CMT - Level 3 - Written Test: Amazon Confidential

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CMT – Level 3 – Written test

1. Vijay is a mapper in NA team she mapped 350 listings from 8 am in the morning to 12pm. Post lunch she
felt sleepy and could only map 150 listings from 2 pm to 5pm. Averaging the mappings for entire day how many
mappings can she do in an hour?
1) 112
2) 114
3) 116
4) 118

2. While mapping with Walmart, Ram found 450 IF’s out of total Mapping of 9645 mappings for the last
week, Define the weekly IF Rate for Walmart?

a) 0.046

b) 0.042

c) 0.036

d) 0.032

3. IF Arun has a Productivity of 500 Mappings per day for the first 3 Days of the week and has 2 Errors on the
3 Day and 600 Mappings on the last 2 Days of the week with 1 Error on the 5 th Day. What is the Weekly Accuracy

score of Arun?

a) 99.62%

b) 99.72%

c) 99.82%

d) 99.92%

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CMT – Level 3 – Written test

9. Following Pie chart Exhibits the distribution of Mappings Done. The Two Charts shown are for :

1. Mapping Distribution by Country or MKPL

2. Mapping Outcome Distribution[IF/INF/PM/PRM].

Distribution of Mapping as per MKPL or Country

a) What is the percentage of Mapping was for US, IT/ES combined ?

1) 40%
2) 50%
3) 60%
4) 70%

b) The Ratio of Mapping done for JP with IF rate will be ?

1) 3:5
2) 2:4
3) 4:5
4) Cannot be Determined

c) What is the total Ratio of INF’s to US Mappings?wrong question(2:4)

1) 5:4
2) 4:5
3) 1:3
4) Cannot be determined

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CMT – Level 3 – Written test

11. How many mappings can be mapped in 5 Hours at an Average of 1.1 mappings per minute?

a) 320

b) 330

c) 340

d) 350

12. If a Total of 60 Listings, which contains IF and INF both, in which the ratio of IF & INF is 2 : 1 respectively. IF
the ratio of the total is to be 1 : 2, then the number of INF’s to be further added will be ?

a) 50 INF’s

b) 80 INF’s

c) 60 INF’s

d) 70 INF’s







13. If the Productivity of Praveen, Sathish and Prem are in Ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If the increment of 15%, 10% and
20% are allowed respectively, in their productivity, then what is the ratio of their new Productivity?

a) 23 : 33 : 60

b) 33 : 43 : 70

c) 43 : 53 : 80

d) No Increase in ratio

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CMT – Level 3 – Written test

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CMT – Level 3 – Written test

14. During Cyber Monday, 1230 Audits for Softlines, 2000 Audits for Hardlines, 459 Audits for Consumables
and 1500 Audits for Media. What is the percentage of Audits done for Hardlines, Consumables and Softlines

a) 38.5%, 8.84%, 23.70%

b) 37.5%, 8.68%, 22.46%

c) 38.5%, 8.42%, 23. 50%

d) 37.5%, 8.68%, 23.70%

16. AFM has 8,000 Pending mappings in Band A US books Competitor Walmart. If AFM can complete 100
mapping in 20 seconds, then at the same rate, approximately how many minutes will it take to map all PMs?
1) 27 mins
2) 30 Mins
3) 120 mins
4) 11 minutes

17. The team of CMT recently developed a language for themselves. Which has a very limited vocabulary? In
fact, the words can be classified into only three types: the mappers, the auditors and the techies
The mappers type of words are : IF,INF,PARS
The Auditors type of words are : PARS, GAQ,BAQ
The Techie type of words are : Crawl,Scrape ,Automation
They have also devised some rules of grammar:
Every sentence must have only five words.
Every sentence must have two Mappers, one Auditor and two Techies.
If IF is used in a sentence, PARS must also be used and vice versa.
BAQ can be used in a sentence only if Crawl is used.

a Question 1: Which choice of words in a sentence is not possible, if no rules of grammar are to be violated?

1) IF and INF as the mappers and PARS as the auditor

2) INF and PARS as the mappers
3) IF and PARS as the mappers and Crawl and Automation as the techies.

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CMT – Level 3 – Written test

b Question 2: If, IF and INF are the mappers in a sentence, and no rule of grammar is violated, which of the
following is / are true?
I. PARS is the Auditor
II. Crawl is the techie
III. Either Crawl or Scrape must be one of – or both – the techies

1) I only
2) II only
3) I & III only

c Question 3: Which of the following is a possible sentence if no grammar rule is violated?

1) IF INF PARS Crawl Scrape.

3) INF PARS GAQ Crawl Scrape.
4) IF PARS BAQ Scrape Automation.

d Question 4: If in a sentence IF is the Mapper and no rule of grammar is violated, which of the following
cannot be true?
1) INF must be a Mapper
2) PARS must be a Auditor
3) Crawl may be used.
4) All three mappers must be used.

9e Question 4: If in a sentence IF and INF is the Mapper and no rule of grammar is violated, which of the
following is true?
1) PARS must be an Auditor
2) BAQ and crawl can be used
3) Automation cannot be used

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