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Energy and Learner's MOPSE wood Assumed knowledge Learners experimenti

use fuel at home Method ng

Fuel Should be able Sci/ tec matches Experimentation.Introduction
to stating
Characteristic Junior Gr candle Learners material shown to
s of fuel a) Demonstrate 3_7 syll them.Step 1 TR explains naming
characteristics p 17 grass materials shown.Step 2 Class
Uses of fuel experiment to find properties identifying
of fuel paper
Learner's of fuel Step 3 Tr helps Learners
b) State bk state uses of fuel Step 4
characteristics V .p54 Learners write work with Tr
of fuel supervising.Conclusion
Learners name fuel
c) Identify and
state use of

Fuel a)Identify,name MOPSEs wood Assumed knowledge Learners identifying

and list forms ci/tec use fuel Method Discussion
Forms of fuel candle Stating
of fuel Introduction Recap on uses of
Junior Gr fuel Step 1 Teacher explains
b) Classify fuel 3_7 syll gas stove listing
forms of fuelStep 2 In groups
according to p 17 Learners list fuel under it's classifying
Learner's formStep 3 Feed back from
BK VB groups followed by written
V,p55 work Conclusion State forms of

Fuel a) Define the MOPSEJ Wood gas Assumed knowledge Can name discussing
term unior Gr stove types of fuel
Renewable/ renewable and 3_7 syll Methods .Discussion defining
non candle
non renewable p 17 Introduction Learners name identifying
renewable fuel. Learner' types of fuel Step 1 TR explains
fuel naming
bk p fuel Step 2 Learners classify
b) Classify fuel 56__57 fuel with Tr monitoring.Step 3
according to listing
Learners write work under tr'
given criteon supervision.Conclusion classifying
Learners define Renewable and

Electricity and a) MOPSEJ iron Assumed knowledge Know discussing

electronics Identify ,name unior some of the electric device.
electronic and list sci/tec stove METHODS.Discussion identifying
devices electronic Gr 3_7 Introduction Learner name
devices Gr 7 p 18 computer devices shown Step 1Tr naming

television explains electric devices Step 2 listing

b) State uses of In pairs Learners list electric
electronic drawing
device and state uses Step 3
devices Learners write work with Tr
Draw and label supervising Conclusion
the devices Learners state electronic

Electricity a) Demonstrate MOPSE iron Assumed knowledgeCan name discussing

how to use electric devices Methods
electronic Junior computer Identifying
some devices Demonstration INTRODUCTION
devices gr3_7 Learners electric devices Step 1
syll p 18 stove naming
TR explains devices.Step 2 demontrati
Some Learners demonstrate ng
using devices with Tr helping
Step 3 Class discuss uses of
devices Conclusion Display

Electricity and a) Name MOPSEJ Test items a) Tr instructs Learners how to naming
electronics electronic unior answer questions
assessment devices sci,/tec listing
b) Learners answer some
Gr 3_7 drawing
b) Draw syll p 18 questions
electronic ,describing
c) Class revise test items with
tr' help.
c) State uses of
Electricity and a)Recognise MOPSE diagram Assumed knowledge Some discussing
electronics sources of Junior Gr in Learners use electricity
Sources of electricity in 3_7 syll Learners' Methods Discussion identifying
electricity in Zimbabwe p 18 BK INTRODUCTION Learners read naming
Zimbabwe Learners' words Step 1 Learners observe
b) Describe the listing
p 66 diagrams with Learners
sources of observing Step 2Class discuss
electricity sources of electricity thruoh
c question answering.Step 3
Groups list sources of
electricity and give feedback
Conclusion Learners state
sources of electricity.

Sources of a) MOPSEJ Map of Assumed knowledge Learners discussing

electricity in Identify ,name unior Zimbabw can state sources of
Zimbabwe and list power gr3_7 e electricity.Methods Discussion identifying
stations syll p 18 Introduction Learners name stating
sources of electricity Step 1
b) Identify Learner's locating
Using a map Tr explains power
sources of BK V p stations Step 2 ln groups
electricity in 67 Learners list power stations
each given and source of electricity Step 3
power station Learners write work with Tr
supervising Conclusion State
uses of electricity.

Electricity and a) Locate MOPSE map of Assumed knowledge Know discussing

electronics sources of Junior Gr Zimbabw sources of electricity.Method
sources of electricity on a 3_7 syll e Discussion Introduction
electricity map p 18 Learners state sources of listing
Learrs's electricity.Step 1 TR explains
b) Draw a map BK V p the map.Step 2 Learners locate locating
and locate 67 sources of electricity on a map
sources of drawing
Step 3 Learners draw a map
electricity and locate sources with Tr labelling
supervising Conclusion
Learners state uses of

Electricity and a) Indentify and MOPSE diagrams Assumed knowledge Have discussing
electronics describe Junior showing heard about dangers of
dangers of Sci/tec danger electricity Methods Discussion observing
Safety electricity Gr 3_7 warning Introduction Learners observe explaining
precautions syll p18 signs diagrams with Tr explaining
b) Suggest identifying
Learner's Step 1 TR explains danger signs
safety BK page with Learners describing them
precautions describing
68 Step 2 Groups suggest
when using measures to take when using
electricity electricity Conclusion Learners
state importance of electricity

Electricity and a);Experiment MOPSEJ conductor Assumed knowledge Can experimenti

electronics to discover unior s mention use of ng.
Conductors conductors and sci/ tec electricity.Method
insulators discussing
and insulators insulators Gr 3_7 Experimentation Introduction
syll p 18 Learners name shown identifying
b) objects .Step 1 Learners
Identify ,name Learner's experiment to discover naming
conductors and BK p 68 conductors and insulators Step
insulators classifying
2 Learners classify objects with
Tr monitoring STEP 3 Learners
write work with Tr supervising
Conclusion Recap on concept

Forces a) Define a MOPSEs magnets Assumed knowledge Have seen experimenti

magnet ci/ magnetsMethods ng
Magnetic tecJunior metals experimenting Introduction
foces b) discussing
gr3_7 non Learners identify magnets on a
Identify ,name syll p 19 pile of things.Step 1 Make
and list devices metals identifying
experiments with magnets as a
with magnets V class.Step 2 Class discuss naming
c) Illustrates magnetic force Step 3 Learners
s BK p describing
magnetic foces answer questions and give a
and explain it report back Conclusion Illustrating
Learners define a magnet
Design and a) Observe and MOPSES aterfacts Assumed knowledge Can name Observing
Technology name elements ci)TechJu aterfacts.Methods Discussion
Elements of of designs. nior Gr M Introduction Learner's read Naming
design 3_7 syll materials words with tr' s help.Step 1 describing
b) Name p 20 Learners observe aterfacts with
materials used Learnern Learners naming them. Step 2
to make er' BK p Groups mention materials and
artefacts. 77_78 what they are used for .

Step 3 Learners answer

questions with tr' help

Conclusion Learners state

elements of desings

Design and Name and list MOPSES Paper Assumed knowledge Have used Identifying
Technology materials used ci/tec models Methods
glue naming
Models eg to make Junior Gr Demonstration INTRODUCTION
arterfacts eg 3__7 syll Vaseline Tr showslearners unfinished describing
Papier papier__ p 20 arerfactsStep1 Tr helps
machier machie Learners' water Learners name aterfacts shown modeling
bk 81 Step2 Tr demonstrates
making papier machier Step 3
Learners model plates
Conclusion Learners state uses
of papier machier

,Design and Manipulate MOPSE grass Assumed knowledge Can name Oberserving
Technology using materials sci/tec materials in the environment
reeds naming
Models to make Junior Gr Methods Demonstration
arterfacts 3_7 Sy p soil INTRODUCTION Recap of listing
collage 20 previous concepts STEP 1 TR
Learner,' glue shows Learners a model and discussing
BK p81 explains it Step 2 Learners
make models with Tr
supervising Step 3 Class discuss displaying
importance of collage
Conclusion Display of best
learner's work
Water a) MOPSE water Assumed knowledge can state Experimenti
Identify,name Sci/tec colurr of water Methods ng
Properties of and list Junior Gr Container Experimentation Introduction
water s stating
properties of 3_7 syll Tr helps Learners state colour
tasteless water b) p21 of water Step 1 Class listing
Experiment Learners' experiment to find properties
colourless with water to bk p85 of water Step 2;Learners state
show properties of water and give a
properties of feed back Step 3 Learner list
water properties of water Conclusion
Zlearners state properties of

Water a) Depict where MOPSEs water Assumed knowledLeatner experimenti

water will flow ci/ etc knows water flows Methods ng
flows diagrams
to in the local Junior Gr Experimentation.Introduction
evironment 3_7 syll Learners state properties of stating
Gr 3_7. water.Step 2:outside class pour Listing
b) Draw an Learner's water on the ground with
illustration drawing
" BK p lerners stating ths e properties
diagram 85_86 as Step 3 Learners write work
with Tr supervising Conclusion
List properties of water.

Water a) observe and MOPSES water Assumed knowledge Can state observing
describe water ci/ tec filtet properties of water Methods
Water infiltration Junior Gr modelling Introduction describing
infiltrates into 3_7 syll Learners state properties of designing
soil b) design a p 21 water Step 21 Tr explains a
model of a Learners' water filter Step 2 Class discuss
water fliter BK p88; a water filter STEP3 Learners
draw a water filter Conclusion
Learners model a water filter

Water a)Identify, MOPSES Diagrams Assumed knowledge Learners discussing

name and list ci/tec showing say where the get water
Natural natural sources Junior Gr water Method Discussion naming
sources of of water. 3_7 syll sources Introduction Learners state
water p 21 where they fetch water Step 1 Defining
b) Draw and Learner's Tr shows Learners diagrams listing
label natural BK with Learners naming sources
sources p91,92 of water Step 2 Tr explains
natural sources with Learners
listing them Step 3 Learners
write work with Tr supervising
Conclusion.Learners read
names of sources of water.

Water a) MOPSE diagrams Assumed knowledge Can name discussing

Identify,name showing sources of water.Method
Man made and list man Sci/tec sources of Discussion Introduction Recap identifying
sources of made sources Junior Gr water of natural sources of water naming
water of water Step 1 Tr explains man made
3_7 syll
p 21 sources Step 2 Learner list listing
b) Draw the sources of water in groups and
sources of Learner's drawing
BK p 93 give feedback STEP3 Learners
water write work with Tr monitoring classifying
Conclusion Learners classify
water sources.

Water a)Name MOPSE diagrams Assumed knowledge Know discussing

sources of sci/tec showing sources of water Method
designing water Junior Gr sources of Modelling Introduction Learner naming
models of describing
3_7 syll water name sources of water Step 1
water sources b) Design a p 21 Tr shows Learners a model Step
model of a modelling
Learner's 2 Class discuss how to make
water of own s BK p94 models Step 3 Models make
choice models with Tr supervising
Conclusion Learners state
models they made.

Water a) Identify MOPSE Pictures Assumed knowledge Can discussing

water harzard sci/tec in describe floods Methods
Water and the describing
Junior Gr Learners Discussing.Introduction
environment b) Define the 3_7 syll Learners observe floods with Tr
floods term harzards p 21 BK asking questions Step 1 Tr listing
Learner's helps Learners describe floods
Discuss effects BK p 96_ Step 2 In groups Learners state
of floods 97 effects of floods and give
feedback STEP 3 Learners write
work with Tr
supervising.Conclusion List
effects of floods

Water a) Identify MOPSE Pictures Assumed knowledge Can Discussing

safety sci/tecJu in identify floods Methods explaining
Water and the precautions in nior Gr learner's Discussing Introduction
environment case of floods 3_7 p 21 bk Learners observe pictures Step identifying
Learner's 1 Tr explain floods.with
BK 98 Learners answering questions
Step 2 Class discuss
precautions to be taken in case
floods.Step 3 Tr helps Learners
explains precautions to be
taken in case of floods
Conclusion Say what causes

Water a) List man MOPSE Test items a) Tr explains how Learners identifying
made and sci/tec on should answer questions
End of topic classifying
natural sources Junior chalkboar
assessment of water d c) Learners answer some
Gr 3_7 questions naming
syll p 22 listing
b) State what
causes floods Learner' d) Class revise questions
s BK
c) State effects
of floods

d) describe
precautions to
be followed in
case of floods

Health and a) identifying MOPE Diagrams Assumed knowledge Can identifying

safety name and list sci/ of human identify body parts Methods
human body Junior body Discussions Introduction naming
The human parts gr3_7 Gr Learners name body parts Step
p 1,2,3, 1 Tr helps Learners describe
body b) State caring for body parts Step 2 In Listing
functions of groups Learners give functions
body parts of body parts and give report describing
back Step 3 Learners' write
c) Describe and work with Tr supervising
mine taking Conclusion Learners name
care of body internal and external body
parts parts

Health and a) Identify MOPSE toiletries Assumed knowledge Learners identifying

safety name and list sci/tec are using toiletries and
cosmetics naming
toiletries and Junior Gr cosmetics Method Discussing
Toiletries and cosmetics 3_7 syll Introduction Learned name
cosmetics listing
p 13 things shown Step 1 Tr explains
b) Manipulating toiletries and cosmetics Step 2 describing
using toiletries Class discuss use of toiletries
and cosmetics Classifying
and cosmetics with Tr helping
STEP3 Tr helps Learners manipulatin
manipulates using cosmetics g
and toiletries Conclusion
Answer oral questions

Food and a) MOPSEs a chart Assumed knowledge Learner di

nutrition The Identify ,name ci)tecJun showing know a variety of foods
balanced diet and list the ior Gr nutrients Method Discussing
nutrients of a 3_7 p 4 of a Introduction.Learners name
balanced diet balanced foods eat Step 1 Tr explains a
diet balanced diet.Step 2 Class
discuss nutrients with Tr
helping Step 3 Groups
complete a table and gives
report back Conclusion
Learners state foods in each

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