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1. Ehren Dean (072011333040)

2. Nathanael Gunawan S (072011333033
3. Sri Maya Wahyu N (072011333009)
4. Meilicia Amalia (072011333023)
5. Aisyah Noer A (072011333019)
6. Farah Deluno (072011333046)

Title : An Introduction to the Study of Social Movements

Volume : 52
Number :4
Year : 1985
Author : Alain Touraine

Like most theories in the social sciences, a social movement is an element of a certain style of
constructing society and social reality. Much of the social movement research looks
unsophisticated. It is not uncommon for writers to misinterpret a collective action or historical
event in order to express their own opinion or ideology. As diverse periods of intellectual and
social history are investigated, the significance of most social movement studies diminishes.
Even "liberals" like L. Coser are instances of how conflict may be used for socialization. After
the 1960s, social movements were labeled counter-cultural, seeking "alternative" social and
cultural forms. This theme faded in the early 1980s. How do we overcome the evident gender
prejudices that sometimes render talks of social movements useless? To combat this naive and
delusional positivism, scientists must redefine their terms within a broader philosophical context.

types of social conflict

1. The first type of social conflict is a struggle for common interests. It opposes individuals
or groups aiming to maximize their market earnings.
2. oppose social, cultural, or political tendencies.
3. Change the rules of the game, not only how relative advantages are distributed inside an
organization. Because conflicts are well organized or have a strong capability for
mobilization, defining actors and conflict stakes is simple.
4. The social control of the main cultural patterns that form the three knowledge models is
at risk above this level of political and institutional study.

The Social Conflict Hypothesis

1. Certain social conflicts may be accorded privileges if other conflicts are viewed as
dissolving or partial forms of the primary type. This hypothesis has a major implication:
unrealized virtual social measures always monopolize political pressure and collective
2. "Negative" conflict behavior can be analyzed as too integrated social movement. Here,
the actor connects with values, dispels internal structural conflict, and sends a message of
unity to an opponent who becomes an adversary.
3. In addition, "historical" and especially national movements have traditionally been
subordinated to social movements.
When these three lines of study are united, we can characterize all conflict as "social movement."

The Central Role of Social Movements in Sociological Analysis

The reconstruction of social conflict analysis revolves around social movements, structural
conflict, and cultural stakes through comparing assumed theoretical approaches to other
theoretical approaches. (1) There is an obvious conflict between sociological analysis based on
society or even social systems and sociology that emphasizes social movements. Inequalities or
upward and downward collective social mobility cause disruptive and adaptive conflicts and
crises. Our approach focuses on culturally oriented social actors in structural conflict. (2) Actors
are bound by a framework that confines their spontaneous activities to reformist negotiations. (3)
"Sociology of action" is defined concretely as opposed to other sociological approaches, which
state that every structural problem or conflict must be removed. (4) Identities and communities
are the most dynamic representations of social existence. (5) Reviewing the four schools of
social thought in collective action and social movements raises questions about their relevance to
collective action and social movements.
Characteristics of Social Movements

1. Social movements are always characterised by social conflict.

2. Inside a social type, there is only one primary pair of conflicting social movements. This
thought feels very Marxist.
3. It is supposed to exist as a social movement opposing social order.
4. Discomfort towards the central social movement is inspired by traditions that characterize
the movement as one aiming to organize state power.
5. Social movements are contradictory attempts to influence cultural trends within a social

New social movement?

1. The most significant criticism of a social movement is that it fits into a certain type of
2. This criticism helps people overcome the constraints of the socio-political model passed
down through generations.
3. The current transition hinders the establishment of social movements in two ways. (a) the
removal of meta-social boundaries that allow for both negative and positive unity. (a)
Social movements are no longer led by idealized societies, but by creative impulses.

The new social movements are mostly sociocultural. Sociologists' interest in social movements
signals the end of a long period of sociological thinking dominated by the concept of social
systems. The concept of social movement as a whole needs to be enlarged to include a critique
that leads to models of analysis.

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