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Materials Chemistry
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Challenges for in silico design of organic
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€ rn Baumeier,*a Falk May,*a Christian Lennartz*b and Denis Andrienko*a
DOI: 10.1039/c2jm30182b

We outline the objectives of microscopic simulations of charge and energy transport processes
in amorphous organic semiconductors, describe the current status of techniques used to
achieve them, and list the challenges such methods face when aiming at quantitative

I. Introduction solely guided by chemical intuition, even and macroscopic worlds. Here, we
though material development would describe the current status of methods
Interest in the field of organic electronics benefit from more rigorous structure– which allow the linking of molecular
is largely provoked by the possibility of properties relationships, which link the electronic structure and material
fine-tuning properties of organic semi- chemical structure, material morphology morphology to the mesoscopic/micro-
conductors by varying their chemical and macroscopic properties. To formu- scopic dynamics of charge carriers and
structure.1–4 Often, compound design is late such relationships, an understanding excitons. Special attention is paid to the
of the physical processes occurring on challenges these methods face when
a microscopic level as well as the aiming at quantitative predictions.
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research,
Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany. development of methods capable of Although the focus is on the design of
E-mail:; falk. scaling these up to macroscopic dimen- host–guest systems for phosphorescent; denis.andrienko@ sions are required. The aim of computer organic light emitting diodes, the tech-
simulations is to facilitate this by niques can be readily extended to study
BASF SE, GVE/M - B009, 67056
Ludwigshafen, Germany. E-mail: christian. zooming in on the behavior of electrons processes occurring in organic solar cells and molecules and by bridging micro- or field effect transistors.

Bj€orn Baumeier is a postdoctoral Falk May is a PhD candidate at

research fellow at the Max the Max Planck Institute for
Planck Institute for Polymer Polymer Research working on
Research. His research focus is molecular dynamics simulations
on first-principles calculations of and the calculation of charge
ground and excited state prop- transfer rates with a focus on
erties relevant for transport energy landscapes and reorgani-
simulations. He obtained his zation energy in organic semi-
Diploma and PhD in solid state conductors. He obtained his
physics from the University of Physics Diploma from Goethe
M€ unster, Germany, working in University of Frankfurt am
the group of Prof. J. Pollmann Main. There he applied numer-
on self-interaction corrections to ical renormalization group tech-
orn Baumeier density-functional theory for Falk May niques to study the influence of
low-dimensional semiconductors spin-vibration coupling on
and insulators. Supported by a postdoctoral stipend of the German transport through single molecule magnets at low temperatures in
Academic Exchange Service, Dr Baumeier joined Prof. A. Mar- the group of Prof. W. Hofstetter in collaboration with Prof. M. R.
adudin at the University of California, Irvine to study scattering Wegewijs from RWTH Aachen.
effects of surface-plasmon polariton on surface defects, including
the design of surface structures generating a target scattering
pattern, such as a cloak from these type of surface waves.

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 10971–10976 | 10971
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Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) prevents hole transfer (1) from emitter to Furthermore, typical time scales of
have recently entered the market of flat host. Electron transfer (2) to the neutral dynamic processes, such as charge and
panel displays and lighting applica- emitter is inhibited by the barrier De. In energy transfer, span several orders of
tions.5,6 In spite of successful commer- order to ensure exciton formation on the magnitude. Hence, treatment of the
cialization, the field still faces a number of emitter, the Coulomb attraction between charge/exciton kinetics cannot be
problems, such as insufficient stability,7 the hole on the emitter and the electron on achieved with numerical methods using
especially of diodes which are based on the neighboring host should be capable of a fixed time step. Instead, a description
deep blue emitters.8,9 Fig. 1a shows overcoming De, thus attracting the elec- based on hopping rates between localized
Published on 15 March 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA on 25/10/2014 02:59:10.

a simplified multilayered structure of tron to the emitter cation. The back- states shall be employed. To evaluate the
a phosphorescent OLED, in which every transfer (3) of the exciton from the emitter rates, one has to justify the use of
layer bears a certain task. Electrons and to the host is prevented by the barrier Dt a particular charge (energy) transfer
holes are injected from electrodes into for triplet excitons. The light is emitted theory (see sec. III), determine localized
transport layers, which ensure their after the electron-hole recombination on states, and compute all the ingredients
balanced delivery to an emission layer the emitter (4). which enter the rate expression, including
(EML). Blocking layers confine charge Thus, the task of the in silico compound intra- and intermolecular reorganization
carriers to the EML where charges are design is to achieve a desirable charge/ energies (see sec. IV), electronic coupling
converted into photons. To allow for energy transport dynamics within the elements (see sec. V), and electrostatic and
triplet-harvesting, the EML consists of an EML, considering the interplay between polarization contributions to site energies
organic semiconductor (host) doped by molecular electronic structure, morpho- (see sec. VI). Analyzing charge and
an organo-metallic emitter (guest). The logical order, and thermodynamic pro- exciton dynamics (see secs VII and VIII)
excitation of the emitter can be achieved perties, such as the relative alignment of thus provides understanding of the
either by an energy transfer process, i.e. transport/excited state energy levels of the microscopic processes and allows for the
by the formation of an exciton on a host host and guest. This task turns out to be formulation of chemical design rules.
molecule and subsequent energy transfer rather cumbersome to accomplish and Last, but not least, these also have to
to the dopant, or by a direct charge requires elaborate computational account for a material’s processability, as
transfer process. Here, one of the charge schemes, whose ingredients are pictorially well as its chemical and morphological
carriers is trapped on the emitter and summarized in Fig. 2. stability.
attracts a charge of the opposite sign To begin with, every molecule has its
forming a neutral exciton on-site, which is own unique environment created by its
argued to lead to more efficient OLEDs neighbors, with local electric fields leading II. Material morphology
than the excitation by energy transfer.10–13 to level shifts, broadening, and spatial
All layers of small-molecule based
Fig. 1b shows the level alignment in an correlations of charge/exciton energies.
OLEDs are vacuum-deposited on
OLED with an electron-conducting host Accounting for such effects requires the
a substrate with transparent electrodes. In
and a hole-conducting emitter. A large knowledge of the material morphology at
case of the EML, deposition normally
barrier, Dh, between hole transport levels an atomic resolution (see sec. II).
results in an amorphous morphology of

Christian Lennartz is a team Denis Andrienko is a project

leader at BASF SE Ludwig- leader at the Max Planck Insti-
shafen, dealing with modeling of tute for Polymer Research
organic electronics at various working on the development of
scales. He is a quantum chemist multiscale simulation techniques
by training and received his PhD for charge and exciton transport
from the University of Bonn, in conjugated polymers as well as
working with ab initio calcula- small molecular weight organic
tions in the field of porous silicon semiconductors. After
and organic reaction mecha- completing his Masters degree
nisms. After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Kiev he ob-
at BASF SE Ludwigshafen in tained his first PhD in optics/
the field of QM/MM-methods structural transitions in liquid
Christian Lennartz for enzyme catalysis he joined Denis Andrienko crystals from the Institute of
BASF SE as permanent staff. Physics, Ukraine (group of
His main research interests are photophysics of phosphorescent Prof. Reznikov) and his second PhD on computer simulations
molecules and charge and exciton transport in organic semi- of complex fluids from the University of Bristol, UK (group of Prof.
conductors. He is co-author of forty patents and thirty journal M. P. Allen). He joined MPIP as a Humboldt Fellow doing
articles. theoretical studies of the slippage effect, mechanical properties of
polyelectrolyte microcapsules, and effective interactions in
colloidal systems. Dr Andrienko has published over seventy journal
articles and one book chapter.

10972 | J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 10971–10976 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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the existing force fields must be refined for

new compounds, which can be done by
matching certain cross-sections of the
force-field and ab initio based potential
energy surfaces.18 Note that the force field
validation is as important as its refine-
ment. Here, simulation results can be
compared to experimental data, e.g.,
Published on 15 March 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA on 25/10/2014 02:59:10.

density and glass-transition temperature.

On a microscopic level, X-ray scattering
and solid-state NMR can additionally
provide information about averaged
molecular arrangements.19–22
Fig. 1 Multilayered structure of a phosphorescent OLED with an electron-conducting host and Due to material processing (vacuum
a hole-conducting emitter. Relative alignment of hole (HT) and electron (ET) transport levels of deposition of small molecules or solution
emitter and host and their broadening (indicated for the emitter only) due to polarization and processing of polymers), the EML
electrostatic effects are shown together with energy levels of singlets (S) and triplets (T) of the emitter morphology can have several charac-
emission spectrum and the host excitation spectrum. teristic length scales and can be kinetically
arrested in a thermodynamically non-
equilibrium state. In such cases more
a host with a small amount of guest one can simulate the gradual adsorption
coarse representations might be helpful to
molecules (5–20% w/w, to avoid triplet– of molecules on a substrate, either by
overcome the limitations of atomistic
triplet quenching due to aggregation, using Monte Carlo moves and treating
models.23,24 It is, however, not clear
double excitations, or transfers to higher molecules as rigid rotors15 or by employ-
whether coarse-grained models can deal
energy vibrational modes7,14). In simula- ing molecular dynamics and sublimating
with non-equilibrium morphologies, since
tions, the preparation of an amorphous molecules at high temperatures.16 The
they tend to reduce energy dissipation.25
morphology of the EML can, to some drawback of the first method is that the
extent, be mimicked by first annealing the molecular conformations are always
host–guest mixture above the glass tran- fixed, while the second method is limited III. Charge transfer rates
sition and subsequently quenching it to to microsecond simulation times, which
In an amorphous morphology of OLED
room temperature. This procedure, might be too short to fully relax positions
layers, electronic couplings between
however, completely randomizes the and orientations of adsorbed molecules.17
neighboring molecules are weak and
positions and orientations of guest mole- All of these techniques use force fields,
hence charges are localized on entire
cules in the host. with atoms represented by point masses
molecules. Intermolecular charge transfer
To account for possible aggregation of interacting via empirical potentials. In
(MA + MB / MA + MB ) then occurs
guest molecules during the deposition, most cases potential energy surfaces of
between these localized (diabatic) states
of the charge transfer complex. In
Gaussian Disorder Models (GDM),26–29
a distance-dependent Arrhenius-type rate
expression is adopted and thermo-
dynamic parameters are Gaussian
distributed. Although GDM are compu-
tationally very efficient, help to get insight
into various scaling laws,29 and are
capable of simulating multilayered
devices,30,31 they are missing a direct link
to the chemical structure and the
morphology. More rigorously, electron
transfer theories can be used to evaluate
rates from quantum-chemical calcula-
tions.32–36 This quantum-chemical
approach is by now routinely used to
study charge transport in amorphous and
partially disordered organic
Fig. 2 Essential ingredients of microscopic simulations of charge/energy transport processes in The ingredients entering the corre-
organic semiconductors: atomistic force field, morphology at an atomistic level of resolution, sponding charge transfer rate expression
electronic coupling elements between localized states, site energies due to electrostatics and are reorganization energy, electronic
polarization, directed graph and charge transfer rates, microscopic currents. coupling elements (transfer integrals) and

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site-energy differences (driving forces). each hopping pair. Since even moderately barriers but does not lead to broadening
All these ingredients can be evaluated sized simulations contain several 10,000s of the DOS.
using electronic structure techniques, of dimers, it is important to develop effi- The level broadening and spatial
classical simulation methods, or their cient and at the same time quantitatively correlations of site energies58 can be
combination18 as described in the reliable computational schemes. Here, introduced at a mesoscopic level using
following. semiempirical methods are often used, lattice models.59 Here molecules are
since they are substantially faster than reduced to point-like particles with
IV. Reorganization energy first-principles approaches by avoiding multipoles and isotropic polarizabilities.60
Published on 15 March 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA on 25/10/2014 02:59:10.

the self-consistent calculations on each Similar to the GDM, these models do not
The reorganization energy takes into individual monomer and dimer.36 While provide a direct link to the morphology
account the change in nuclear (and providing an efficient on-the-fly technique and chemical structure.
dielectric) degrees of freedom as the to determine electronic couplings, they To remedy the situation, electrostatic
charge moves between two diabatic states. are not generally applicable to more interactions can be treated on a micro-
It has two contributions: intramolecular complex compounds, for instance con- scopic level using realistic morphologies
which is due to the change in nuclear taining transition- or semi-metals, and and atomic partial charges which repro-
coordinates of the charge transfer approaches based on first-principles, e.g., duce the electrostatic potential of charged
complex, and intermolecular (outer- density-functional theory need to be and neutral single molecules. Unscreened
sphere), which is due to the relaxation of used.35,54,55 Hence, explicit quantum- Coulomb interactions of partial charges
the environment.47 The intramolecular chemical calculations are required for already lead to significant broadening of
contribution can be computed from the every molecule and hopping pair in the the transport levels. To a first approxi-
potential energy surfaces of the involved morphology and the evaluation of trans- mation, the polarization response of the
diabatic states or from a normal mode fer integrals becomes computationally environment can be included by screening
analysis both using ab initio gas phase demanding and often limits treatable Coulomb interactions by the bulk dielec-
calculations.48 system sizes. tric constant. However, in this case the
The non-local outer-sphere contribu- short-range interactions are under-
tion is especially important to determine estimated, which can be partially
rates between sites with large site energy VI. Site energies compensated for by using distance
differences, e.g. escape rates from deep dependent screening.18,39,56 A more
traps.18 Due to its non-locality, a micro- The site energy is the free energy of the rigorous approach is to evaluate the
scopic evaluation is computationally system with a charge carrier localized on polarization contribution self-consis-
demanding and could be based on the a specific molecule.47 It is comprised of the tently, e.g., by using the Thole model.61
dielectric response18,47 polarizable force internal energy of the molecule and Often, atomic polarizabilities need to be
fields,49 or hybrid quantum mechanics/ interactions of its charge distribution with adjusted to reproduce the polarizability
molecular mechanics approaches.50 the environment. The GDM, for instance, tensors of charged and neutral single
predicts27 that the mobility of a single molecules obtained from ab initio calcu-
V. Transfer integrals carrier is very sensitive to the distribution lations. Even though this approach is
of site energies (density of states, DOS), computationally demanding, it directly
The transfer integral entering the charge especially its tails,28 and an accurate links the chemical structure, molecular
transfer rate is a measure of strength of evaluation of site energies is necessary for electronic properties, and morphology to
the electronic coupling of the charge in quantitative predictions. the energetic landscape. Depending on
initial and final states within the charge The internal energy (ionization poten- the morphology, charge distributions,
transfer complex. It is usually evaluated tial or electron affinity) can be obtained and molecular polarizabilities, including
using an effective single particle Hamil- by using first-principles calculations on the polarization interaction can lead to
tonian and by representing the charge by a single molecule in vacuum. It provides barrier changes and to both narrowing or
the respective frontier orbitals of mono- a first reference for the barriers Dh(e) broadening of the DOS, contrary to only
mers, i.e., the highest occupied molecular between hole (HT) or electron (ET) narrowing predicted by dielectric
orbital in case of hole transport, and the transport levels in the EML, as shown in screening models.
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital in Fig. 1. Note that different molecular
the case of electron transfer. The distance conformations due to structural effects in VII. Charge dynamics
and mutual orientation of the two mole- the bulk can already lead to broadening
cules forming the charge transfer complex and shifts of these levels.18 When the positions of molecules and
sensitively affects the transfer integral, Electrostatic contributions due to electron transfer rates between them are
which is therefore significantly influenced interactions with the environment can be known, the carrier dynamics can be
by static and/or dynamic disorder, or, modeled on a macroscopic scale by using studied by solving the corresponding
e.g., preferential packing motifs in continuum solvation models,56,57 where master equation, which describes the
molecular crystals.40,42,43,51–53 the interaction of the molecule with time-evolution of the system. Here,
Within a realistic morphology of an a surrounding homogeneous dielectric kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) is a robust
organic semiconductor, it is essential to leads to stabilization of the respective method which allows one to study non-
calculate electronic coupling explicitly for transport levels which can affect the steady-state systems, to take into account

10974 | J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 10971–10976 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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correlations in carrier positions, and to diverse character (strongly-bound fields for accurate evaluation of outer-
include electrostatic interactions Frenkel excitations localized on single sphere reorganization energies and
explicitly.18,62 molecules, charge-transfer excitons polarization contributions to site energies
By analyzing KMC trajectories, one involving a donor–acceptor complex, (beyond isotropic atomic polarizabilities
can gain insight into the topology of the long-range polaron pairs). used in the Thole model), (iii) develop-
charge percolation network in terms of its Analogues of diabatic states (energies, ment of off-lattice kinetic Monte Carlo
dimensionality or the existence of wavefunctions) have to be determined for algorithms for multiple charge carriers
preferred directions, e.g., in organic all types of excitations using suitable first- and explicit treatment of electrostatic
Published on 15 March 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA on 25/10/2014 02:59:10.

crystals. In amorphous mixtures, such as principles descriptions. Accurate interactions, and (iv) inclusion of excited
the host–guest system for the EML one quantum-chemical methods, such as states dynamics, which remains by far the
can quantify the onset of hole transport in coupled-cluster, configuration-interac- most challenging task.
the minority system as a function of its tion are capable of this but come at high
concentration in the mixture. For computational cost. Time-dependent
concentrations which are too low, no density-functional theory is less Acknowledgements
connected percolation network in the demanding but has problems describing This work was partially supported by the
EML is formed and holes are immobile. long-range asymptotics of the electron- DFG program IRTG 1404, DFG grant
On the other hand, formation of current electron interaction potential,63 affecting SPP 1355, and BMBF grant MES-
filaments can result in material degrada- charge-transfer states in particular. OMERIE. We are grateful to Mara
tion causing the formation of defects and Range-separated exchange–correlation Jochum, Carl P€ olking and Vorausei-
reducing the luminescence and lifetime of kernels64,65 may be used to overcome this lender Gehorsam for critical reading of
the device.7 deficiency but need compound-specific the manuscript.
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averaging over (statistically) independent Green’s functions theory using the GW
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10976 | J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 10971–10976 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012

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