CV Keke Aldi

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I. Personal Details

Name : Keke Aldi Wicaksono

Address : Tenggalar RT 01/RW 06 Kelurahan Sutopati, Kecamatan

kajoran kodepos 56153

Phone Number : 085643011971

Email :

Place and Date of Birth : Magelang, April 04, 2004

Gender : Male

Status : Student at SMK Wiyasa Magelang

Religion : Islam

Nationality : Indonesia

II. Educational Background

 Education Formal

1. 2007-2009 Nursery School TK Pertiwi Pulosaren Wonosobo

2. 2009-2016 Elementary School SDN 1 Sutopati Kabupaten Magelang

3. 2017-2019 Junior High School SMP NEGERI 2 Kajoran Kabupaten Magelang
4 .2020-Now Senior High School SMK WIYASA kota Magelang

 Education Non Formal

1. November, 9 2021 table manners at Grand Artos Hotel Magelang

III. Job Experiences

1. 11 December 2021- 30 January 2022 Casual at Plataran Borobudur Hotel Magelang

as a Waiter
2. November 12, 2021 Casual at Puri Asri Hotel Magelang as a Waiter
3. October 11-12, 2021 Casual at Oxalis Hotel Magelang as a Waiter

IV. Organization Experience

1. Join the organization OSIS SMK WIYASA MAGELANG

V. Seminary and Workshop

1. November 12, 2021 Join the Jiva Ananta Got Talent bidang pemuda
Disprorapar kota Magelang

VI. Computer Skill

 Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Programming, Internet


VII. Personality

 Good attitude, kind, communicate, diligent, dicipline, tolerant, target oriented, honest,
creative,motivated and be responsible.

Your sincerely,

Keke Aldi Wicaksono

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