Coca Cola

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“The Coca-Cola Company, American corporation founded in

1892 and today engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale
of syrup and concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated
beverage that is a cultural institution in the United States and a
global symbol of American tastes.  The company also produces
and sells other soft drinks and citrus beverages. With more than
2,800 products available in more than 200 countries, Coca-Cola
is the largest beverage manufacturer and distributor in the world
and one of the largest corporations in the United States” (The
Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018).
Coca cola is a large scale company which has an annual revenue
more than $37 billion (2018) and which operate with in more
than 200 countries (, 2018).Number of
employees worldwide in Coca-Cola according to 2019 stats is
86,200 (Statista, 2017). It is an Australian owned public
company (COCA-COLA AMATIL, 2019).
There are many brands under Coca-Cola, some of them are,

 Coca-cola zero
 Diet coke
 Sprite
 Fanta
 Minute maid
 Schweppes
 Five alive
 Oasis
 Roses
 Kia ora and etc

Vision, mission and objectives of Coca-Cola

“Our vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that
people love, to refresh them in body & spirit. And done in ways
that create a more sustainable business and better shared future
that makes a difference in people’s lives, communities and our
planet” (, 2019).
“Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It
declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard
against which we weigh our actions and decisions”(Coca-, 2016).

 To refresh the world.

 To inspire moments of optimism and happiness.
 To create value and make a difference


“The main objectives for the Coca-Cola company are to be

globally known as a business that conducts business
responsibility and ethically and to accelerate sustainable growth
to operate in tomorrow’s world. By having these objectives, it
forms the foundation for companies in the decision making
process” (The Coca-Cola Company, 2019).

Stakeholders of Coca-Cola
Customers is a key component of Coca-Cola, therefore Coca-
Cola needs to consider about customer satisfaction well. To keep
a long-term relationship between customers they must give
preferential regime for their customers like promotion or
discount (, n.d.).

Coca-cola has many suppliers who provide such as ingredients,
packaging and machinery, goods and services to the company.
Suppliers must ensure the quality, quantities with reasonable
price and Coca-Cola will provide good payment systems
(, n.d.).

Employees are one of the most important internal stakeholders,
where they will help Coca-Cola in operational existence. Most
of the employees expects good opportunities from company
(, n.d.). According to 2019 stats 86,200
employees are working under Coca-Cola worldwide (Statista,

Bottling partners
Coca-cola has introduced many innovative technologies in 2019
such as keelclip packaging technology, minimal paperboard
packaging solution. They replaced shrink wrap with keelclip. .
Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company will invest €15 million in
KeelClip™ and begin the roll-out in Ireland and Poland,
followed by Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Romania in 2020.
This will save 2,000 tons of plastic and 3,000 tons of CO2

Management functions of Coca-Cola

Planning can be known as deciding the future actions or
objectives to be achieved and creating methods to achieve those
objectives (Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business
Management, 2019).
Top managers of Coca-Cola are engaged in creating short term
and long term plans. They involves in setting targets to all
employees at all level and they are been periodically reviewed.
These data are been used to setup the next year plan, by
introducing solutions for the failures of current year
(, 2015).


Simply organizing means assigning tasks, delegating authority

and allocating resources, this is the next step to be done after
planning, without a plan organizing cannot be done.
(, 2019).
Grouping employees with similar skills or with common work
functions is a part of organizing at Coca-Cola, this helps to
avoid redundancies in problem solving process.
Managers at all levels have power to take their own decisions
according to the specific needs. Responsibility for each region or
country is under the country or regional head, functional heads
under them reports to the global functional heads
(, 2015).
Organizational Chart
1. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2018). The Coca-
Cola Company | History, Products, & Facts.
In: Encyclopædia Britannica. [online] Available at:
Company[Accessed 5 May 2020]
2. (2018). Coca-Cola Revenue 2006-2018 |
KO. [online] Available at:
venue[Accessed 5 May 2020]
3. Statista. (2017). Coca-Cola: number of employees 2017 |
Statista. [online] Available at:
number-of-employees-worldwide/[Accessed 5 May 2020]
4. COCA-COLA AMATIL. (2019). Legal Structure. [online]
Available at:
structure.html. [Accessed 5 May 2020]
5. (2019). Purpose & Company
Vision | The Coca-Cola Company. [online] Available at:
and-vision[Accessed 5 May 2020]
6. (2016). The
<nobr>Coca-Cola</nobr> Company. [online] Available
vision-values[Accessed 5 May 2020]
7. The Coca-Cola Company. (2019). Objectives. [online]
Available at: https://thecocacolacompany-[Accessed 5 May
8. (n.d.). Stakeholders of Coca Cola
Company include internal factors employees managers.
[online] Available at:
managers/[Accessed 5 May 2020]
9. BETTER SHARED. (n.d.). [online] Available at:
[Accessed 5 May 2020].
10. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business
Management. (2019). Planning Definition: Definition of
Planning in Management. [online] Available at:
lanning-management/planning-definition/20529 [Accessed
6 May 2020].
11. (2015). How
Management Functions are Performed at Coca Cola.
[online] Available at:
[Accessed 6 May 2020]. (2019). Organizing | Introduction to Business. [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 6 May 2020].

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