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Dark Entries 1, Detect Entity — Caster determines the presence of any ‘extradimensional entities within he area, A diferent area may be concentrated on each round, /2. Origin of Entity — Caste lars the place of origin ofthe target entity and gets a vision ofthat place. 4. Control Entity I1— Allows the castrtototlly contol Type ‘Lor Type Il Entity (the chance of non-contol {the Entity's ‘Type x 2%). The Entity leaves when the easter stops concen- teating, The Enity will not speak with the easter. te I — Caster summons leser Entity. Roll for random “Type (01-55 Type Entity, 56-90 Type Entity; 91-100 Type ITED). The Ent forms over two rounds Ifthe Entity not mastered within rounds, the castersufferstheeffectsasouline in Section 7.1.31 of Spel Law 6 Circle 1—Casterenchants Circle protecting him rom Lesser nies (oo greater than Type I). Any Entty summoned from this list can be made to appear within or ouside the Circle Enties within the Cirle may not leave the Circle while the casteris concentrating Entes outside the Circle may notenter itwhilethe easter is concentrating. Treat the ees othe Circle asavery specific Wall ofFotce (creating aninpenatrable barter between the caster andthe Entity). The caster can cross the burier feely though why he would want ois nt clear). The designofthe Circle svery important and ditatesthe kind (ace) of Ent is affected. Circles must be especially made foreach race of Entity (demons, ie elementals, ec) and will not affect any oherkindof Entity. Only one Cirle maybe placed oneach 40'x 40’ area, Tearea mustbe Matand horizontal othe ground Circles take some time to ereate (aot that creating the Cicle does nt enchant it his spell enchants ana Cree), depending ‘upon the method of creation | 7, Seize Control 1 — Caster may control any Type I Entity, regardlessofits present state of conto (mastredcontolledby another spell use, fe, berserk, et). The Entity will evert to 1 tsoriginal state of control when the caster stops concentrating Tf the Entity was being “controlled by another spllcaser and that casterisno longer concentrating, the original contol has three rounds to e-contol the Eny or it wll berserk. Ifthe Entity was ‘controlled’ or ‘mastered by another spel use, the orginal controller may make an RR to prevent the seizure of control 8 Master Entity Hl— As Control Entity Il, except that caster need not concentrate to control Entity. The chance of non- mastery is times the Enity's type. The Enity wil remain and | obey the easter untilthe easter i killed or the Entity i ouside the range limit or the easter releases him A maximum of (WO | Entives may be master at on ime by one caster. | 9. Gate 1 — As Gate 1, except that more powerful Entities may | be summoned: 01-10°Type ; 11-20 Type H: 21-50 Type It | 51-90 Type IV; 91-100 Type V. | 10. Seize Control 1 — As Seize Control, excep thatthe caster | may seize conto ofa Type I Entity. | 11, Seize Mastery I— As Seize Control land Master Entity I ‘except that only a mastered Type I Entity may be seized As Circle ,exceptthat up toType IV Entities are BS 5. 13, Control Entity TV — As Control Entity Hl except that up to ‘Type IV Entity may be controlled 14. Seize Control II — As Seize Control I, exceptthat the caster ‘may seize control of a Type Ill Entity 15. Master Entity IV — As Master Entity Il,except that up toa J ‘Type IV Entity may be mastered Evil ARCANE 13.7.1 Dark ENTITIES z1) Detect Entity 1OR I minfvi(C). 100 2) Origin of aty entity = 10, ) 2) Control Entity * 1 entity Cc 100 5) Gate entity” 2mds 10 '6), Circle 10R) PC) touch: 2) Seize Control L target C100! £8) Master Entity Il* I entity P00! Gate Uh Tenity 2mds 10, Seize Control Il Target Cc 100: 1), Seize Mastery I 1 target Pp 1 B12) Circle lt 10R PKC) touch ‘Control Entity IV * 1 entity Cc 109 14) Seize Control Ml target C100 Master Entity 1V* entity P 100 Cirele Ht 10R PIC) touch Seize Mastery Ill target Po 2.1008 Control Entity V* 1 entity cig Master Entity V entity Po 106 Seize Control V* | target c. 10m F-25) Seize Mastery V* 1 target 100" 30) Gate I Tentity £50) Master Entity VI* —Lentty 16, Circle HH — As Circle 1, except that up to a-Type VI Entity ae affected 11, Seize Mastery II — As Seize Mastery I, except that up to ‘Type Ill mastered Entity may be seized 18. Control Entity V— As Control Entity Il, except that up to 1 Type V Entity may be controlled 19, Master Entity V— As Master Entity Il, except that up to a ‘Type V Entity may be mastered. 20, Seize Control V — As Seize Control except that the caster ‘may seize contol of up to a Type V Entity. 25. Seize Mastery V— As Seize Mastery I, except that up to 4 ‘Type V mastered Entity may be seized, 30. Gate III — As Gate [except that very powerful entities may ‘be suimoned: 01-03 Type I; 04-10 Type If; 11-20 Type Il 21-30 Type IV; 31-65 ‘Type V; 66-90 Type IV; 91-100 Something bigger (a Elemental Lord or Demon Beyond the Pale, etc; GM's discretion). Note that no method has yet been found to master Entities of Types greater than VI 50, Master Entity VI— As Master Emity I except that up toa Type VI Entity may be mastered, Notes 1) Entities include Demons and any other extra-planar creatures ‘that ae appropriateto the GM's world including elementals). See Section 7.1.21 in Spell Law for more information, 2)See Section 7.3in Spell Law for more information onusingeevil spell lists ‘Area of Effect Duration Range 9 Power LEEcu 2. Lose Power I — Target loses 1 Power Point (PP). 4. Leak Power I — Target loses 1 PP per round. 5. Power Drain I — Target loses | PP per round foras longasthe ‘aster concentrates. The caster is limited to 10% activity while concentrating on this spell 6. Transfer Power 1 — Caster drains 1 PP per round from the get. When this spell expires, the caster regains a number of | Evi ARCANE 13.7.2 Power LEECH ‘Area of Effect Duration Range 1 target Ae ED PPs equal eS ax posei arse "Vas pancette sequal tothe total drained from the target. Baikonpeer eee cw 1. Lose Powter Ill — As Lose Power except target loses 3PPs ee 8. Leak Power Il —As Leak Power except target loses 2 PPs 6) Transfer Power! target c 10 per round Bsc?) Lose Powec Ill lage = a 9. Transfer Power II — As Transfer Power hexcept that 2PPs 2 kek Power dant masta 10 ‘per ound are lst (and transfered tothe caster. ee transl a target is yer Drain III — As Power Drain I, except target loses pene Poe jaa 10. Power Drain III — As Power Drain , except target loses 3 Ps per round. c Tage C9 L-Transfer Power It — As Transfer Power excepthat3PPs lat 1 per round at ot and ane theese), lage eto 12.Lase Power V—As Love Power xcept arget loses SPP Varget 1 mds 18.Transfer Power IV — AsTransferPoverIexepttat 4PPs per round are lost (and wansferred to the caster), 14, Leak Power III— As Leak Power, except target loses 3 PPs per round, 15. Power Drain V— As Power Drain I, except target loses 5 B16) TransferPower V1 target c 10 Bi 17) Lose Power X 1 target — 0 Bh 18) Leak Power IV target 1 md/5 fail’ 10° 19) Power Drain X Target 10 Ps per round Bes 20) Transfer Power Tater 0 16. Transfer Power V—As Transfer Power I excepihat SPPs ee per round ate lost (and transfered to the ester). 25) Lord Power Drain "Tearget 10 11. Lose Power X—As Lose Powerl, excepttarget loses 1OPPs Et 20) Leak Power V 1 target io 18. Leak Power IV —As Leak Power excepttargetloses4PPs per round. 19, Power Drain X— As Power Drain I, except target loses 10 Ps per round, 20, Transfer Power X — ‘As Transfer Power I, ex- cept that 10 PPS per round ES = Si I} a dl NG Ses ee $2.50) Lose Power Truc 1 target round 30, Leak Power V— As Leak Power except target loses 5 PP per round. 50, Lose Power True — ‘Target loses a number of IY Ps caual tothe casters level Power SUBVERSION 1 Seed of Corruption —Taret ans 1 corruption oi. 4 Dark Temptation Target 100 (open-ended. Adthe ren number fcorupton pointe age hasan ua {hoe tines is SD boruy Ith reuse 100 the character hasbeen comered to "vl The GM should daermine the Tamificatons of suh an event 5 Magical Freny—Forhedustionof ths spel thetarget wl an one spel pr round The spell mus ea Fores Diected leven or Ball Elemental spell The age wil cat the higeslevel he can wihow pving himself mretana3 Spell Casing State Mancuver medication ter nding all bo uses nd pena ncloing teed modicaonof 30) ‘betel ant caste pll evr round witout ining oo Inch only the rgel wil stan casting one pel avon at Tecan the get cannot cast any Fore, Deted Ene, tr all Elemental spel tis spel has effect 1. Corruption Il —As Seed of Comapion, except arg guns Searupion oi | &.CorruptngTflunce I —For the duration of this spel the spt nl espe forever) possible application rahe an Spend on sil other chrases Fa cample-he wil ext Opening instead of pking eck, 10 Call of Darkness — The tage power source Eathnod, | “Lens ete) te temporary comuped All power emanating | fem sure is onder covi fr the duration Guth ational efecto te GMs discretion. Any power pints | awn'rom tis source wil yield 10% of thelr number In | Sorption poins.Forexanpleiespllwsergins 1OPPs from | a source, he will gain I corruption point. 11 Corropting Influence It — AS Corrapting Inftence 1 excep forthe ation 15 Berserk Mage ~ As Magical Frc, except forte duration tod urge wil tem spel that dol nara penal of es itor 38 1A Corrupton V— As Seed of Corruption except target uns $ compan poo Evil AncaNe 13.7.3 POweER SUBVERSION Name ‘Seed of Comruption ‘Dark Tempatation Magical Frenzy 1 target CComuption it Compting Influence 11 target Call of Darkness. Thode day {1} Corruptiong Influence II target 12) 3) Berserk Mage Bi 14) Comuption V 15) Corrupting Influence II] target 16) 57) Compton Vit 18) Comupting influence 1V1 target Target £25) Call of Darkness True 1 node B50) Coruping Influence V 1 target 5), Comuption Tre 15. Corrupting Influence III — As Corrypting Influence 1, ‘except forthe duration. 17, Corruption VIL — As Seed of Corruption, except target gains 7 corruption points. 18, Corrupting Influence IV — As Corrupting Influence 1, except forthe duration, 20. Corruption X — As Seed of Corruption, except target gsins 10 corruption points. 25, Call of Darkness True — As Call of Darkness, except that yield is 20% (10 PPs = 2 corruption points), 30. Corrupting Influence V — As Corrypting Influence 1, except forthe duration 50. Corruption True — As Seed of Corruption, except target ‘Bains a number of corruption points equal othe casters level ‘Area of Effect Duration Range Ts ‘target Po 100 Tame 100 {malo fait 100° L target Pp 100" 3 1 day fail 106 0 2aaysl0 fall 10 Tmas ta 10° Target P 100 3 days/10 fail 10° 1 target Pe. 100 4 dayy/10 fail 19.“ Large P10, Tdayavt 10: S days/10 fail 10 1 target P 100" 93 { { ! TERROR 1. Spook 1 — Target animal panics and will bolt. The target can beheldin check witha successful Animal Handling maneuever | (with a-70 modifier | 3. Spoak 1 As Spek ote ornumberoftages, Bunt Name, Area of et Duron Range HHMI 4 Fear~—Target most mc ae RR D spot Hania Lr 10fal SOTA. Spck It At Spot except for uber of res ames; snail 6. Cold pot — Creates aCold Spt eon uneinessand Seo age Lauwl0 fa 37 ga) ld AnyneonemptieweemuximatesFarRR oth | 55) Spook It animals 1md/10 fal 50 5, 4-410 modifier) Bow aod 1 ok of Feat — As Fear exept aster my gre one E 6) cou spar TR Lda ie pe ued Pseatte ee A. Terror —As Feo eet fore duron. In ion the | fence target 1 min al res ear tater lot amp tac Phobia 1 uarget BR i the caster for I day/10% failuer, p Wordof Fear Viarget ...mmd/S fait: 9. Phobia — Target has a fear of a specific type of thing that the a caver chooue he taget has 229% (ode by te es vainaina | Td thetrgts Sei Discipline ons) chance of mang cr. imal) A to aund te sujet te tage fst oe el ‘ound the sibel 100 (ao opevende) fo determine 2am 1 i tal tow thetegtmisteacto te sues aren es Intetarge eig othe uber (novingatmaiumpace to esavey fom, Ares of 261 merous ine wre tvbing te sj a al eo £18) Phobia I : 10, Word of Fear — As Fear, except that this spel is instanta- 19) © : neous. 20) Mass Fear J targetIvi 1 min/10 fail 11, Fear IIT —As Fear, except forthe numberof targets. 12, Startle — As Spook J, except for the numberof targets. 25) Shout of Teror* —100R | min fail self . 5 fs 13, Phobia II — As Phobia, except that caster can give | phobia 30) Mass Hysteria. 100R I min/ivl_ 100) : camer. Tout aath to cach of two targets or two phobias to a single target. LM Terror T= a8 Teron except forthe mabe oftrges, | Ts Shout ot Fear As Word af Fear seep te Qu! Al witla the ace eae faa 16. Grete Paraola Taget beteve tee. Goes out to gst Gr Word of Fear, except for bees Sie so | eer | 50. Reign of Terror — | my Id} 1G 7 a Sa a

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