Action Resource Info

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Action Resource Information: for direct defense of & in the the wilds!

Things to remember in the woods

The ecological community you are in has seen centuries. Take your time. We belong to the woods, and we can feel safe in them. If you get unsettled by whatever is coming down, stop a minute, crawl into the bush, and pay attention to plants & bugs. Take hints from the ways other people (deer, badgers, et al) live and move in the woods. Motion is visible; the best way to hide is to keep still, face covered. Darkness can help us and hold us safe. Its usually easier to deal with tough situations when youre with a buddy, or a tight affinity group. Take care of each other. Be ready for the unexpected; imagine possible scenarios and stay alert and responsive to whatever situations occur. Distinguish logistical strategies like these from non-violence principals. Its too easy to fall into the trap of saying stuff like, But drinking isnt non-violent While sobriety may be prudent, it is not a measure of pacifism.

Affinity Groups (AGs) and Support

The easiest way to organize decentralized actions is through affinity groups. Each activist belongs to a group which can make its own plans and cordinate them with the whole. If you dont have a group to start with you can join an existing one or start a new one. While local organizers can provide alot of ideas and resources, each group is ultimately responsible for itself. When you plan an action, make sure you include support roles: emergency contact people, drivers for drop offs and pick ups, media spokesfolks, etc. Remember these things are as important as the star roles of the action. Discuss with your AG your preferences in sticky situations. Do you want search & rescue sent after you if you are lost, or would you rather die in the wilderness? Do you want others to be with you if you get nabbed? Discuss jail solidarity before you get arrested. Always have support phone numbers with you, preferably written on you so they cant be taken away in jail, and money for a phone call. If youre going to use an alternative name or story, get it together beforehand and have a support person who knows it. The support numbers for this action are:

Gear List
Clothes: for full range of possible weather! get camo or drab clothes, or use black, drab, and khaki paint to camouflage your gear hat, gloves (for warmth & security), socks, bandannas throwaway shoes for situations in which you dont want prints matched non-camo jogging underclothes for leaving a place without looking like a guerrilla raingear Sustenance water bottle(s): full when you start out food: compact, high energy Orientation flashlight/headlamp (be careful about pointing headlamp at people) extra batteries, extra bulb red lens or cellophane to mask lens compass & map(s) Emergency stuff space blanket matches/lighter first aid kit: bandaids, tape & gauze, anti-bacterial cream, ace bandage, butterfly bandages, splinter kit (needle, tweezers, razor), snakebite kit. whistle mirror/ something bright to attract attention water purification tablets This and that pocketknife duct tape (wrap around pencil stub) cord or webbing watch (synchronized with AG) cayenne (for warm toes & safe trails) sleeping bag & shelter (tarp or tent) for long trips moneyand phone numbers for a phone call Keep emergency stuff, some food (& water), & orientation stuff in fanny pack, which you do not take off. Extra clothes and food can go in backpack which can be ditched. Make sure you have all you need in your backpack; its a drag if your AG splits up and you dont have food or raingear with you. If youre picking up stuff, its always nice to grab some extra batteries, compasses, etc. because there will always be folks who dont have them.

Some principles of non-violence

(each affinity group should consense on their own) We listen to others and acknowledge our differences. We endeavor to respect all living things we encounter. (Even cops, though not too much) We will not return the hostility or anger of others. We will take personal responsibility for being in a clear state of mind. We will not retreat from conflict if it occurs, but will act in ways to resolve it peacefully. (We will not leave others in the lurch.) We realize that there may be people at the actions (including workers or police) who do not share the same principles we do. Caution: Non-violent direct action may be hazardous to your health, and in some cases has led to injury and even death. Self-preservation is not a wise reason to use non-violence. We use it to try to stop the cycle of destruction, but that sometimes means it stops after us. Be careful and brave.

Security and evaluation: Two of the most important parts of an action are talking about it afterwards and not talking about it afterwards. Always get together with your affinity group after any action and discuss what went well and what could have been done better. This is useful for meetings as well. Dont talk about anything illegal you or others have done to anyone who doesnt need to know. Assume that others may have more need of your security habits than you do, and be tight about them.

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