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Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range Type
❑ 1 Star Voice * caster +1 tgt C 100' Fm
❑ 2 Prepare Voice I caster C self U
❑ 3 Mind Voice I * caster +1 tgt C 100' Fm
❑ 4 Focus Voice caster C self U
❑ 5 Greater Star Voice * caster +1 tgt C varies Fm
., ., ., ., ., .,
❑ 6 Mind Voice III * caster +1 tgt C 300' Fm
❑ 7 Prepare Voice II caster C self U
❑ 8 Mind Voice V * caster +1 tgt C 500' Fm
❑ 9 Long Voice I 1 point C 100' E
❑ 10 Mind Voice X * caster +1 tgt C 1,000' Fm
., ., ., ., ., .,
❑ 11 Prepare Voice III caster C self U
❑ 12 Waiting Voice * 10'R varies 100' Fm
❑ 13 Long Voice III 1 point C 300' E
❑ 14 Greater Mind Voice I *caster +1 tgt C 1 mi Fm
❑ 15 Star Voice True caster +1 tgt C varies Fm
FAR VOICE ., ., ., ., ., .,
❑ 16 Prepare Voice IV caster C self U
1. Star Voice—The caster may mentally speak with another
❑ 17 Long Voice V 1 point C 500' E
spell user of the Mentalism realm. They must be able to see
❑ 18 Greater Mind Voice V *caster +1 tgt C 5mi Fm
each other or the caster must know the exact location of the
❑ 19 Prepare Voice V caster C self U
target or the caster must use Focus Voice to locate the target
❑ 20 Lord Voice 1 point C 100'/lvl E
(in all cases, the target must be within range).
2. Prepare Voice I—The caster enters a trance-like state to
., ., ., ., ., .,
❑ 25 Mind Voice True * caster +1 tgt C 1mi/lvl Fm
prepare his mind to be the recipient for a Star Voice spell, ❑ 30 Long Voice True 1 point C 1mi/lvl E
Mind Voice spell or Mind Tongue spell (off Mind Speech ❑ 50 Far Voice caster +1 tgt C varies Fm
(Mentalist Base)). While he is under the effects of this spell,
an incoming spell belonging to one of the three groups
mentioned above will have its range increased by 10 times.
3. Mind Voice I—As Star Voice, except the caster may 13. Long Voice III—As Long Voice I, except the point can be
mentally speak with any one thinking being that he can see. up to 300' away.
4. Focus Voice—When this spell is cast, the next Star Voice or 14. Greater Mind Voice I—As Mind Voice III, except the
Mind Voice spell (cast within one minute of this spell) will be range is 1 mile.
able to focus in on a specific person as its target (even if the 15. Star Voice True—As Star Voice, except the range is 5
caster cannot see the target). The target must have previously miles per level of the caster if the spell is cast on a clear night,
been Mind Stored (see the Starsense spell list). and 1 mile per level of the caster under other conditions.
5. Greater Star Voice—As Star Voice, except the caster may 16. Prepare Voice IV—As Prepare Voice I, except the range
speak to another spell user of the Mentalism realm as far as the is increased by 100 times.
horizon if it is clear and at night, In other circumstances, the range 17. Long Voice V—As Long Voice I, except the point can be
is 1000'. up to 500' away.
6. Mind Voice III—As Mind Voice I, except the range is 300' 18. Greater Mind Voice V—As Greater Mind Voice I, except
and the caster must know exactly where the target is. the range is 5 miles.
7. Prepare Voice II—As Prepare Voice I, except the range is 19. Prepare Voice V—As Prepare Voice I, except range is
increased by 20 times. increased by 500 times.
8. Mind Voice V—As Mind Voice III, except the range is 500'. 20. Lord Voice—As Long Voice I, except the point can be up
9. Long Voice I—Caster can cause his voice to be heard at a to 100' per level away.
point up to 100' away (in amplified tones). If the location is 25. Mind Voice True—As Mind Voice III, except the range is
out of sight, the caster must have been there. 1 mile per level of the caster.
10. Mind Voice X—As Mind Voice III, except the range is 30. Long Voice True—As Long Voice I, except the point can
1000'. be up to 1 mile per level away. companion
11. Prepare Voice III—As Prepare Voice I, except the range 50. Far Voice—As Mind Voice III, except if the target of this
is increased by 50 times. spell is another spell user of the Mentalism realm, the range
12. Waiting Voice—A mental message (of up to 25 words) can is unlimited; otherwise, the range is 5 miles per level of the
be stored and set to be delivered to a person entering the area caster.
of effect (with a trigger). The triggering area must be no
larger than 10'R and the trigger can be any of the following:
a fixed time period (up to 24 hours), specified movements, 127
specified sounds, touch, or by a specified person entering the
area (that person must have been Mind Stored by the caster;
see the Starsense spell list).
Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range Type
❑ 1 Starpaths caster C self I
❑ 2 Literacy I caster C self U
❑ 3 Dream I caster 1 sleep self I
❑ 4 Vision Behind I varies varies touch I
❑ 5 Literacy II caster C self U
., ., ., ., .,
❑ 6 Dreams II caster 1 sleep self I
❑ 7 Vision Guide 1 spell varies self I
❑ 8 Literacy III caster C self U
❑ 9 Dreams III caster 1 sleep self I
❑ 10 Commune I caster C self I
., ., ., ., .,
❑ 11 Vision Behind II varies varies touch I
❑ 12 Literacy IV caster C self U
❑ 13 Vision Behind III varies varies touch I
❑ 14 Dreams IV caster 1 sleep self I
❑ 15 Commune III caster C self I 8. Literacy III—As Literacy I, except the caster has the reading
., ., ., ., ., level of the average literate man, and may write at a “ninth
❑ 16 Vision Behind IV varies varies touch I grade level” (equivalent to someone who has completed “sec-
❑ 17 ondary” education or finished a craft or trade apprenticeship).
❑ 18 Vision Behind V varies varies touch I For the duration of the spell, the caster has the equivalent of
❑ 19 skill rank 6 in the written form of the language.
❑ 20 Vision Behind VI varies varies touch I 9. Dreams III—As Dream I, except limit is 3 dreams per night
., ., ., ., ., on different topics.
❑ 25 Commune True caster C self I
10. Commune I—Caster receives (usually from his patron
❑ 30 Dream Mastery caster 1 sleep self I
deity) a “yes” or a “no” answer to a question on a single topic.
❑ 50 High Prayer caster C self I
This spell may be used a maximum of once per day.
11. Vision Behind II—As Vision Behind I, except time range is up to
10 minutes per level of the caster (with an accuracy of ±5 minutes)
HOLY VISION and the trance can last up to 1 minute per level of the caster.
1. Starpaths—On a clear night, when stars and/or the moon(s) 12. Literacy IV—As Literacy I, except the caster may read
are visible, the caster gains perfect directional and distance relatively complex material and recognize (if not fully under-
sense. For the duration of this spell, he will always know stand) the nature of archaic or unusual dialects and concepts.
where he is in relation to known landmarks. For the duration of the spell, the caster has the equivalent of
skill rank 8 in the written form of the language.
2. Literacy I—Caster is able to read and write very simple
phrases and words in a specific language, and possibly under- 13. Vision Behind III—As Vision Behind I, except time range is up
stand the context of very simple passages. The caster must have to 1 hour per level of the caster (with an accuracy of ±30 minutes)
a sample text in the target language. For the duration of the and the trance can last up to 5 minutes per level of the caster.
spell, the caster has the equivalent of skill rank 2 in the written 14. Dreams IV—As Dream I, except limit is 4 dreams per
form of the language. night on different topics.
3. Dream I—Caster has a dream relating to a topic decided 15. Commune III—As Commune I, except caster receives
upon just before retiring. The caster must sleep for a normal answers to three questions.
sleep cycle (minimum of 4 hours) for this spell to work. 16. Vision Behind IV—As Vision Behind I, except time range is
4. Vision Behind I—Caster gets a vision of up to 1 minute (per up to 1 day per level of the caster (with an accuracy of ±1 hour)
level of experience) into the past. The caster must select the point and the trance can last up to 10 minutes per level of the caster.
in the past to be viewed (and the vision will be accurate within 18. Vision Behind V—As Vision Behind I, except time range is
one minute). The vision must be associated with a person, place up to 1 month per level of the caster (with an accuracy of ±1
or object touched at the time of casting. The vision includes sight day) and the trance can last up to 1 hour per level of the caster.
and sound. The vision will last up to 1 round (per level of the 20. Vision Behind VI—As Vision Behind I, except time range is
Mentalism caster) if the caster concentrates and remains inactive. The caster up to 1 year per level of the caster (with an accuracy of ±1 week)
Companion is effectively in a trance while concentrating. Time passes at a and the trance can last up to 5 hours per level of the caster.
rate of one round of real time for 10 rounds of vision.
25. Commune True—As Commune I, except caster can
5. Literacy II—As Literacy I, except the caster can read moderately receive a more detailed answer (e.g., a name or short phrase)
simple writings and understand most of the details, but will have to a question involving only one concept.
trouble with subtle concepts. For the duration of the spell, the caster
30. Dream Mastery—As Dream I, except caster is able to
has the equivalent of skill rank 4 in the written form of the language.
manipulate his dream in a limited way to gain more information
6. Dreams II—As Dream I, except limit is 2 dreams per night on a specific topic. For example, while he is in the dream he can
128 on different topics. ask a question (but there is no guarantee it will be answered).
7. Vision Guide—This spell gives the caster the ability to scan 50. High Prayer—Caster receives detailed information from
the past by “feeling the temporal location for significant his deity on a single topic question.
events.” This translates to the caster knowing the approximate
time-frames of significant events, without knowing the nature SPECIAL NOTE
of the events. To use this knowledge, the caster must cast a See Chapter 16 for material on Dreams and Chapter 11 for
Vision Behind spell (within one minute of casting this spell). details on handling Vision Behind spells.
1. Projected Light—Beam of light (like a flashlight) springs
from the caster’s palm. This light has a 50' effective range. If ASTROLOGER BASE 17.2.3
the caster closes his fist, the light will “turn off”; when the fist
is opened, the light will come back on (so long as the duration
of the spell has not expired). Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range Type
2. Self Aura I—Generates a bright aura about the caster, ❑ 1 Projected Light 50' beam 10 min/lvl self E
making him appear more powerful and subtracting 5 from all ❑ 2 Self Aura I caster 10 min/lvl self U
attacks against him. ❑ 3 Light II 20'R 10 min/lvl touch E
3. Light II—Lights either one area of 20'R about the point ❑ 4 Light Eruption 10'R — 100' F
touched or lights two areas of 10'R about two points touched. ❑ 5 Shock Bolt I 1 target — 100' DE
If a point is on a mobile object or being, the light will move ., ., ., ., ., .,
with the object/being. Note the total radius which can be lit ❑ 6 Self Aura II caster 10 min/lvl self U
is 20'. See Section 7.1.7 (Spell Law). ❑ 7 Flare varies 3 rnd/lvl 500' DE
❑ 8 Utterlight I 10'R 1 min/lvl touch E
4. Light Eruption—[RR Mod: -10] Causes a 10'R sphere of ❑ 9 Self Aura III caster 10 min/lvl self U
intense light, all within the radius of effect are stunned for 1 ❑ 10 Beacon V 5 miles 1 min/lvl self E
round per 5 failure.
., ., ., ., ., .,
5. Shock Bolt I—A bolt of intense, charged light is shot from ❑ 11 Light VI 60'R 10 min/lvl touch E
the palm of the caster. The attack is resolved on the Shock ❑ 12 Lesser Starbolt 1 target — 300' DE
Bolt Attack Table. ❑ 13 Waiting Light II 20'R 10 min/lvl touch E
6. Self Aura II—As Self Aura I, except subtracts 10 from all ❑ 14 Lord Self Aura caster 10 min/lvl self U
attacks. ❑ 15 Flash 1 target — 100' F
7. Flare—A 6" radius ball of light is shot from the palm of the ., ., ., ., ., .,
caster. It will travel to the limit of the range, explode (as a ❑ 16 Beacon X 10 miles 1 min/lvl self E
flare), burn with a bright light (as a flare), drift slowly to earth, ❑ 17 Lord Light 200'R 10 min/lvl touch E
and go out. An area of radius equal to the range is lit if the flare ❑ 18 Utterlight V 50'R 1 min/lvl touch E
can rise to its full range. The flare drops at 10' per round. If ❑ 19 Greater Starbolt 1 target — 1000' DE
fired at a target, resolve the attack as a Shock Bolt that delivers ❑ 20 Self Aura True caster 10 min/lvl self U
Heat criticals. ., ., ., ., ., .,
❑ 25 Starfires 1 point C 500' E
8. Utterlight I—Lights a 10'R area about the point touched ❑ 30 Starhand 1 point 1 rnd/lvl 6" DE
with equivalent illumination to full daylight. It also nullifies ❑ 50 Starfires True 1 point Varies Varies DE
all magically created darkness for the duration in that area. If
the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the
9. Self Aura III—As Self Aura I, except subtracts 15 from all 18. Utterlight V—As Utterlight I, except up to 5 areas can be
attacks. lit with a total radius of 50'.
10. Beacon V—A ray of light (any color) springs from caster’s 19. Greater Starbolt—As Lesser Starbolt, except the range
palm. This ray can be up to 5 miles long. is 1,000'.
11. Light VI—As Light II, except up to 6 areas can be lit with 20. Self Aura True—As Self Aura I, except subtracts 25 from
a total radius of 60'. all attacks.
12. Lesser Starbolt—A bolt of intense coherent light (color 25. Starfires—Focuses starlight or moonlight as a lens that
chosen by the caster at time of casting, but may not be white) must be focussed initially on a fixed point. After 1 round, it
is shot from the caster’s palm. The attack is resolved on the can be moved at a rate of 1' per round. It will burn through
Fire Bolt Attack Table, with the following special rules: If the a 1' diameter at a rate of 6" per round (for wood), 1" per round
bolt hits a reflective surface (such as a mirror or a highly (for stone), or 0.5" per round (in metal). This spell cannot be
polished breastplate), the bolt will be harmlessly scattered; used effectively in combat (as foes can easily move out of the
however the reflective surface will be burned/tarnished (los- way). However if used on an immobile foe, see Starhand for
ing its reflectivity until repaired or polished). If the bolt hits damage resolution process.
a surface which has the same color as the bolt (a green bolt 30. Starhand—As Starfires, except the range and focus must
strikes the target’s green robes), the concussion hit damage be within 6" from open palm of caster (and caster’s arm is
delivered by the bolt is halved (round down; e.g., a result of immune unless he fumbles an attack; see below) and it can
5 hits and an ‘A’ critical becomes 2 hits and an ‘A’ critical). be moved 10' per round. It can be used in melee; striking on
13. Waiting Light II—As Light II, except the caster can delay the Fire Bolt Attack table with an OB equal to the caster’s
the effects of the spell and it can be triggered by one of the directed spell skill bonus with Starhand (with a special
following (decided by caster at time of casting): elapsed time modification of +30 to the attack roll if the caster can touch Mentalism
(up to 24 hours), specific movements, specific sounds, or the target). If the attack is fumbled (01-02 UM), the caster companion
touch. takes an automatic ‘A’ Heat Critical.
14. Lord Self Aura—As Self Aura I, except subtracts 20 from 50. Starfires True—As Starfires or Starhand, except star/
all attacks. moonlight is not required.
15. Flash—A brilliant flash blinds the target for 1 round per 5
16. Beacon X—As Beacon V, except the ray can be up to 10 None of the Self Aura spells are cumulative with each
miles long. other or with Blur or other Aura spells.
17. Lord Light—As Light II, except up to 20 areas can be lit
with a total radius of 200'.
7. Determine Birth Time—Caster can determine the date of
birth and time of birth of the target to the nearest minute.
ASTROLOGER BASE 17.2.4 8. Horary II—As Horary I, except the time frame which can
be assessed is 1 hour per level of the caster into the future.
STARLORE 9. Ephemeris V—As Ephemeris I, except can be up to five
Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range Type years into the past or the future.
❑ 1 Determine House caster — self I 10. Interpret Progression I—Given a birth chart which has been
❑ 2 Ephemeris I caster — self I progressed for a single month in a given year (either in the past or
❑ 3 Interpret Natal Chart 1 chart 1 min self I in the future), the caster can correlate all the astrologically
❑ 4 Horary I caster 1 min self I significant information to provide an interpretation of the celestial
❑ 5 Ephemeris III caster — self I influences upon the person described by the chart over the course
., ., ., ., ., of that month. The caster can provide a general summary of the
❑ 6 Determine Birth Place 1 target — 10' P trends in one specific area of life over the course of that month. The
❑ 7 Determine Birth Time 1 target — 10' P interpretation will not reveal the destination(s) involved nor the
❑ 8 Horary II caster 1 min self I timings of the journeys. The duration of this spell represents the
❑ 9 Ephemeris V caster — self I necessary time for the caster’s mind to organize a description of
❑ 10 Interpret Progression I 1 chart 1 min self I the interpretation.
., ., ., ., ., 11. Calculate Aspects—Allows the caster to determine all the
❑ 11 Calculate Aspects caster — self I aspects in a given chart or charts which are considered relevant in
❑ 12 Horary III caster 1 min self I the caster’s system of astrology. This will usually include all
❑ 13 Ephemeris X caster — self I conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines, quincunx, sextiles, etc.
❑ 14 Draw Chart 1 chart 1 min touch E
12. Horary III—As Horary I, except the time frame which can
❑ 15 Interpret Progression II 1 chart 1 min self I
be assessed is 1 day per level of the caster into the future.
., ., ., ., ., 13. Ephemeris X—As Ephemeris I, except can be up to ten
❑ 16 Horary IV caster 1 min self I
❑ 17 Ephemeris XV caster — self I years into the past or the future.
❑ 18 Interpret Synastry 1 chart/5 lvls 1 min self I 14. Draw Chart—Based on available previously determined
❑ 19 Lord Ephemeris caster — self I data (e.g., Ascendant, Midheaven, celestial positions), the
❑ 20 Horary V caster 1 min self I caster can trace out an astrological chart (which is completely
., ., ., ., ., accurate given the available information) onto a suitable
❑ 25 Ephemeris True caster — self I surface. The duration of this spell represents the time taken
❑ 30 Horary True caster 1 min self I for the caster to trace out the chart.
❑ 50 Starlore caster — self I 15. Interpret Progression II—As Interpret Progression I,
except the caster can either choose to have a general summary
of the trends in all areas of life in the month of interest or can
choose to have a detailed analysis of one specific area of life
1. Determine House—Determines the Ascendant and (e.g., travel). In the latter case, the interpretation will reveal
Midheaven for a given time at a given location to an accuracy events and trends of lesser importance and may disclose the
of one angular minute (one-sixtieth of a degree), and deter- timings of these events to the nearest day.
mines the Sun Sign for that given time.
16. Horary IV—As Horary I, except the time frame which can
2. Ephemeris I—Determines the astrological positions of all be assessed is 1 week per level of the caster into the future.
culturally relevant celestial bodies for a given location on a given
17. Ephemeris XV—As Ephemeris XV, except can be up to
day up to one year into the past or up to one year into the future.
fifteen years into the past or the future.
3. Interpret Natal Chart—Given a birth chart, the caster can
18. Interpret Synastry—Given a number of birth charts or
correlate all the astrologically significant information to pro-
progressed birth charts, the caster can correlate the astrologi-
vide one of three types of interpretation of the celestial influ-
cally significant information in terms of correspondences
ences on the person described by that birth chart. The caster can
between or among the birth charts. The caster can then provide
provide a general character analysis of the person in terms of
an analysis of how the persons described by the given charts
all areas of life, a detailed analysis of the person for one specific
will interact with each other based on the celestial influences
area of life (e.g., health, love, aspirations etc.), or a problem
exerted upon them either at their births or at a given time. A
analysis considering the merits and demerits of that person
synastric interpretation might (in many cultures) be required to
with respect to some decision or undertaking. The duration of
determine if a given marriage was astrologically advisable or
this spell represents the necessary time for the caster’s mind to
to determine the soundness of a business partnership. The
organize a description of the interpretation.
caster can only provide a synastric interpretation for a maxi-
4. Horary I—Given a query concerning a decision, an action, an mum of one chart per five levels of the caster (round up). The
event, etc., the caster can provide an assessment of the outcome of duration of this spell represents the necessary time for the
querent’s topic based upon the celestial influences beginning from caster’s mind to organize a description of the interpretation.
Companion the time at which the query was asked until ten minutes per level
19. Lord Ephemeris—As Ephemeris I, except can be up to
of the caster into the future. The caster’s prediction will depend on
twenty years into the past or the future.
the nature of the query, but might include whether the outcome
will be positive or negative, the probable outcome, any “trends” 20. Horary V—As Horary I, except the time frame which can
which will probably develop in the time-frame. With longer time- be assessed is 1 month per level of the caster into the future.
frames, the predictions will fail to note the lesser trends or minor 25. Ephemeris True—As Ephemeris I, except can be up to
events. Only one Horary spell may be cast by the caster in any two years per level of the caster into the past or the future.
130 given 24-hour period, and failed spells count towards that limit. 30. Horary True—As Horary I, except the time frame which
The prediction will be accurate 25% of the time plus 1% per level can be assessed is 1 year per level of the caster into the future.
of the caster (otherwise, the results will be random). The duration 50. Starlore—As Ephemeris I, except can be up to five years
of this spell is the time required to assess the celestial influences. per level of the caster into the past or the future.
5. Ephemeris III—As Ephemeris I, except can be up to three
years into the past or the future.
6. Determine Birth Place—Caster can determine the exact
See page 25 for notes.
location of the target’s birth to the nearest mile.
1. Presence—Caster is aware of the presence of all thinking/
sentient beings within his range. ASTROLOGER BASE 17.2.5
2. Location I—Gives the direction and distance to any specific
object or place that the caster is familiar with or has had
described in detail. The object or place must be within 100' of Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range Type
the caster. ❑ 1 Presence * 10'R/lvl C self U
3. Stareyes—The caster can see on a clear night (when the stars ❑ 2 Location I 1 target — 100' P
or moonlight is visible) as if it were day. The range of the ❑ 3 Stareyes caster 10 min/lvl self U
caster’s vision is that of normal daylight vision. The caster ❑ 4 Location III 1 target — 300' P
must be outdoors for this spell to function. ❑ 5 Mind Store * 1 target — 10'/lvl Pm
4. Location III—As Location I, except the range is 300'. ., ., ., ., ., .,
❑ 6 Minor Finding caster C 100'/lvl Pm
5. Mind Store—Caster stores the mental pattern of a target ❑ 7 Location V 1 target — 500' P
(which must first have been detected by Presence). This can ❑ 8 Mind Typing * 1 target — 10'/lvl Pm
be used with other spells (both on this list and others). The ❑ 9 Direction caster — 1000'/lvl Pm
caster can only have as many patterns stored as the sum of his ❑ 10 Starhearing caster 10 min/lvl self U
Memory and Presence stats (not the bonuses). The caster can ., ., ., ., ., .,
choose to release a pattern at any given time (the GM should ❑ 11 Transfer Mind Store 1 target — touch Pm
require that a character keep track of all the patterns he has ❑ 12 Awareness * caster C 10'/lvl Pm
stored). ❑ 13 Nighteyes caster 10 min/lvl self U
6. Minor Finding—Caster learns direction and distance to any ❑ 14 Greater Location 1 target — 1 mi P
unshielded mind for which he has a mental pattern from Mind ❑ 15 Starfinding caster C unlimited Pm
Store and which is within 100' per level of the caster. ., ., ., ., ., .,
7. Location V—As Location I, except the range is 500'. ❑ 16 Finding I caster C 1 mi/lvl Pm
❑ 17 Darkeyes caster 10 min/lvl self U
8. Mind Typing—Caster learns the race, profession, and level ❑ 18 Greater Direction caster — 5 mi/lvl Pm
of a target. The target must have been located by the Presence ❑ 19 Nighthearing caster 10 min/lvl self U
spell. ❑ 20 Lord Location 1 target — 20 mi P
9. Direction—Caster learns the direction to any unshielded ., ., ., ., ., .,
mind for which he has a mental pattern from Mind Store, and ❑ 25 Direction True caster — unlimited Pm
which is within range of this spell. ❑ 30 Finding True caster C unlimited Pm
10. Starhearing—On a clear night (under starlight or moon- ❑ 50 Starlocation 1 target — varies P
light), the caster attunes himself to the “music of the spheres”
and can hear the faintest of sounds by merely concentrating his
attention to a given locale. The caster’s range of hearing is up
to the horizon. Note the caster must be outdoors for this spell 50. Starlocation—As Location I, except the range is unlimited
to function, and he cannot concentrate his attention to areas that if both the caster and the target are outdoors while the stars are
are not under the starlight or moonlight (e.g., within buildings, visible. If either the caster or the target (or both) are not
etc.). outdoors, the range is 1 mile per level of the caster.
11. Transfer Mind Store—The caster can transfer a copy of
any one Mind Stored pattern to another spell user from the SPECIAL NOTE
Mentalism realm (i.e., both casters now have the person When using Location spells, the caster must provide an
stored). The target of this spell must know the Mind Store unambiguous description of the object being sought. This
spell (but he needn’t spend the PPs to cast Mind Store). includes a minimum of: the item’s dimensions (within 10% of
12. Awareness—As Presence, but the caster also gains general actual size) and at least two other identifying attributes (e.g.,
knowledge of the targets’ actions. In a tactical situation, the color, weight, shape, texture, composition, etc.). Often it will
caster can declare his actions after learning one of the targets’ take more than two other attributes to make the description
actions for the round (and in which “phase” they want to “unique” (i.e., no other item can possibly match the descrip-
perform the action). This does not prevent the targets from tion). The gamemaster may find the following formula for
changing their actions (with the appropriate penalty for chang- calculating the distance to the horizon useful.
ing their actions).
Distance to horizon (in miles) =
13. Nighteyes—As Stareyes, except the caster can see on a dark
night (no stars visible and no moonlight) as if it were day. The D=diameter of planet (in miles), H =
darkness must be naturally occurring (not from any magical Height above sea-level (n feet), and C =
effects). 5280.
14. Greater Location—As Location I, except for the range. Mentalism
In using this formula, the gamemaster companion
15. Starfinding—As Minor Finding, except the range is unlim- should remember that the height is
ited if both the caster and the target are outdoors when the the height of the character's eyes
stars are visible. above sea-level, so even if
16. Finding I—As Minor Finding, except for the range. the feet are at sea level,
17. Darkeyes—As Stareyes, except the caster can see in the eyes will be five to six
magically created darkness as if it were day. feet above. The
18. Greater Direction—As Direction, except for the range. gamemaster should also
remember that the result
19. Nighthearing—As Starhearing, except the caster is able to
attune himself to the “music of the spheres” on dark nights of this formula is a
when there is neither starlight nor moonlight. maximum distance–
buildings, landscape
20. Lord Location—As Location I, except for the range. features, etc., will all
25. Direction True—As Direction, except for the range. block the field of view.
30. Finding True—As Minor Finding, except for the range.
8. Voice of Command—As Voice of Calming, except the
target will obey any actions suggested by the caster that are
ASTROLOGER BASE 17.2.6 not totally alien to the target (e.g., no suicide commands, no
blinding himself commands, etc.).
WAY OF THE VOICE 9. Speech III—As Speech I, except the caster is reasonably fluent
in the language. The caster’s accent is imperfect, but there is only
Lvl Name Area of Effect Duration Range Type
a slight chance of misinterpretation. For the duration of the spell,
❑ 1 Speech I caster C self U
the caster has the equivalent of skill rank 6 (spoken) in the
❑ 2 Voice of Calming 1 target varies 50' Fm
❑ 3 Question 1 target — 10' Fm
❑ 4 Voice of Fear 1 target varies 50' Fm 10. Voice of Beguilement—As Voice of Calming, except the
❑ 5 Speech II caster C self U target will believe that the reasoning and ideas put forward by
the caster are correct and valid, and will be unable to doubt
., ., ., ., ., these beliefs for the duration of the spell. After the spell has
❑ 6 Orate I caster 1 min/lvl self U
❑ 7 Voice of Paralysis 1 target varies self Fm ended, the target will continue to believe these ideas until
❑ 8 Voice of Command 1 target varies 50' Fm either persuaded otherwise or presented with irrefutable
❑ 9 Speech III caster C self U evidence to the contrary.
❑ 10 Voice of Beguilement 1 target varies 50' Fm 11. Calming Oration—As Voice of Calming, except effects
., ., ., ., ., all within range who can hear and understand the caster.
❑ 11 Calming Oration varies varies 50' Fm 12. Orate II—As Orate I, except the bonus is +20.
❑ 12 Orate II caster 1 min/lvl self U
13. Speech IV—As Speech I, except the caster speaks the
❑ 13 Speech IV caster C self U
target language as if he were a native. For the duration of the
❑ 14 Fear Oration varies varies self Fm
spell, the caster has the equivalent of skill rank 8 (spoken) in
❑ 15 Paralyzing Oration varies varies 50' Fm
the language.
., ., ., ., ., 14. Fear Oration—As Voice of Fear, except affects all within
❑ 16 Commanding Oration varies varies 50' Fm
❑ 17 Speech V caster C self U range who can hear and understand the caster.
❑ 18 15. Paralyzing Oration—As Voice of Paralysis, except ef-
❑ 19 Beguiling Oration varies varies 50' Fm fects all within range who can hear and understand the caster.
❑ 20 Voice of Dominion 1 target 1 day/lvl 50' U 16. Commanding Oration—As Voice of Command, except
., ., ., ., ., effects all within range who can hear and understand the
❑ 25 Common Speech caster C self U caster.
❑ 30 Orate True caster 1 min/lvl self U
17. Speech V—As Speech I, except the caster has absolute
❑ 50 Voice of Dominion Tr. 1 target P 50' Fm
fluency in the target language and all closely related dialects.
For the duration of the spell, the caster has the equivalent of
skill rank 10 (spoken) in the language.
WAY OF THE VOICE 19. Beguiling Oration—As Voice of Beguilement, except
effects all within range who can hear and understand the
1. Speech I—The caster is able to communicate basic ideas in caster.
the language of a specific being (e.g., hungry, thirsty, bath-
room, peace, etc.). For the duration of the spell, the caster has 20. Voice of Dominion—The target will consider the caster to be
the equivalent of skill rank 2 (spoken) in the language. a staunch ally and friend, and will obey any commands directly
issued by the caster which are not truly alien, and where no
2. Voice of Calming—The target is calmed and cannot take commands have been issued by the caster, the target will act in
aggressive (offensive) action, while the caster speaks to the what he considers to be the caster’s best interests. The caster
target (requiring concentration of the caster). After the caster must speak alone and without interruption with the target for at
ceases to speak to the target, the effect will continue for as least one minute per level of the target, both the target and the
many rounds as the caster has already spoken. For example, if caster must be within 50' of each other (and able to see each
the caster speaks to a target for 3 rounds, the target will be other), and the target must be able to hear and understand the
calmed for those 3 rounds plus the following 3 rounds. Note the caster (who may concentrate on Speech or Common Speech
target must be able to hear and understand the caster. The caster spells while establishing his hold over the target). The allegiance
may concentrate on this spell and a Speech or Common Speech of the target can be prematurely terminated if dispelling magic
spell at the same time. is employed or if the target is presented with irrefutable evidence
3. Question—The target must answer a single-concept ques- that the caster has betrayed him or if the caster orders the target
tion truthfully (though he must be able to understand the to perform a truly alien act.
question). 25. Common Speech—As Speech V, except all who can hear
4. Voice of Fear—As Voice of Calming, except the target will the caster will hear him in their native language, and the
become afraid of one person (including the caster), object, or caster may concentrate on understanding a different lan-
Mentalism place chosen by the caster at time of casting, and will flee in fear guage each round. Note the caster cannot simultaneously
Companion from the source of that fear at maximum pace for the duration of understand more than one language in any given round
this spell. Note that unless the target is restrained (even in a minor through using this spell.
way), he will attempt to run after one round. 30. Orate True—As Orate I, except the bonus is +50.
5. Speech II—As Speech I, except the caster can communicate 50. Voice of Dominion True—As Voice of Dominion, except
in more complex concepts, although there is a good chance of the caster must speak with the target for ten minutes per level
misinterpretation. For the duration of the spell, the caster has of the target, and the duration of the allegiance is permanent
the equivalent of skill rank 4 (spoken) in the language. unless terminated prematurely as described in Voice of Do-
132 6. Orate I—For the duration of this spell, the caster receives a minion.
special +10 bonus to all non-magical attempts to persuade
and/or influence people.
7. Voice of Paralysis—As Voice of Calming, except the target can
take no more than 10% action each round for the duration of this

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