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 Sufism follows tasavvwuf. Scholars have interpreted Tasawwuf in a number of ways and there
exist hundreds of definitions of it but in simple words, it can be defined as the inwardness of the
 Main elements of the philosophy of Tasawwuf includes:
Marifat /Ittisal /wasl means mystical union with God.

Zikr always remembering God.


The special form of Zikr i.e. Sama (the climax of Zikr) include dancing, music, etc.

Tark-i- Duniya rejection of worldly things and thinking of only otherworldly things and thinking of

only otherworldly and other.

Fana-o- Baqa Dissolution of self this creates the ground for union with God.
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Wahadat-ul- Wujud / Tauhid-i- wujudi Unity between God and beings.


Focus on certain values such as repentance, perseverance, pity, charity, service, equality and

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