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A virtual leak is:

A. A leak that is small enough to be within the acceptance standard and therefore
does not have to be repaired.
B. A leak that is so small as to be virtually impossible to detect.
C. A leak from an isolated pocket within a vacuum system.
D. Out gassing vapor within a vacuum system.
2. In EAT the location of the defect is done by:
A. Triangulation thechnique.
B. The rectangular technique.
C. The circular technique.
D. None of the above
3. Excessive restraint in V preparation butt weld can give:
A. Distortion
B. Crack
C. Deformation & yealding
D. Lack of penetration
4. Acoustic emission testing can be used:
A. To monitor the welding process during welding
B. To detect a cluster of porosity which is allowed by the code but not propagating
C. For in Service inspection
D. Only (A) &(C)
5. Small leaks can be tested by which of following method?
A. Liquid Penetrant and halogen leak testing
B. Ultrasonic testing and acoustic emission testing
C. Helium leak testing and acoustic emission testing
D. Helium leak testing and liquid penetrant testing
6. Which of following is the major disadvantage of thermography testing
A. Surface emissivity of the components under test should be known
B. Corrections to be applied for long distance use
C. Periodic calibration is required
D. All of the above
7. In thermography testing which material is the best used for transmission in 8-14um
A. Quartz
B. Glass
C. Germanium
D. Barium titanate
8. The total radiant power emitted by a black body can be obtained from:
A. Planck’s law
B. Stefan boatzman law
C. Wein’s law
D. None of the above
9. The wavelength of infrared radiation from a body can be determined by:
A. Planck’slaw
B. Stefan brolzman relation
C. Wein’s law
D. All of the above
10. Infrared measurements for NDT are normally carried out in the wevelength region:
A. 2-5.6 microns
B. 8-14 microns
C. 16-32 microns
D. A & C above
11. The main absorbing molecules in the atmosphere, which attenuates IR maximum:
A. O3, CO2, H2O
B. O2, N2, H2, AND CO2
C. O3, N2, H2O and UV
D. N2, N2O, AR and O2
12. Using infrared detector it is possible:
A. To measure the temperature
B. To detect the de-bond
C. To find out the hot spot
D. All of the above
13. 12mm thick plates were welded using GTAW process. On radiographic this weld few
spots of very light density were observed in the welded region. Those spots are most
probably due to:
A. Porosity
B. Tungsten inclusions
C. Pin hole on the surface of the weld
D. Whorm holes
14. To increase the neutron beam intensity:
A. L/D ratio is increased
B. L/D ratio is decreased
C. Fast neutrons are used
D. Moderator are employed
15. Major advantage of ultrasonic testing (over radiography) is:
A. Testing can be carried out even when only one surface is accessible for testing
B. Permanent record of the test is available which can be evaluated by the experts
C. UT has higher penetrating power and can be used for testing thich job
D. Aand C only are correct statement
16. Thermal neutron have energy:
A. 0.01 to 0.3 ev
B. 0.3 to 3 ev
C. 0.3 to 1000ev
D. Less than 3ev
17. Which radio isotope can be used as a portable source in neutron radiography.
A. CS 137
B. Linear Accelerator
C. Electrostatic generator
D. Cf-252

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