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awn tha alliousing qustons'

I n hich roup undon tta Eosunulas Tab will yu
ind he Authkum opten

An- In the bunction bay p Jundon te Javrulo

tabau aill nd the utosum aptian

Namu &ame h a unehtons hat can be pea

umsdUBinA utnsun.

d- unctions ike SuM,AVERAGE,MIN, MA, CounT,at

Can beprarmad using Auko Sum
wha will yau nd tha Landitianal Eamatting
option in Excel?

AaY oild ind tha Lsnditianal matting eptian

Jn hastgla anup aHoma Tab.

. hat s the aduantags ngSanditjonal

Sh-ith tha Jhulp afLanditanal tamatkng
fo ana
youL tan 4pply awmatting a

l l s and Heate rules Ccandtiens) ka

and haw thasa l l s aru to e amattd
The canditians Can be based on uHe selarh
l l ' s cantents on based an the contenk d
anather coll when these Landittans m
Enal npplies that arumattng that yu hau chea

ssian -3
Hide hide lbuege kous And alums

Anaa the allawing uestons

Nam re Jeatwe that Ercel praides

make aus and Lalumns jinxisible o uA

Anr Hide Jaine Encel pravides to make srous

and calumns invisihle to aers.

2. What daes he Eu eauru r l d

ohs ametimes when Sulling theaugh e lerg

wkahoot, we oant he heades o Jemain
tanstant, 2that uohile entuing data uae

ahauld hat commit uans. Eocel provic

tha acilby to eege panas and aplit youn
wakshat that maka it sasin o viuo Contut
o n dileunt parts oau wowkbsok at tha
Same tüme. Thus aciuty o &scel is prauidad by
roone Opton.

3 wha a tu componants an lacel unrhbock

which hida soption can make innisiblo ?

AnaCanpannts like Raws and Lalumns a n

Enc warkhoak can he hide- inNisiblk by hids option

assion- 4

Set laqe 8uaks

Snaua the lllang qustiens

.ay do we inbt lage Bruaks in Encl7

Ana Irawt laae Bnuaks in toccel as a page

aruk dividas ha workahat iuto indiwidual
paa a printing This Julps to pint a
wRshut with th acat number opages
hot yau want

2 . n what basis Hau dherentiate bebueon

automatt and manual lage Bruaks?
Aa-We can dieantiate hehuun Juutomaic
manual page hreaks hu loaking at A
at tha
page buak
line -patteun utomatic
breaks a a dapictud Jpy dashad patn , d
manual PrLne hruaks axa depicted by salid
Jina patun.

3 i t tha steps to moNE a taoe Bruak in Cxal

m LomoA u pag bruak

Qpun waukahet in the laoe Bruk fu-

l t tha paga bank hat you uart to Jusl_

deuag it and thon drap it at ha nuD dessad

. t a t e any anL method to rwnae a cak

paae bruak uam Eccal

Anu- o Jwno a viHcal page bruak Jusm t

lact the calumn on tha

right whau you
to dalota tu inswrted Nauo clik
paghaak Nauo Cu
an the Buaks buttan presedt jn the fagap
up àn th age Layaut Tabsalect the
Roma lage Bruak optlon om the duap-dou
sion -5
e t Paga layaut

nsioat tha allauoing QuOstians!5

.what dass ha aqe layaut Jeatoa of taal elkor)

Ahshu page layaut Juatusu Eacel enahlss yau t
nis and taniral hu wa yowr écel s h t will
Look ike, an a printed page This sption can be
usd to: t manains, page aintatan,sut
page huadsrs and Jaatrs, hida an displa4 qhidlinu

2. l o do you Stamoua a page badkgrouwnd in a


Ts ramae page hackaraund in a wakshaet,

cck an the Delata Batkauaund aption wshich app-
Las n tu laae ctup u p on u lage layaut

3. tlow ds yau set a huadr and Jeotn ayaust


dn To ot a Jundan and poten

dwtoh to tu age Loyaut viuw wndlax tha Niew Tab.

will ba. ablo o see th plata halden
ick to add haadari Jan inaiting a handa
t tha top othe warkshaat and ick
add tosten) Yan insering a taatn at tha
Jottam ae tha Loakshaat

lick in Bu Huadun an toator dua

lick aibur an the tader an taatn buton

in a Headur and Eoator roup at te lut
ha Design tab.
eptans i
ThaTha atandard pra-dalinad taumat aptons
age Numbar, Data, Fika path. File nan, t
drap -dauwnAati
Juad oh oator appen in a drap
Xiu can chaase he ophion hat sub yau
38ion6 and 7

anane Wokboak Lieas Hnd Fpply Range Namas


d n s u tha tallausing quatiang!>

Torna the dilunt viws hat x ales

e ount ms a l as- Narmal Vuo

eage tayaut Ve), laae Bruak Bruuiau viauo,
Eull scdarvia nd Justam Vioo.

2. hatis the dillenance hetueon ta lage layaut

Vts and tu tage Break Viuo?

Aa-ago layout Viuo hia tio gkes be svnct

image o the warkshast As it wauld appeax an
Cage Bruak Vis his vi is wsul in iaing
dha pasikoning oall ba paqas. Tt also giva
u the Ccantrall in detoumining the page break

3 hat i t e adkant.age using a Named

Namad Range lp b qtk locats ho. >pe-
cile alls b anting tui nams, This Cauld
whun waking wtt
lauae spPund
ut fan exampla, you JhouL a lang piu
List o apasts itema, tatagy O , JUOU Con
JAse noms to quickly calulate tha cast do
&prike codagau itema.

Sesian -8

Crunda, Modilu ,And Faunat arts

Ana ha aldnuing questiana >

.Ohat Js a thaxt?
A - thast is a qaphital snphasentaton o
dota in a warshut. Chaus make it easie
to -drau cammrisan, 39g gauth, and sulanäonshe
amang the aluas and unds in dada helps b
puidaa kattusÁundarstandingl Jae Auantit
2. which aru he tua new tahs dhat spp.ean

Jau inaart a chart in Enck.

The th2 nouo tabs hat appean ae Dasig

Tab. lauaut Tab and tarmat Tab
3 hat is tha dileunce batuuaen a host drcaa
and elat doua

An hat Arua includas all tha arua ond abiats

in the shast whwwas plat otua is a window
within tha chaxt orea Tt contains t a achual
chast itsel. and untludes platted dato, data
S e s , totagay and value axis.

4Haw will yau chonae tha scale ayaun chart?

- Right clisk an the scalk d tha dhant.

dialag dhor uil appear
heakaumat aris pram this and make i t

Sart And filt Dada

Anu thallaing 9uestiore'.

da nead to Sart data)

J.ahol is sarding 7 why a

dato awarding
duating muans aranging ha given
Juld ithar in Jntruasing
a wrkshaet.
dewreasing atden
We haed tosart data to maet a u Candiieard.
Ea-o knauo a nane student who get
marks in maths, uwe can arrange masks in
ding arcdor

2 hat he Junkion a AuToFTLTER Lommand)

Ana UTOFILTER caumand allaus to sea anl hae

racards tat ou wdnt o aea whila tempehail,

hiding the rest. Yeu can ilter a ist to dizplay

Serards hat met speuiic otaria byH using
he AutoEiltor cammand

3. what is the ddvanced Eltor sption uaed fa

A The Aduanced Elto apbian is used o ltex
tu data in mulkhpla alds by uaing 8peci
Ditoua, a to nd unigue acards. t s also
sed o copy altored sucards fo a dillen
Sezsion lo al
Lalulate Data Acass Waxbshus
And Juing Multipla Wakboka And inking u

atite tha ink aunula o caleulate ta su

othe coll srange B3 to B6 sharl 4, in coll
83 ashaat 2.
A Select the tull B3 o shaet 2 and
armula =SuM CShat | 83:86). pe type he

what i the aduantage ainking warkboak?

d he warkbook linking eaturs,
yau can link
ram aten spundshytsand kap the
inaumabieon upo data withaut editing mulkipla
Jacatans N time hu data thangis.
The abilito tuate links hekuoun
aliminats tha naud b hov sdentical data
entudand upclated in
mulkiple shauts. This
s0N tuma, Juduca a s and impwus data

i t a ba styps to bruLak a akbaak lnk

dns- ps to buak a wakbk link-

tap Opon the Jinkd ukbook.

Slep 2 uuk an du dit link budtan in he
Sonntans a p on he Data tab.
Stap 3An ta acit inks dialng ben, sdut
linkJHauJMu ant to umaA
p tha Braak nk chuttan.
Atap 5whan phomptad, clirk en tha Brank ünks
buttan Ao Conam t. Than, dlkk on dase,
Shasing uadahaut Oata
Wsuidta tha stap o shara an Eocad ok
Au-staps to shau an Eoccal workbook-
tp ick an tha Shaa Loakhoak
apkion n
the Ravio tab in tho chong
Stup 2 Uhu shaxe warkbaok didlsg ba oppinu
&tap 3 On bu tdihng Tak. lick an e shect ba
Allss thanals by mara ran ane b atE ha
3ami tm. hus
al6 allauis warkbook mørging.
tup aleet whs yau want to share and
w@d Lsharad] uol
appaan a the op a
Erall windos nadt to te
kile name
g2 hat the adwantage aaharing

T t uidutas wark Lghd. 912
tayor athunsAto sdit.
>WakR ss quickhia dant
Tha simultangsus aditing and
cammankngallaws e u to Jul a
w asa
sitting arnois a table
tsas m tnoubla o Keuping tratk
a rultipla varslons.

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