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Pampanga State Agricultural University

PAC, Magalang, Pampanga

Bachelor of
Elementary Education


(Assessment 4)

Submitted by:

Guzman, Rona Mae H.


Submitted to:

Prof. Olivia G. Dimalanta

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Assessment 4

ESSAY: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. What are the characteristics of Great Arts Teachers? Explain how can these
characteristics help create a great Art teacher?

These are the traits/characteristics of great arts teacher;

 They love kids.

First and foremost, great teachers must love what they teach. And, let’s face it, we really
don’t teach art, we teach kids, our world’s most priceless asset! Lindsay Moss, a writer for
the Art of Education, states, “Great art teachers love kids as much as their content.
Children and art have a dual place in their hearts.” At the end of the day, the job of a
teacher is to see the potential in every child.

 They love art.

It’s still pretty important to love the discipline you teach them. Loving the visual arts is also a
commonality among the world’s best art teachers! Like what Sandra Scheier said, “Love
what you teach, and they will love it to.” So when you love teaching arts, your students will
also love it.

 They are passionate about the profession.

The greatest and most successful art teachers are passionate about art education.
Teachers with passion inspire students. So when a teacher is passionate she/he will surely
get the attention of her/his students. They get students interested and even excited about
what they are learning. Passion is what makes students decide to study more.

 They are dedicated.

Dedication is a mark of affection. Dedicated teachers are deeply committed and believe
there is nothing more important than kids and art. Perhaps the most obvious of
characteristics, but a good teacher is dedicated to their work and educating their students.
“Love” and “passion” are often tossed around when considering how much a teacher puts

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their heart into their work, but dedication takes the cake. A dedicated teacher not only has a
passion for their job and loves to teach, but also consistently works to make their classroom
a better place for all.

 They are energetic.

Teaching art can be exhausting! Teachers should to be energetic and “on” all day long. An
energetic teacher often spices the class with excitement, enjoyment, and anticipation;
engages students to participate; and stimulates them to explore.

 They are creative.

Creativity is key to being a successful art teacher. One must figure out the best way to
teach hundreds, if not thousands, of students with various backgrounds, talents, and
interests daily.

 They are organized planners.

“A good art teacher is consistently challenging themselves to create, plan, and prepare
meaningful and relevant projects that will consistently maintain a high level of success for
ALL students.” An organized teacher runs a scheduled and structured classroom. These
teachers foster a sense of responsibility and commitment in their learning environment, and
in order to run a classroom efficiently, expect students to comply with a strict set of rules
with their assignments.

 They are advocates for the arts.

“Art educator” and “advocate” are synonymous. Every art teacher must continue to
advocate for quality visual art education. When they realize this, they work even harder to
educate their communities about how essential the arts are to educating the wholechild.

 They are collaborators and communicators.

Collaboration is essential to take your teaching to the next level. Good teachers may have a
sense of pride in their work, while maintaining humility when working with others. They can
be confident in their ideas while acknowledging and understanding the opinions of others.
They also welcome feedback and criticism because it drives them to improve.

 They are leaders.

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I don’t think most art teachers set out to be leaders, but we are. We lead our students; we
lead our classrooms and, often, we begin to lead our schools and our communities. Many of
the best art teachers I know find themselves leading at the state level because they realize
it’s an important element in growing the profession.

 They are lifelong learners.

Dana Jung Munson from Atlanta, Georgia writes,” Teachers may encourage students to
make mistakes and to learn from them. Teaching the artistic processes creates
opportunities for students to pull learning from other subjects.

 They are artists.

Whether or not art teachers professionally show their work is irrelevant. But, knowing how
to creatively utilize a variety of mediums and sharing these techniques with your students is
an important part of the equation. Some of the best art teachers I know continually create
art, exhibit art in some way, and share their talent with their students.

 They are inspirational.

It’s no secret that great art teachers inspire their students. Great art teachers make
everyone around them want to be better! Better learners, better teachers, and perhaps
most importantly, better people!

 They are reflective.

Having the ability to reflect daily is an important part of any job. However, it’s essential for
art teachers to become better and more effective.

 They are enthusiastic.

Art teachers are enthusiastic about their jobs! Though tired and frustrated, but at the end of
the day, he/she know we have one of the most important jobs in the school. We are
teaching our students to be divergent, creative thinkers in an ever-growing culture steeped
in visual communication. Our society and workforce desperately need creative thinkers now
more than ever. Realizing our art content is teaching students powerful life skills is enough
to keep any art teacher going!

 They work hard to engage their students.

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Great art teachers have figured out how to take the most boring topics and turn them into
engaging, fun, hands-on learning opportunities.

 They are funny.

Most art teachers use humor in their pedagogy. Plus, they often have to find humor in some
of the situations they themselves. It’s important for teachers to have a sense of humor in
the classroom. Teachers who use humor improve student engagement; student retention of
learning; and the student-teacher relationship. And teachers with a sense of humor have
lower burn-out and stress, and better work place quality.

 They care about building relationships.

“Great teachers are all about building relationships with their students! Relationships build
trust which builds comfort and enables risk-taking. Another, teachers who have strong
bonds with their students have been shown to be more effective in their teaching roles.

 They have grit.

Grit is the combination of passion and perseverance, which is exactly how I view art
education. Great art teachers know there is always a new technique to master, artist to
discover, or idea to try out. Our profession is based on a passion for art making, and
cultivating that in our students takes grit.

 They are happy.

At the end of the day, the great art teachers are quite happy! Sure, they are tired, and they
get worn down from time to time. But, when we reflect on each day, we’re satisfied we did
our very best to teach our kids through the discipline of the visual arts, and that makes for a
happy heART!

These 20 traits/characteristics will surely help to create a great arts teacher because
through these the future teachers will be able to know what are the traits/characteristics
they need to possess in the near future to become an effective teacher. Another, these
characteristics will also serve as a guide for us to become competent in imparting
knowledge and skill to our learners.

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2. Do you think you can become a competent Arts teacher? Why?

Before I answer this question, let us know first what makes a teacher competent. For
me, you are considered a competent teacher when you seizes every opportunity to
encourage learning and believing that all students can learn. We all know that learning isn’t
just limited to the classroom. So a competent teacher will take every opportunity to improve
her/his own professional practice, in order to provide quality learning. Furthermore, a
competent teacher is also leader who wins the hearts and minds of the students. Such a
teacher sees the value in developing and working with others, including parents and
colleagues, and actively seeks out opportunities for professional collaboration within and
beyond the school. Most importantly, a competent teacher is the one who does not merely
focus on the academic performance but rather on the overall development of the students.

Now, I will answer the question “do I think I can become a competent arts teacher?
Why? As a future teacher, I confidently say that I can be a competent teacher in the near
future because I think I already possess some of the characteristics and qualities of a
competent arts teacher. One characteristics that I have now is dedication, because the
moment I entered in this profession I promised to dedicate myself and put my whole heart
into it. Another, like what I have said in the first paragraph you will be considered a
competent teacher when you encourage students to learn and believe in their potentials. So
when I started taking this course I have this goal in my mind and heart wherein I want to
help every children develop their full potential and encourage them to always reach for the

But for now, if they will asked me if I think I am already a competent arts teacher, my
answer is no, because I am still in the process of learning and building myself, but I promise
that I will do my best to build and develop myself to become a competent arts teacher.

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