
wife daughter sister
5. It’s 10:00 A.M., and Zachary is sleeping. He gets up late _________ Saturdays.
at on in

Writing (5 POINTS)
Write a short paragraph about your daily routine, use the words below.
Wash – get up – go – go back – eat – get dressed – have – brush – comb – arrive
And – after that – next – at – always – usually – often - never

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