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It is very important to maintain efficient software to handle information of a Hospital. This application provides a way
to record this information and to access these in a simple way.

The existing systems provide the basic functionalities needed to be handled in a hospital management environment.
There is no intelligence of the software in such cases. In the existing system all the patient details, doctor availability
details and regarding the tests done to the patients prescribed by the doctor is maintained manually by the receptionist.
If a patient has to be admitted we need to check the availability of the bed which consumes lots of time if done
manually. Also there is no proper search technique to check the patient information. It is a very difficult task to
maintain all the finance management system, and the records which maintain doctor details, of the hospital by using
this existing system. There are also many loopholes when we look at the security of the system. These are the main
disadvantages of the existing systems that are overcome in the proposed model.
The current system requires numerous paper forms, with data stores spread throughout the hospital management
infrastructure. Often information (on forms) is incomplete, or does not follow management standards. Forms are often
lost in transit between departments requiring a comprehensive auditing process to ensure that no vital information is
lost. Multiple copies of the same information exist in the hospital and may lead to inconsistencies in data in various
data stores. A significant part of the operation of any hospital involves the acquisition, management and timely
retrieval of great volumes of information. This information typically involves; patient personal information and
medical history, staff information, room and ward scheduling, staff scheduling, operating theater scheduling and
various facilities waiting lists. All of this information must be managed in an efficient and cost wise fashion so that an
institution's resources may be effectively utilized HMS will automate the management of the hospital making it more
efficient and error free. It aims at standardizing data, consolidating data ensuring data integrity and reducing

Appointment Management Module:

Integrate appointment widgets in your online Hospital management system. Besides, enable easy scheduling for
patients with the hospital website.

Billing Module:
It is difficult to maintain and track separate bills for treatments, testing labs, and diagnostics. Hence, integrate the
billing system in your hospital. Besides, get customized alerts for payment dues too.

Prescriptions Module:
Make a note of commonly used medicines. Further, keep track of the availability of frequently used medicines in the
pharmacy. On the other hand, switch to digital prescriptions to avoid wrong medication.

In-Patient Management Module:

Get all the details of in-patients with an online Hospital Management System. Besides, integrate all the details into a
single platform. Further, add discharge summary and ensure proper IP bill closure.

OT Management Module:
Check the OT availability with the online Hospital management system. Thus, automate operation scheduling and
make use of Operation theatres efficiently.

Lab Module:
Handle your orders, automate report generations, and enable smart notifications. Further, switch to analytical reports
with an online Hospital management system.

Branch Management Module:

Manage all your branches with a single platform with an integrated online Hospital Management System. Data can
also be accessed across branches.

STEP 1: Gain Agreement on the Problem Definition


The problem of : Lack of Immediate retrieval

Affects Patients, doctor, receptionist
And results in Decrease in outpatient , difficulties in maintaining the records
Benefits of a 1.Increase in outpatient
solution 2.Easy to access the data record.

STEP 2: Understand the Root Causes (The Problem Behind the Problem)

Root cause analysis is a systematic way of uncovering the root, or underlying, cause of an identified
problem or a symptom of a problem.

FISHBONE Diagram of Root Causes:

Pareto Chart of Root Causes:


Unfolding the problem:

STEP 3: Identify the stakeholders and the users


Patient Chief financial officer
Billing Clerk manager
Doctor Director
EMR Supervisor

STEP 4: Define the Solution System Boundary

We divide the world in two:

1. Our system

2. Things that interact with our system

System Perspective:

It is a block diagram that describes the boundaries of the system, the users, and other interfaces

Identify the constraints to be imposed on the Solution

A constraint is a restriction on the degree of freedom we have in providing a solution.

A variety of sources of constraints must be considered.

Source Constraint Rationale

Technology Advanced and powerful user interface This helps in capturing
must be used similarities among the record
Operations Copy of data record must remain in This helps in preventing the
legacy database for up to a year data loss as it is too high in
STEP 1: Gain Agreement on the Problem Definition


The problem of : Unsuccessful HMS implementation

Affects Patients, doctor, managers, clerks
And results in Decrease in productivity and barrier in adopting the HMS in
: healthcare.
Benefits of a 1. Successful implementation of HMS.
solution 2. Acceptance of HMS software
: 3. No shortage of professionals and health informatics
4. Sufficient time allowed to train and learns in the usage of HMS
5. Higher standards for data entry and retrieval.

STEP 2: Understand the Root Causes (The Problem behind the Problem)

Root cause analysis is a systematic way of uncovering the root, or underlying, cause of an identified
problem or a symptom of a problem.

FISHBONE Diagram of Root Causes:

STEP 3: Identify the stakeholders and the users


Patient Chief financial officer
Registration and Appointments Clerk Managers
Doctor Directors
EMR Supervisor
Lab Supervisors
Billing Clerk
STEP 4: Define the Solution System Boundary

We divide the world in two:

1. Our system

2. Things that interact with our system

System Perspective:

It is a block diagram that describes the boundaries of the system, the users, and other interfaces.


Identify the constraints to be imposed on the solution

A constraint is a restriction on the degree of freedom we have in providing a solution.
A variety of sources of constraints must be considered.

Source Constraint Rationale

Technology Advanced and powerful user interface An interactive and easy-to-
must be used understand interface is required
to keep things simple but as
efficient as possible.
People Skills Hospital staff and all individuals This helps increase overall
connected to the HMS platform must productivity and increased
be trained to use it efficiently. efficiency in the functioning of
the healthcare sector.









A use case diagram is a visual representation of how a user might interact with a program. A use
case diagram depicts the system’s numerous use cases and different sorts of users. The circles or
ellipses are used to depict the use cases.
By creating the use case of the Hospital Management System, you must determine first the possible features to
identify the flow of the system.

Receptionist has the full access to the system which means he/she is able to manage any
activity with regard to the system. He/she is the highest privileged user who can access to the

✓ Manage employees, patients and equipment

✓ Allocate resources
✓ Administer the charges
✓ Generate reports
✓ Manage ambulances
✓ Manage doctors
✓ Manage salaries

Interacts with the systems most often to supply service to customers
✓ Keep track of patient details
✓ Keep tract of test details
✓ Make ambulance reservations
✓ Keep track of progress of patients
✓ Maintain bill details
✓ Manage inventory

 Monitoring and caring for patients
 Investigating, diagnosing and treating the health conditions of patients.
 Maintain good medical practice
 Maintain medical records
 Use generic names of drugs
 Highest quality assurance in patient’s care.
 Collects revenue
 Pays bills
 Provides an overview of financial records
 Improve patient care
 Minimize risk
 Make needed investments
 Explore new streams of revenue.

 Store the medical records or treatment files of patients
 Provides critical information for others.
 Consistency in Medical Communications.
 Updated information.

 It enables health care organizations to collect patient’s
 It stores patient’s data
 It manages patient’s information
 It optimize patient treatment histories and other key data
The very process of patient management starts with the appointment. For hospitals having their
own site, appointment widgets will be integrated onto the site. Patients visiting the hospital’s website can
book online appointments with ease. Further the patient makes a visit to the hospital. Instead of
manual entry in to the record books or offline computer systems, the Practice Management
Software beings the thread of information management right at the reception desk. The
respective doctors are signalled about their patients’ records trough the software.

NAME Add patient Entry

DESCRIPTION This function get details of a patient and add
record to the patient file and generate a
patient registration number
ACTORS Data entry operator, receptionist
PRE-CONDITION The operator should login with user account
MAIN FLOW OF EVENTS 1. User selects “add patient entry” at home
2. Patient entry form displayed
3. User entry data to required fields
4. User selects “Add entry” button
5. “successfully record added” message
6. System generates a patient ID and display
EXTENSIONS A) if necessary fields left by user prompt user
to enter all required fields
POST CONDITIONS Patient record added to patient file.


The process is then furthered from the doctors’ desk. All the details about the patients, their diseases, drug details,
family history, allergy symptoms, and other vital facts are taken. Then, the doctors can make their analysis and
advice medication or further diagnostic tests or surgical procedures as required.

Name Add prescription entry

Description This function records patients prescription details
Actors Data entry operator
Pre-conditions Doctor’s prescription sheet must be issued.
Main flow of events 1. User selects “Prescription form ”
from patient module
2. System prompts to enter
patient’s registration number
3. User enter system registration number
4. Prescription form displayed with
relevant patient details.
5. User navigates to ‘tests’ field and
selects prescribed test details
6. User navigates to ‘vaccine’ field
and select prescribed vaccine
7. User navigates to ‘medicine’ field
and enter medicine details.
8. User enter re-consolation date.
9. User selects Add button and
add prescription details.
10. User selects ‘print’ and print the
prescription details.


The hospital accounting software estimates the patients’ payments. It might remind the bank account
where you can check performed operations and the billing status of each customer.
Integrated Billing with treatments, Lab and Radiology. Alerts will be sent on Discount Authorisation.
Automatic due capture, Option to bill before and after consultation.

Name Calculate bill

Description This function calculate total charge for the patient
Actors Receptionist, cashier
Pre-conditions The patient must register to the system
Main flow of events 1. User selects patient receipt card
2. System prompts patient
registration number
3. User enter registration number
4. System prompts date and time ,
which the total charge required for
5. User enter the date and time
6. Receipt form displayed with patient
details, lab tests details, X-ray
details, ECG details etc. and total
fee in number and in word.
7. User select print receipt.
8. The patient receipt is printed

Post conditions The payment details should updated in payments

It is vital to engage all of your employees for improved coordination and teamwork. Each specialist will be in
charge of certain process stage and can share outcomes with colleagues just in one click.
Staff management provides the human resources administration. It updates the job description of employees,
updates the hospital structure, tracks the recruiting records.

Name Staff/employee attendance

Description this function records employees attendance details
Actors Data entry operator
Pre-conditions User should login with the user account.
Manually recorded attendance details records
should be available
Main flow of events 1. ‘Employee attendance form’ selected
by user in employee management
2. User enter date
3. User enter the employee ID that did
not attend particular date.
4. User selects update.
5. System prompts to add another record
6. User answers ‘no’
7. The form will be closed

extensions 6) a) if user answered ‘ yes’ , repeated 3) 4) until

user selects ‘ no’


Systems provides complete assistance in patient diagnosis. In the patient management system, there is a
facility to register patients and view their reports and history. Patient management system allows getting
detail information of patient’s health condition.
The hospital database includes all the necessary patient data. The disease history, test results, prescribed
treatment can be accessed by doctors without much delay in order to make an accurate diagnosis and monitor
the patient’s health. It enables lower risks of mistakes.

Name Add Patient diagnosis history

Description This function add patient’s diagnosis details to
the system.
Actors Data entry operator
Pre-conditions Patient must register to the system
Main flow of events 1. User selects patient diagnosis card
2. System prompt patient Id
3. User enter patient Id
4. System display patient details in
the form
5. User enter diagnosis details and
6. User selects Add diagnosis record.
Post conditions The diagnosis record should added to the
diagnosis file.

The doctors have the ability to check the disease history, test results, as well as add new data to the patient file.
The job of the doctor that previously involved too much paperwork can be completely computerized. Doctors
spend more time on patients’ treatment rather than documentation. If something is requested in a written form,
they are able to print it.

Name Schedule counselling doctors

Description This function mange’s counsellors charging
Actors Accountant
Pre-conditions User sound login to the system
Main flow of events 1) user selects cancelling
2) system prompts doctor’s Id
3) user enters id
4) system display councilor doctor
5) user selects get visit hours and
generated sari details
6) user select generate counsellor
7) system calculates total counselor
change to
be paired and display
extensions 5 ) a) system generates total visit hours
5 ) b) 1 ) system prompts time period and
field (lab tests, ECG, all) to generate
5) B) 2) user select period and field.
5 )b) 3) system generates total share

Total reward received by an employee in exchange for services performed for the hospital. It
seeks to protect employees against irregularities in payment of wages unauthorized deductions
by employers.

Name Generate salary

Description This function generates employee salary for given
period of time
Actors Accountant
Pre-conditions User should login with user account
Main flow of events 1. User selects “Generate salary
form” in employee management
2. System prompts employee Id and
time period
3. User enter required data
4. User selects generates salary.

5. The total salary calculated by the

system and displayed

6. User select print pay slip

7. System print the salary pay slip

extensions 3) a) User enters allowance details if any.

Post conditions The payments file should updated

with salary payment record
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the
dynamic aspects of the system.

Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one

activity to another activity. The activity can be described as an
operation of the system. The control flow is drawn from one operation
to another. This flow can be sequential, branched, or concurrent.
Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow control by using different
elements such as fork, join, etc

The purpose of an activity diagram can be described as −

1. Draw the activity flow of a system.

2. Describe the sequence from one activity to another.

3. Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the


The activity diagram represents the series of activities that are

occurring between the objects. Following is an activity diagram that
represents the Software personnel management system process.
Figure: An Activity diagram for Hospital management system.


The above figure depicts an activity diagram for an Hospital

management system which helps to manage and record the data
related to health care such as Clinical, Financial, Laboratory etc..

Activity is started by a patient who needs to be treated. Initially patient

goes to registration counter where the receptionist identifies the
patient new or existing.

If Existing patient, clerk checks details and information about the

treatment and connects to the doctor, if patient needs to operated, a
surgeon operates else doctor attains the patient and gives treatment
and then patient asked for payment and patient pays the bill.

Else if new patient, asks for appointment. Checks doctor availability, if

not available, gives appointment else confirms appointment and then
patient is connected to doctor. If patient needs to operated, a surgeon
operates else doctor attains the patient and gives treatment and then
patient asked for payment and patient pays the bill and discharge the
Hospital Management System




This system needs to create a database that allows to add, modify, and delete
patient records and store them in a database. Each patient record should
contain basic information, check-up history, prescriptions (if any), and
attending doctor's notes.

1.2) Background
Well-Served Medical Clinic is located in ABC Street, xyz City. The clinic,
owned by PQR, provides maternity, x-ray, orthopedic, and pediatric services.
Currently, the clinic houses 20 beds, 2 doctors, an x-ray machine, a medical
laboratory, a drug store and a lying-in section for the pregnant.
1.3) Scope and Limitations
The system is expected to cover the clinic's patient records as it circulates
around the database. In the future, more items can be added, such as
prescriptions which can be added to the pharmaceutical module.

 Scope of Initial Release

As stated in the earlier modules of this document, this product will have a
database for storing, adding and modifying patient data, as well as the
diagnostics and prescriptions. It will also allow the system to create and
view patient's log files that contains the previous transactions with the
clinic, such as check-ups and diagnostics. This enables transparency, as
well as it shows to the patient what happened in the previous visit to the
clinic. The system will also enable paper-free, portable, efficient, and easy-
to-find data to coexist with the current paper-based system, in case of
emergencies or loss of documents due to certain events like floods, fires,
and the like.

 Scope of Subsequent Releases

In case that the client would want to continue supporting the system, a
prescription management system (to coincide with the diagnostics) will be
added. This will allow the clinic's local pharmacy to keep track of available
medicines, and as well as to link the medicine to the prescription file in the
diagnostic system.
 Limitations and Exclusions
Features such as Inventory database, facility and staff scheduler would be
included in the future development of this patient management system.

2.1) Business Opportunity
This system will allow automation of patient records in a database where it
can easily be searched and indexed, as well as it may serve as another copy
of its paper-based counterpart. It will also save time, and storage space, as
well as it would help reduce, if not eliminate human error. Many clinics
competing with the client don't fully implement the system proposed, thus
giving the client advantage in efficiency and time- consumption.

2.2) Business Objectives

The proposed system would be successful when the following standards
have been upheld:

 Patient’s data was recorded and stored in database.

 Indexing accurately finds searched patient records.

 Reduce cost of hospital resources (paper, ink, files) by 40% within

after within 6 months releasing the product.

 Reduce hospital operating cost payment given to the employees) by

20 % after releasing the product.

 Increase average work time use to record information of patients

manually by 15 minutes per employee per day within 4 months.
2.3) Success Metrics

SM-1: The project will be successful if Hospital Management System will provide 25 %
return on investment and 300 new customers within the first year of its process.

SM-2: The average rating of patient’s satisfaction increases by 0.6 on a scale of 1 to 5

within three months following initial release.

SM-3: Before the development of the software SRS document was includes which
includes all the product requirements and if the developed project meets those
requirements then it indicates that project is successful.

2.4) Business Context

Encoding the data of the patients from previous paper based system
would require a huge amount of time. Old records that will be encoded in
the database will have a chance of inaccurate information due to human
error or damaged papers.
3.1) Customer or Market Needs
Describe the needs of typical customers or market segments,
including needs that are not yet met by the marketplace or by
existing systems. You may wish to describe problems customers
currently encounter that the new product will (or will not) address
and how the product would be used by customers. Identify the
customer hardware and software environment in which the product
must operate. Define at a high level any known critical interface or
performance requirements. Avoid including any design or
implementation details. Present the requirements in a numbered list
so that more detailed user or functional requirements can be traced
to them.

3.2) Business Risks

 During the course of the project, the employees would
require training to operate the system correctly to lessen
human error in using the system. Old records that will be
encoded in the database will have a chance of inaccurate
information due to human error or damaged papers.

 If the developing software is not able to produce efficient

and reliable results then it might leads to user
dissatisfaction therefore it yields loss in business
investment (probability = 0.4, impact =6).

 If the software does not has the ability to update according

to new available version then it becomes vulnerable to
hacking. (Probability = 0.3, impact =3)
 The environment in which the product is going to be
launch matters a lot. We should identify competitors in the
market so we should ensure high quality product
(probability = 0.2, impact =4)

3.3) Stakeholder Profiles

Stakeholders are individuals, groups, or organizations that are
actively involved in a project, are affected by its outcome, or can
influence its outcome. The stakeholder profiles identify the customers
for this product and other stakeholders, and states their major
interests in the product. Characterize business-level customers,
target market segments, and different user classes, to reduce the
likelihood of unexpected requirements surfacing later that cannot be
accommodated because of schedule or scope constraints. For each
stakeholder category, the profile includes the major value or benefits
they will receive from the product, their likely attitudes toward the
product, major features and characteristics of interest, and any
known constraints that must be accommodated. Examples of
stakeholder value include:

improved productivity
reduced rework
cost savings
streamlined business processes
automation of previously manual tasks
ability to perform entirely new tasks or functions
conformance to current standards or regulations
improved usability or reduced frustration level compared to current
DOCTOR Easy Strong Time saving Need internet and
managing commitment simplicity of devices for
patients and use Access
lookafter of
more patients
in less time
PATIENTS easily taking Strong Realibilty and May know the
appointment enthausiam saving of time use of app and
from have coporative
specialists internet access
and device
HOSPITAL STAFF Easily Job Training of staff
handling and preservation for internet
higher patient usage and
satisfaction software useage
and less
MADICAL STORE Customer Better and Use to know the
INCHARGE satisfication easily earning acceptance of
and easy Earn more order and use of
dealing with money in less software.
orders time
PAYROLL No benefit Recognize the Helping No resources
DEPARTMENT value to the people at their Yet committed to
company and vulnerable make software
employees so times charges
that good
relationship is
Stakeholder Value Attitudes Major Interests Constraints
executives increas see product as richer feature set maximum
ed avenue to than budget
revenue 25% increase competitors; = $1.4M
in market time to market
editors fewer highly receptive,automatic error must run on
errors in but expect high correction; ease low- end
work usability of use; high workstations
legal aides quick resistant unless ability to handle no budget for
access to product is much larger retraining
data keystroke- database than
compatible with current system;
current system easy to learn


For all patients who want convenience in following all the procedures and rules of
hospital as well as wish to get treated in reliable manner, Hospital Management
System is an internet-based web system that perform all operations with ease and
efficiency. Through this system medical specialists, patients and hospital
authorities can interact online, make the appointments and exchange information,
maintain necessary, precise and appropriate data that have to be secured and only
accessible to the allowed users, needs less resources and consume fewer time.
Unlike current system that uses telephone for appointments and filing system for
saving records, patients who use Hospital Management System will not having any
difficulty in providing his/her details for registration because software provides
user-friendly interface having several modules which contains proper and well
organized template for registration. It makes sure that operational and clinical
decision-making process is fast, accurate, efficient and simplified.
4) Vision of the Solution or product overview
The system aims to create and store every patient data into its
database to be shared by the client's computers throughout the clinic
for fast and efficient data transmission, storage and retrieval.

4.1) Vision Statement

The maintenance of records of the patients is manual. The file for each patient
is kept and is retrieved upon the subsequent visit. This project purpose is to
design and develop a database system to contain details of the
patients. This can transform the clinic resources to its highest utility
and advantage

4.2) Assumptions and Dependencies

 The database system requires huge amounts of peripheral
storage space. This is needed not only for the database of
interest to users, but also for the database system as well.
 System with suitable user interface will allow the employees
to deal with every query of patients in well and organized
 The system will have high availability. It means we have
networks of computer for handling information and if one
computer fails the whole system doesn’t halt rather it divides
the work load of failed system among active computers. In this
ways, this system ensures 24/7 availability to patients.
 As the system saves the verified medical data for patients so,
it will produce 100% secure and accurate data.
 The system will find patient’s record and will be able to
suggest medicines for the patients in less than 10 minutes.
 DE-1: If the hospital has separate medical centers and
dispensaries then the system should have the ability to
communicate with these systems as well.
4.3) Project Priorities
The Database system should be able to add new records to the
database and delete unwanted records. It can also update record
and retrieve records that is required by the user.
FEATURES All features
scheduled for
release 1.0 mustbe
fully operational
QUALITY 95% of user
acceptance tests
must pass:all
security tests must
SCHEDULE Realease 1 planned
to be available by
end of next year,
release 2 by end of
Q2: overrun of up to
2 weeks acceptable
without sponsor
COST Budget overrun up
to 15% acceptable
without sponsor

4.4) Operating Environment

The system is for automation of record keeping of the clinic. This
software takes care of patients record in the clinic and is capable to
provide efficient and accurate information of the patient
Adding/Modifying Patient Data:
This will enter a patient's basic information, tied to a patient ID. The patient
ID number makes the entry unique for every patient. It can be edited
according to needs. Medical history will be saved as a log file for each
This web based automated management system eliminates the chance of
errors completely and offers 100% utmost accuracy.
Hunting down the minute details of room occupancy, staff availability,
patient history and operational information, within seconds would be
incorporated in this software.
This system response to queries and perform transactions related to working
staff, patients and doctors. It would embed functionality of Create, view,
modify and cancel appointments with one click.
This system is secure because every doctor, patient or staff would get login
by providing his username and password so that critical information would
only be accessed by authorized users.
It also computerize the records of employees working in the hospital,
including their financial aspects. It offers ease in the process of handling
accounts like bill payments and receipt.
Patients can View list of available doctors, medicines and laboratory
timings from user-friendly interface.
This advanced system can be accessed through intranet, smartphones, and
tablets and can fulfill all the requirements and demands of patients.
It also computerize the records of employees working in the hospital,
including their financial aspects
Order the medicines online and online payment through debit or credit
card,delivering is also fast.
Get the medical reports online.
Easily take appointment from specialist and also contact with specialist in
emergency case.
Create, delete and update patient records within few clicks.
The disease history, test results, prescribed treatment can be accessed by
doctors without much delay in order to make an accurate diagnosis and
monitor the patient’s health
Allows complete data of different department to store in the same database
which increase the efficiency, reduce the cost, simplifies the infrastructure
and helpful in multiple.
It also improved the management visibility of the hospital, all information,
and data regarding the patient, doctor and medicine could be seen by any
department easily.
Provide system access through corporate internet, smart phones, tablets and
outside internet access by authorized employees

Internet Delete
THE COS Create
smarphones Medical reports


Place order SYSTEM
Availability time

Appointment Update
Change order Cancel order

6) Constraints
● System is wirelessly networked with an encryption
● System is only accessible within the hospital premises only.
● Database is password protected.
● Should use less RAM and processing power.
● Each user should have individual ID and password.
● Only administrator can access the whole system.

7) Quality Ranges:
Hospital quality management means the process of managing the entire entailed hospital
operation in a worthwhile fashion by applying the various hospital quality measures and
standards, so that the hospital functions in a desirable condition. The Indian hospital system
follows NABH Quality Standards, which provides guidelines to healthcare administrators and
also facilitates the overall hospital functions to remain exceptional and patient-friendly.
However, the hospital management has to control all the related activities prudently, by applying
the appropriate hospital quality measures, with special attention to the key areas of
organizational activities such as the process improvement, cost reduction, productivity &
performance improvement, and throughput time.

8) Precedence and Priority

Hospitals and regional health authorities must set priorities in the face of resource constraints.
Decision-makers seek practical ways to set priorities fairly in strategic planning, but find limited
guidance from the literature. Very little has been reported from the perspective of Board
members and senior managers about what criteria, processes and parameters of success they
would use to set priorities fairly.

9) Product requirement:
Performance Requirements:

 Response time-The system will give responses within 1 second after checking
thepatient information and other information.
 Capacity-The system must support 1000 people at a time
 User interface- User interface screen will response within 5 seconds.
 Conformity –The system must conform to the Microsoft accessibility
 Law compliance — the system should be adapted to the legal framework of the
country in which it is used.
Applicable Requirements:
 Errors — the system records all errors that have occurred;
 Back-up — the availability of automatic and on-demand backups;
 Disaster recovery — allows you to quickly restore the code infrastructure on a new
server in case of loss or theft of a working device.
 Reliability lies in continuous accessibility of the system 24/7;
 Responsive design — the site should work well on all devices and browsers, so you
don’t have to create applications for other platforms.


Software Requirements deal with defining software resource requirements and pre-requisites that
need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an application. These
requirements or pre-requisites are generally not included in the software installation package and
need to be installed separately before the software is installed.



FRONT END : Html,css,java script.



The environment within the hospital is critical for life support. Environmental concerns affect the
hospital internally and externally. Indeed, the hospital requires a safe internal environment.
Externally the hospital is a contributor to the environmental load of the community. Some
internal factors that impact upon hospital environment safety are presented.
Many internal factors have a significant impact on hospital environment such as

1. Waste management
2. Noise
3. Infection control
4. Radiation safety
5. General building safety
6. Water quality
7. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
User manual:
A user manual for a software application is technical documentation that is formed to instruct
users on a particular app or product. Such an instruction manual is a crucial doc that assists your
customers to get equipped with your app quickly or help them resolve any issue whenever they
get stuck. It includes established app standards, tabular and numeric data and reviews.

Online help:
This automates the day-to-day functions of the Front office management of a hospital. This
module helps in assisting patient with accurate information and supports in handling patient
related enquiries efficiently. This module having excellent features and advanced search facilities
improves the quality of services rendered to the user and specializes in handling different issues,
problems, and requests. It ensures that the operations are maintained properly, the data is valid
and reported in accordance.

Installation Guides, Configuration and Read Me File :

After developing and testing, the next step is to install the software and run it. You can operate
this software in your android phone IOS, tablets and PC's only for the first release then will be
introduced to IOS for the second release. You may arrange the seminars to train the user that
how to use this software. Videos shall be develope to train the user i.e both doctors and the one
who will use it, and maximum length of the video should not exceed 15 mintues, videos help to
train the users in both internet-based and app-based version of COS.

Labeling and packaging:

Here are two ways of labeling which will drive value for hospitals, as they represent a great
microcosm of the healthcare industry as a whole, with diagnostic testing, movement of samples
and pharmaceuticals, medication dispensing and patient care all happening under one roof.

And each of the ways smart labeling benefits hospitals could benefit the entire healthcare
industry — every healthcare organization from diagnostics labs to primary care offices to the
pharmaceutical supply chain could benefit from end-to-end traceability, improved productivity
and better inventory management.
Feature Attributes:
Since we are entering details of the patients electronically in the” Hospital Management
System”, data will be secured. Using this application we can retrieve patient’s history with a
single click. Thus processing information will be faster. It guarantees accurate maintenance of
Patient details. It easily reduces the book keeping task and thus reduces the human effort and
increases accuracy speed.

Implementation of HMS in the healthcare industry includes Networks and computer
have different maintenance problems, lack of no standards for Data entry and data
retrieval, difficulties in training users technically to use HMS.

We have so far clarified on the importance of HMS, it is your responsibility to pick
out the right kind of HMS for your needs and purposes. Here we give more
information on the benefits of various HMS and the impact it creates on hospital
systems. By eliminating manual steps, the stress and workload of hospital employees
decrease, productivity and collaborative processes improve so that a health facility
gets a lasting competitive advantage. The released labor force allows a more flexible
allocation of human resources and even saves on the number of required employees
for particular tasks.

Compromised quality of healthcare services in patient care leading to dissatisfaction.
Increased liability risks.
Financial Losses.
Noncompliance with Regulation and Standardization that is leading to litigation
Decline in hospital reputation
Even though you choose HMS system after checking out different features carefully,
there are high chances of HMS system to miss some essential specialty you need. So
it's important you go for the customized Hospital management system to sort out
these problems.
Customization is considered to be the inevitable part of your automation journey,
stick to the HMS system only if the vendors can develop the software to be
customized as per the private or public hospital workflow.
Supplementary Specification
Version <1.0>
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
Supplementary Specification

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
If the SRS is written well, it will serve the following purposes. SRS is the agreement document between the
client and the Software developer.
Feedback to the Customer-This software requirement specification assures the project management
stakeholders and client that the development team has really understood the business requirements
documentation properly. This also provides confidence that the team will develop the functionality which has
been detailed.
Breaking the Requirements Down-This document is documented in such a way that it breaks the deliverables
into smaller components which makes the participants in this project to understand what is to be done clearly.
The information is organized in such a way that all the developers within the team will not only understand the
boundaries within which we need to work, but also what functionality needs to be developed and in what order.
Understanding what order the functionality will be developed in means that we, the developers will have the
"big picture" view of the development. This gives us an opportunity to plan ahead which saves both project
time and cost.
Facilitating other Documentation-The SRS forms the basis for a load of other important documents such as
the Software Design Specification.
Product Validation-It basically helps in validating with the client that the product which is being delivered,
meets what they asked for. Which means that the product we have output is Equal to the standards of the
documentation in the SRS which the client satisfied and agreed on.

1.2 Scope
Currently, hospitals are using a manual system to handle the hospital process. When patients arrive they make
an appointment at the reception to consult a Doctor. These are being recorded in a file. Then again the
patientsdiagnosed symptoms related disease details, ward details and other necessary details are being
recorded and those files are being stored in special locations. Calculation of bills and inventory are done
As the current system is a file based one, management of the hospital has to put much effort on securing the
files. They can be easily damaged by fire, insects and natural disasters. Also could be misplaced by losing data
and information.
Limited storage space of the files is another issue that they currently face when the management is manually
done. There occurs an issue with the organization of data information and schedules and running the process
methodically which leads to the manual system malfunctioning. If we want to check a previous record of a
patient or other detail. Management will be in a great problem. It’s a tough and time taking process to search for
a record in a file. Keeping files takes much time and waste much precious man hours. The tendency of making
mistakes is high when functioning manually. It is hard to relay on the accuracy of calculations done manually
too. It is more obvious for problems to arise. We plan to overcome the above mentioned problems through a
standalone application, to manage the major functions of the Hospital System.
The hospital management system we are going to implement will be covering all basic processes done in the
hospital. It would handle Employee and Salary management, Patient and “Zumba exercise” management,
Theatre and ward Management, Laboratory management, Transport Management, Pharmacy Management,
OPD management and emergency management.
In OPD unit, with the OPD and Consultation Management system, the manual doctors channeling details
entering process has automated. So the staff does not need to spend time on writing appointment records and
updating them in files. And the number issuing process becomes easier and efficient. And keeping the track of
patients and medical prescription details allow them to review the details whenever needed.
Implementing the Employee & Salary Management system we record Attendance, shifting of employees,
their holidays and consulting doctors’ schedules. And the system performs calculations of EPF/ETP and OT
hours, Shares of consulting doctors and do the payroll part. This is more efficient and more reliable and
accurate as the system avoids incorrect data inputs whenever they are occurred. The proposed system for Mini-
theatre & Ward Management records details of surgeons, in-patients who are assigned for Wards, different ward
details and surgery details. The pharmaceuticals used within the theatre are managed as well. Food menus for
the patients according to their diseases based on wards is systemized too. All are digitalized in a systematic
way. So the details of surgeons, patients and surgeries are well organized and can be easily accessed whenever
needed. Surgery reports, Ward progress reports, In-ward patient progress details are generated and history
can be tracked too.
The Vehicle & Transport Management system handles all the data on ambulance transport. It manages the
time slots of ambulances, driver’s and employee details of transport section and provides bill generating
facility. And reliable time slot management provides the facility of checking the availability of the ambulances
whenever required, and decide about a possible time they can fulfill a request.

The current process of “Zumba” exercise details managing does not support for any individual progress
analyzing. The Exercise “Zumba” Management provides a detailed progress report of each individual and
allows the management or their customer to take decisions on exercise plans.
The system developing for Emergency Treatment & Equipment Management automate the current processes
of patient registering and propose a better way to keep records of equipment and medicines related to the
emergency treatment unit in a computer based file system. The proposed system provides a simple interface to
gather quick information of the patient and record them. So that in a case of special requestby an external
party, details of the patient history can be accessed and viewed.
The Pharmacy Stock Management system is responsible for proper management of drug stocks, pop ups the
notifications of expiry dates of stock items. This system allow the client to keep track of medicine stocks ,
notify the personals when the stock is running out of items and help the manager to reduce stock levels and
eliminate stock waste.
The Lab Management System records sample collection details, keep track of lab resources and participatein lab
reports conclusion generating. This increases the accuracy of report generating process and save a lot of time in
manual handling of report details and improve the efficiency and the productivity of the organization.
Our goal is to make a client satisfied system by full filling the client requirements and improving thecurrent
manual system with client needs which are not even particularly mentioned but what we have suggested by
analyzing and got approved by the client to improve the standard of the system and of the management of the
hospital to its utmost.
The scope of the SRS is basically for everyone involved to understand and have an idea about how and whatis
going to happen in the system. Using ER, User Case diagrams and GUI’s which are in a form where everyone
can understand. How the interfaces finally appear. To have an idea about the new employees that the client
might have to get employed when the system is implemented.
1.3 Overview
The fully functional automated hospital management system which will be developed through this project will
eliminate the disadvantages caused by the manual system by improving the reliability, efficiency and
performance. The usage of a database to store patient, employee, stock details etc. will accommodate easy
access, retrieval, search and manipulation of data. The access limitations provided through access privilege
levels will enhance the security of the system. The system will facilitate concurrent access and convenient
management of activities of the medical center.

1.4 Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

 SRS – Software Requirement Specification

 HMS – Hospital Management System
 Admin – a person who will be managing the system for its intended purpose
 User – a person who will get access to view and request options

2. Functionality
Product Functions

OPD and Consultation Management


Employee and Salary Management System

Mini Theatre and Ward Management

, patient history and other details

Vehicle and Transport Management

Exercise ‘Zumba’ and Patient Management

Emergency Treatment and Equipment Management

Pharmacy Stock Management

Lab Management

2.1 Operating Environment

2.1.1 Software requirements
● Windows 7 or above operating system
● JRE 1.8
● MySQL server
2.1.2 Hardware Requirements

● Core i5 processor
● 4GB Ram
● 20GB of hard disk space in terminal machines
● 1TB hard disk space in Server Machine

2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

● Each user must have a valid user id and password
● Server must be running for the system to function
● Users must log in to the system to access any record.
● Only the Administrator can delete records.
2.3 Hardware Interfaces
Laptop/Desktop PC
o core i5 processor
o 500GB HDD
Purpose of this pc is to give information when Patients ask information about doctors, medicine available lab
tests etc. To perform such Action it need very efficient computer otherwise due to that reason patients have to
wait for a long time to get what they ask for.
Display Unit (LED/LCD Monitor/TV)

This unit is for display the channel number when the patients come to see their
consultants. It will avoid chaos. And also display Hospital welcome screen, video,
information etc.
Laser Printer (B/W)

Simply this device is for printing bills and view reports.

Wi-Fi router

Wi-Fi router is used to for internetwork operations inside of a hospital and simply
data transmission from pc’s to sever.

2.4 Software Interfaces

Developing end
- Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to

datacenters, game consoles to scientific

supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet,
- IDE for Java developing.
QL server - Database connectivity and management
- Logo and other designing such as User interfaces

Client End
– Windows 7/8/8.1- Very user friendly and common OS
- JAVA Runtime Environment for run Java

Application and System

- Database connectivity
2.5 Communications interfaces
- It is a computer hardware component that allows a
computer to connect to a network. NICs may be used for both wired and
wireless connections.
- for high signal integrity
- Internet service provider to access and share information over the Internet
net Communications Interface- Ethernet is a frame-based computer network
technology for local area networks (LANs)
to set up and easy to use.
3. Usability
Usability is a quality attribute that indicates how easy the user interface is. Usability measures to what extent a
system, product, or a service can be used by certain users to reach certain goals with effectiveness, efficiency,
and satisfaction. Usability from user personal goals perspective could cover the perceptual and the emotional
Usability evaluation has been conducted in many areas including e-Health. There are two previous studies
related to HMS evaluation: E-Hospital Management & Hospital Information Systems

4. Reliability
Enhance productivity and facilitate daily routine. Software should simplify day-to-day activity of users,
allowing them to fulfill their tasks faster and more reliable. As a result, work efficiency is greatly increased,
withthe significant reduction of possible errors caused by a human factor. For instance, hospital management
systemshould provide an automated solution for quick update of patients’ histories to add or remove symptoms;
alter alist of medications based on a patient’s condition, etc. This also helps to reduce downtime and queues for
medical equipment and operation rooms. For example, every time a patient cancels his or her appointment, the
relevant doctor’s schedule is updated and changes are marked in a real-time mode.
Promote communication between hospital departments and wards. A hospital is a complex mechanism
that needs precise coordination and quick response of all its constituents in order to provide its services
effectively.Hospital management system should allow obtaining relevant data in a digital or print form and in
a fast, reliable and secure way. Exemplary types of data include analysis results, operation room schedules,
pharmacyinventory, and other.
Improve patients’ experience during any interactions with the hospital. A reliable and convenient system
will boost patients’ trust in hospital services, thus attracting more clients and enhancing the reputation of the
facility. In addition, a properly designed system should notify patients about their doctor appointments or daily
medication schedules, for example.
Optimize payment and billing. A hospital is a business company that includes all corresponding financial
interactions between a service provider, executives, customers, suppliers, insurance companies, etc. The
hospital management system should allow different types of payment for medical services and products, which
will be a huge help for all financial transactions.
Provide structured data on staff performance. A management system brings an additional business
advantage bytracking performance of hospital personnel and providing comprehensive reports to the
administration. Hospitaladministration may use these detailed reports to identify, what types of hospital services
bring more revenue, and what unprofitable departments should have reduced funding or should be closed,
temporarily or permanently. It also helps to identify and resolve potential problems before they escalate and get
out of control, thus, preventing damage to both finances and reputation.

5. Performance
-The system will give responses within 1 second after checking the patient
information and other information.

-The system must support 1000 people at a time

- User interface screen will response within 5 seconds.

–The system must conform to the Microsoft accessibility

6. Supportability
The system should support the database stored and it should have a proper web browser and it should support
all kind of database to be stored for HMS details and the interfaces should load fast and there shouldn’t be any
delay in refreshing while storing the details of the patients.

The admin must provide access to edit or change details of the patient to other admins. The overall system must
support all the features for Hospital Management System.

7. Design Constraints
 System is wirelessly networked with encryption.
 System is only accessible within hospital premises only.
 Database is password protected.
 Should use less RAM and processing power.
 Each user should have individual ID and password.
 Only administrator can access the whole system.

8. Online User Documentation and Help System Requirements

As a part of the system itself, a user documentation is provided to the customers which gives an overview of the
system. It will include the full description about the product and complete orderly followed steps to install the
software. The users will get the opportunity to use the system without having any trouble. The user manual will
include the email address to contact us in need. Tasks are listed alphabetically or logically grouped often using
cross referenced indexes which helps the users to know exactly which sort of information they are looking for.
9. Purchased Components
These requirements apply to components that are purchased from outside suppliers. Unless otherwise specified,
the purchase order or other referenced document, components shall comply with the requirements defined in
this document.
1. Quality and Inspection Requirements
2. Workmanship Requirements
3. Packaging Requirements

10. Interfaces
10.1 Hardware Interfaces
Laptop/Desktop PC
o core i5 processor
o 500GB HDD
Purpose of this pc is to give information when Patients ask information about doctors, medicine available lab
tests etc. To perform such Action it need very efficient computer otherwise due to that reason patients have to
wait for a long time to get what they ask for.
Display Unit (LED/LCD Monitor/TV)
This unit is for display the channel number when the patients come to see their
consultants. It will avoid chaos. And also display Hospital welcome screen, video,
information etc.
Laser Printer (B/W)
Simply this device is for printing bills and view reports.
Wi-Fi router
Wi-Fi router is used to for internetwork operations inside of a hospital and simply
data transmission from pc’s to sever.

10.2 Software Interfaces

Developing end
- Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to
datacenters, game consoles to scientific
supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet,
- IDE for Java developing.
- Database connectivity and management
- Logo and other designing such as User interfaces

Client End
– Windows 7/8/8.1- Very user friendly and common OS
- JAVA Runtime Environment for run Java
Application and System
- Database connectivity
10.3 Communications Interfaces
- It is a computer hardware component that allows a
computer to connect to a network. NICs may be used for both wired and
wireless connections.
- for high signal integrity
- Internet service provider to access and share information over the Internet
- Ethernet is a frame-based computer network
technology for local area networks (LANs)
to set up and easy to use.

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