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Lights that can focus / Lights that can’t focus


Fresnel Lights Leko/ERS

- Convex lens w/ concentric circles - Much more versatile lighting
- Greater magnification - Light goes through 2 lenses
- Thin metal handles in front of
- Sliding lamp on the bottom allows for
the light affect shutter, change
a spot (left) or floodlight (right) shape of light
- ERS: Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight


- Small colored circle you put in front of light to change color

- On a pivot; can move and track actor
- Designed w/ an extra long throw
- Douser used to block the light when unneeded
- Iris changes the diameter of opening

Par Can / Par Light Strip Light
- Old school light, essentially a lamp in - Designed to light scenery
a can - Specifically drops
- In Chicago on broadway, these are - Achieving a large field of light where
around the stage color can be mixed


Barn Snoot/ Color

Door Top Frame

Gobo Donut
- Lil stencil that - Makes image crisper by removing
shapes the light glare

- Loud, but very cool and fancy because they move around and change color

- All the info on the lights and where they will go
Lighting Position Chart (see pg below)
Lighting Position Chart (see pg above)
Front of House Lights
Stage Lights

1. Cove / Catwalk
- Lights at a 45 degree angle at stage

2. Box Boom
- Originally, lights put in box seats on the side
- Boom: vertical stick for lights
3. Balcony Rail
- Not great for lighting people as it’s dead on

4. Foot lights
- Lights from the edge of stage pointing at actors

5. Electric
- 5,7,9 pretty much the same
- Any light you hang on a pipe becomes an electric

6. Boom
- 6,8 Variations of the same thing

7. Electric
- 5,7,9 pretty much the same
- Any light you hang on a pipe becomes an electric

8. Ladder/Boom
- 6,8 Variations of the same thing
- Boom that hangs from the grid rather than standing on the floor

9. Cyc Light (also an electric)

- Lights are pointing upstage not downstage
- 5,7,9 pretty much the same
- Any light you hang on a pipe becomes an electric

10. Ground Row

- Series of lights on the floor usually used to light the bottom of the cyc

11. Follow Spot position

- Gets its own little space behind the auditorium

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