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Ommunicatian baio

what asa Lammunication basciars Acplan any

oo tha cammuwnication bauues alang
srth an Apcompla
nl communicattarn Jbaedn ds an abstar
thot pMorts tha socoivN
m aivina
and undarstandnhg ha message that has bean
sand b a 30nda

TucLomrunicadion Basaiou

Trdeunal Barxiuu- Thase upes ebatis,

which oa sulotadi to au state mind an
Sarme atc Jtuunal insuas arl talLled
Tntual Bauos. tcompli- Whon ua iand
a u t ond omy ,hulshe might rat falk
ya and yau nat auoaa a this , 30
e d a n ' t appraach himlheu This atts as
an emaianal baigr.

EctarunaL Ba>uurs It occu dus to ates

Le hoxa n o tontal o v and aka uutsicle
cQ body and mind. takurs lka naisa,
istanca, aulty cammunicatian equipmants, t
a call phane
Cocomplo- whila gsu ane taking on
and tha signal is lasak , Jt bacames dillcult
e ato haar hat uous lond
to Can

82 what is tomman and elebiu

aome al communication basrlers
a -Baswis alnted tu tho ormation masuagg
Kaep it Smpla
Muing asrect hanuage
latng apprapriate body langunge
Ovoucamang Tntena Baruios-
7Be Aonaike and empathutc
Devalnp ondiataning 2killl
Daalap Tuut
Keap qout ematons in chack
Dor not dsaume
Ropoct athu culuus and aplnians.
Ocertaming rtonal Bariers
Usepop Lommunicatanthannuls
7Find altnne means
ommunicaton to euaT
eaking Eadback
Ona commar and lectue
way t Nutama all
Aho dilkeunt tupas o tammunictian
batoies Jis
32akin am ta Juuivn. A skil0od
Cammuukata nust beauoasa oha cammuricatian
bauas and tu o uduu hain impaut by
massae ent, and
th poupkion tha
Ho by
geappropriate tha
massage oa delivud kaaback to
anaDu hat ha
eciua smmunintiorn
hadhat axa he kH astars
Lomumunication) ediva
Kaacta oeckive Gmumunikation
onturt- This suns o he lanquage that
Jhos ben usd
in fhe messace e al intor-
Prut tha maaning o wsads dintly Hunu,
Nen simpleimissugs Can be misundostood
m wads hawa dikent mianinas dapandnmg
an the cantut, whih may Lonkuse at ttmes,
To make Lommuniation atectie, tanstut
puapan santenw andl Juse tha sight usards.

2 c 3 -t ules to the uoay ha mauag

daliaaud lectu lammunication hapirs
Only when tha erbal massaq
wth tha tona and body Language
3) ordto It als b ha situaHon ax
mut in uhich tha
mossage is daliueod, Jnd.
ding the physital Qwionment, ultutal Jad
and daval
nprrantalAactars Lommunucatian shaald

ba adaptud as pa ha cantoot to maka it

2 What aa tha eatres o cavucl
0 commuritata
ovuct Csmmduniation-
dcutay is animpatari alemant a ammuniatnr.
avaids miscommunicatian and
mistsust, and tuat
a poaite image n a mind a SAcedh.
Joxat langae, ie, ghamma, shauld
ba u s in vacabuloy
prspAi SyAspan
whila rting, Lgkoud spelling and punduatan
shauld bi appliac

Tha cts dnd igure

useshauld be acuat
2 what a he +Cs
Tha C ' a
+tndplas oSammunication o
Coan Masanng should ba nstanapaant o
pasaible laxity js alo abaut aaiding u u
Compl wds, 2antant, ot.
Janui t
2 sala to erplainung things in
Jat Compahensiu man buel
Adding n a s
datails mako ou
Lommunitaton inalutvo
3.anute Tt a s to Communicatitan hat i
bievable, in orda to raate trust behuun
csmmunicatans Tha message shauld he
uacts and tquus to eliminnta any daubt jin

u r t - duuacy is important. arruct

ancuaae, i., 9ammar, vocebulewy Laud
pranauhttatian swaytung ahould be takon ecsre

5 Cahwant Lahwru deals with tha eqLoney

tamumunitaktan. dL OittonBentencas in aritter
Lammuication ahould be cannactad &kJalovant
totha main topic

amplata - A amplute mesage Laill Jhae

athe inaunatan the J r a i v e nauds o Rnaw.
n ammunicaian, bu sendn
aually Jn amal
0 neods
what outon
alao Squined o canvay
to ba takn by tha ain,
Laurtaaus- T
l aaling and viuss the
suai alana wrth his knaulodag, spainna
and ang m u t be tansidered. It shoLAs ALpe
Ona must be-aenaitive to he
Jao tha sasn
ulu and hockgcaud tha Jureiw. e sheuld
ppt yhsian' paint o w and nawer bo ouhal

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