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Radiographic Appearance

of Periodontal Disease

Department of Periodontology
Faculty of Dental Medicine
Universitas Airlangga
Radiographic aid

- Radiographic can’t detection of early periodontal disease
- Detection of early periodontal disease → clinical assessment
Alveolar crest (septum) angulation // projection line of CEJ adjacent tooth

The normal alveolar bone crest located at a distance of 1 to 2 mm from CEJ

Radiographic image:
- Remaining alveolar bone 
- Number of bone loss

Number of bone loss =

Normal alveolar bone level – remaining alveolar bone level
Periapical radiography can’t explain:
- internal morphology
- crater depth
- facial / lingual destruction

radiographic reality
Detection of crater depth



gutta percha
Normal alveolar bone VS periodontitis

normal p e r i o d o n t i t i s
Radiographic signs of periodontitis

- lamina dura : discontinue

- periodontal space : widening → wedge-shaped radiolucency
- alveolar crest : decrease of height
Carranza’s clinical periodontology 2012, p:152
Carranza’s clinical periodontology 2012, p:364

Carranza’s clinical periodontology 2012, p:140

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