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ARCANE BARRIERS | Light Wall— Creates black, insubstantial wall upto20'x20 XI that ight cannot pas into or trough .e-does not hinder rrovement bot blocks vison) 2:Airwall—Createsawallofdensechuringairupto10x10x3 “Thiswall reduces all movement through iby SO. Inadion | alatacks trough the wal ster 4-30 penalty | Light Wall II— As Light Wal except ford 4, Waterwall — Creates a wall of water upto 10x10x1. Thi wal educes all movement though iby 80% In aon a Backs trough the wal suffer a80 penalty $. Woodwall — Creates a wall of wood up o 10x20x2: This walleanbe burned though, chopped through of toppled Gf at propped up somehow). 6 Bartha — As Woodwal,except wall is made of ean and as asi upto 1OxIO8 (at bas, Ia op) of packed cath 2. leewall— As Woodall except wall is made ofc and bas | "RSizeup to 10x10 (at base, I'at top). canbe melted though chipped trough, of oppled (i not propped up some- tow | ater True — As Aira excep fo duration | | 9. Barrier Pit — Opens a pit (500 cubic feet in stone; 1000 cuie feet in earth orice). The entire pit must be within $0 of caster. A pit may not be opened except on a horizontal surface with an inline of less than 45° | 10.Stonewall — As Woodall, except wall is made of stone and | has a size up to 10.10%" It can be chipped through. 1. Waterwall True — As Warerwall, except for duration 12, Woodwall True — As Woodall, except for duration, 13, Barthwall True — As Earth Wall, except for duration. | 14 Teewall I — As /eewall , except for area of effect. 15. Stonewall True — As Stonewall, except for duration. 16, Meld Walls — Fuses 2 touching walls (must be ofthe same material; seam can be up to 20 long) or fuses a section of stone blocks (upto 100 cu") | 17.Groundwall — Creates a wall outof the predominant ground material (grassy earth, sand, etc.) The wall may have dimen- sions of up to 10x100'x!' The wall has all of the physical properties of the ground it came from. 18, Curved Wall — As any one ofthe lower level “wall” spells ‘on this list except Meld Walls), except the wall can be curved upto a semicircle TT Open Arcane 13.1.1 ARCANE BARRIERS ‘Area of Effect Duration Range T} vi Name 1) Lightwall xox" CSO! 2) Airwall 10x20x3, C0 3) Lightwall It 20%20%1" I minivl 50” 4) Waterwall lox CSO 10%x20%2" “1 mini 50" B.S) Woodwall Earthwall xix CSO | Tee Wall Wxi0x? P50" Aiwa True 103203 mint 50° ! )- Barer Pit varies P50 i BO). Stonewall 1Ox10x1"—Lmivtol 30° i Waterwall Tre 10%20x0"“Tminvl 50" i WoodwallTrue.10x2032". PSO" Earhwall Tue 10x10 P30" | Tee Wall loxioxe = PSO i B15) Stonewall True 1010 P50: i Bi 16) Meta Walls “walls” varies touch j BP 17). Groundwall 1ox100%3 I minty 50 | EF 18). Curved Wall caster varies lf { 19) Blend Walls walls varies teh B20). Construction varies © P30) \ 65-25) Groundwall Tae 10x100x7 ~~ P50 ! Hf 30) Wall of Force 10x20%1" mdi 100. i EF 50) Wall ofForce Tre 1052041" I minivl 50 i 19, Blend Walls — As Meld Walls, except walls may be of clissimiliar type. 20, Construction — As Stonewall True, except the caster may create a freestanding structure with a total surface area of up to 2000. 25, Groundwall True — As Groundwall, except forthe dura ‘ion, 30. Wall of Force deity, the easter creates a transparent wall of "force" that is absolutely impassable by anyone or anything. It is up to 10x2031 50, Wall of Force True- By directly Channeling the power of his ‘As Wall of Force,except for duration 1 All “Walt” spells created by spells on this list must rest Ge. stand) on a solid surface. AIL “Wall” spells except Wall of Force) require that atleast ‘cubic foot ofthe material thatthe wall consists consists of be within 50” ofthe caster. 2 3 With all walls, the caster has zhe option of varying the width snd heigth (not the thickness) up tothe allowed dimensions, If the casters attempting to “fll” a space with the wall, the wall will not fit perfectly (ve, not smug). 4 i] ! ! | { | { Spectat Notes Anour WALLS | { | { | { ‘A wall cannot be created in the same space as otber slid i tmatril. Itcan only displace liquids and gasses. See Setion 7.1.13 (in Spell Law) for more information on walls 49 ‘Oren Arcane 15.1.2 ARCANE ForcES Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range 21) Staying | 11b Tmin/v 1008 = f 2). Telekinesis 1 1b 1 minvtvi(C) 100" B: 3) Levitation | target I min/vi “100! BF 4) Staying 1 251. I'minivt 100: 5) Flying Varget 1 minftvl 1007 ‘Telekinesis I ‘S0ibs I minivi(C). 100° 7) Levitation X Target I min/ivl 100° gy Flying IN Vtarget —Uminvtyl 100° 2) Aiming Larget 1 md(C). touch, By Reduce Gravity TR/vL Lmao) “100° #3) Hurling It Target mea E12) Flying True Target I miIvie 100" 20 Ioslvd 20 Ibslvl 1 minivic) 1 min/vi 100, 100. TRI Imdsl 100 E17) Mass Aiming Hargevlvl—Imd(C) Sv 18) Hpling 1V Vearget — UO 19) Rapid Gravity Change target 1 md/l0% | 100 £20): Mass Flying Leargevivl_Vminvlv 100" 25). Magnetize Target min/iv 100 30) Aiming True Imd(C) touch =50) Critic Mass ARCANE Forces |. Staying I —Exens 1 pound of pressure on a person or object. ‘Object cannot be moved by Staying alone and pressurecan only be in one direction 2, Telekensis 1 — Caster can move one object, upto | pound in ‘mass, up to I’ per second (with no acceleration). Ifthe easter stops concentration before the duration is up. the object re= mains stationary as fit had Staying spell with an equal weight Timit cast upon it 3, Levitation I — Allows caster to move up and down vertically 10" perround, The spell does not provide a means forhorizontal 4, Staying IIL — As Saying I,except pressure imitis 25 pounds 5. Flying I — Target can fly at arate of 100’ per round (approxi- ‘mately 7 mph). While Fly is active, normal movement (e.g. walking, running, etc.) is not allowed. 6, Telekinesis I — As Telekinesis[, except mass limit is 25, pounds, 7. Levitation X — As Levitation I, except rate is 100'per round, 8, Flying I — As Flying 1, except rate is 300° per round (approximately 20 mph). 9. Aiming — By concentrating on the mind of a missile firer and the Might ofthe missile, the caster causes +50 to be added tothe attack rll ofthe missile The caster must concentrate, touch the Fires and the see the mssile for the entre round thatthe missile is fired 50 10, Reduce Gravity — The force of gravity is reduced by half in the target area, All falling damageis halved (round up). Moving ‘maneuvers are suffer aspecial-25 penalty. Movement islimited toa jog pace within the area 11 Hurling 1 — Caster may “hurl” one object (that starts within the range of the spel) of 5 pounds or less with suficient force to deliver an attack on the Sling Attack Table (doing double normal concussion hits) with a maximum range of 300" (see ‘Arms Law). The castet’s OB will equal his directed spell skill ‘bonus with this spell 12, Flying True— As Flying I, except rate is 50' per level ofthe caster 14. Telekinesis True — As Telekinesis I, except weight limit is 20 pounds per level ofthe caster. 15, Staying True — As Staying 1, except pressure limit is 10 ‘pounds per level ofthe caster 16. Increase Gravity — The caster increases the gravity in the target area by threefold. All moving maneuvers, melee attacks, and missle altacks within the area suffer a special 50 penalty Exhaustion points accrued while in the target area are doubled. 17. Mass Aiming — As Aiming, except caster can affect as many archers as he has levels All archers (and their arrows) must be ‘within range (and missiles) when the spell is cast. 18, Hurling IV — As Hurling 11, except weight limit is 50 pounds, the atack delivers four times normal concussion dam- ‘age, and the attack has a special +50 modifier. 19, Rapid Gravity Shifts — The targets thrown randomly about for the duration. The target takes a °C’ Impact critical each round. 20, Mass Flying — As Flying I, except affects as many targets as the caster has levels (all targets must be within range of the spell) 25, Magnetize — Target is surrounded by an intense magnetic field (that attracts all ferrous material). Any metal objects within 20' ofthe target must make an RR or be attracted o the target (possibly resulting in a Bash attack on the target). the target is wearing metal armor, he suffers a-25 penalty to all ‘moving maneuvers, Any melee attacks with 20' of the target saffer a special -25 penalty (and have their fumble ranges quadrupled). Missle atacks aimed at the target have a +25 ‘bonus to their OB (if they are a least partially ferrous). Any ‘other missile attacks that pass within 20'of the target suffer a~ 25 penalty to their OB. 30. Aiming True — As Aiming, except attack automatically hits (doing maximum damage). Inaddition, ifthe attack was against creature that takes Large or Super-Large critical the attack is resolved as a Slaying attack. 50, Critical Mass — The target object begins attracting all material (regardless of its eompositonl) within $0. Any loose items within the 50 ofthe target begin lying towards him (and fare crushed upon impact). The target takes dO “A’ Impact criticals each round. Any other person within 50’ ofthe target rust make an RR each round (versus the level ofthis spell) to avoid taking an ‘A’ Impact ential a, ARCANE SENSES 1. Sly Bars — Target gains double normal hearing. This spell confers aspecial +50 bonustoall Awarenessmaneuversinvolv ing only hearing (+25to maneuvers involving hearing and other sen diya leas some smal amount of residual ight requited or thispelto work, See Seton 7.119 (in Spell Law) for moron the environment effet on vison, 3. Quiet Step — Target's steps mld. This resus inaspeial {25 bons tal Staking manners 4 Scent—Target gunsextemely cue sens ofsmel This spell confersaspeciasS0booustoall Awareness maneuvers invly- ing only sell (025 to mancuvers nvelving sell and oer ee) 5. Watervision — As Nighvisin, excep alfets vision der ‘rater (and her guid) 6. Touch —Target aig extreme atl sensivny. This esas ina bomis tall acon that equi 2 sense of touch. For example rget might receive +230 picking locks disarming tap opetng sete dors ct Inadion his spell confers sper 130 bonus oll Awareness maneuvers involving ony tic (25 to maneuvers Involving ouch and oer senses) 1, Sharp Eyes — Tage gins extremely accure sense of vision This spell confers aspeca S0bonus to all Awareness Imancvers involving only won (023 0 mancives involving ston nd oer sent). 8. Darkvision — As Nighnition, except no light sure i required an target can so evennagial created drkes 9. Seent True — As Sent, excep target can detect extemey insets (eg upto 48 burs ld, ae rain sors tough | sow ete, 10, Lightvision — Target can see in any brightness of light i {including that which would normally be blinding or glaring). ‘This spell does not work in the absence of light, OPEN ARCANE 13.1.3, ARCANE SENSES 1) Sly Bars 2) Nightvision Ltarget 10min! 10° Quiet Step target 10 minvivl_ 10° 4) Scent target 10 mini 10° 5) Watervision target 10 minvl_ 10° Touch Ltarget 10 min. 10° ‘Sharp Eyes Ltarget min. 10° Darkvision target 10 minviv 10% ‘Sceat True Vtarget 10 minfvi. 10! Changing Lungs target’ «10min 10 Nightvision True target 10 min/v 10 1ominivi 10° 1Ominivi 1g" Disillusion True target ‘Skin Resilience 1 earget Stop Poison* Vearget * Tdayfivl 10 Target“ Omin/ivi 10 Vearget 10 mivivi 10 Ltarget 10 min/vl 10° 11, Vibration Sense — Target gains extreme sensitivity t0 vibrations inthe ground (or other solid material; up tothe area of effect). Target gains information indicating general move- mens and number of targets (+ 10%). Treat asa +25 to +100 bonus to Awareness maneuvers (depending on the type of activity). 13, Changing Lungs — As Waterlungs,excepttargetcenbreathe any air, water, andlor gas at will 15, Nightvision True — As Nightvision, except range of vision fs the range of normal daylight vision. 17. Disillusion True — For the duration of the spell all illusions withinrange ofthe spell ease tocxist forthe target. Target need not beaware of any illusions within the rangebefore casting this spell 18, Skin Resilience —Targersskinhas the resilience ofa minor drake (effective AT of 12) 20, Stop Poison — For the duration ofthis spell, any poisons in ‘the body ofthe target (atthe time ofthe casting) will nt affect the target. For the duration of this spell, the target cannot be the target of further Stop Poison spells, 25, Sensory True — Target has the effets of Sly Ears, Scent, Touch, and Sharp Eyes spells simultaneously 30. Sensory Merge — Target can “merge” his senses with those of a subject whose exact location is known. Exact location can be established through a prior arrangement. Ifthe subjectis not atthe specified location, the Ps for this spel ae tll expended, 50, Arcane Sense —Caster may use any lower level spell on this Name ‘Area of Effect Duration Range Typ Lightvision Ltarget’ 10 minvl 10" Vibration Sense Target Iminflvi, 10: pepe ule 1 Fe LIER OPEN ARCANE 15.1.4 ARCANE SHIELD yl Name ‘Area of Effect Duration 1D) Shielding * caster E. 2) Repel Target 1 minfvi 3) Shiela caster 1 min/lvl F 4) Enchanted Defense object. 1 mivIv1 5): Deflections 1* L missle I [Bladeturn 1 * attack = Gieater Deflections varies I dv Deflections l= 2missiles. = — ‘Aim Untrue 1 * missle i Bladeturn 11* Dantacks Greater Biademrn varies ‘1 nd/lvl ‘Spell Deflect I* 1 spell a ‘Aim Untrue* —— 2missles ‘Mass Deflections* "varies S Re-Aiming * Imisile = Spell DeflectI* 2 spells = Mass Bladetumn * varies = Mass Aim Unirue* varies = ‘Arcane Armor object 1 min/vi Greater Spell Deflect varies. 1 md/lvl Re-Aiming Tue* ” 100R "self Deflect Truet Battacks = 100" Tobject A min/ivt ‘Arcane Armor True ARCANE SHIELD 1. Shielding — Creates an invisible force shield in front ofthe caster. For the duration of the spel, this functions as a normal shield (subtracting 25 from appropriate attacks, et.) except it

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