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View Shakeel : Total Pages : 2 BL-131 . B.A. LL.B. (H.) Semester 11rd Examination, 2014-15 Constitution-I » Paper No.1 Time : 3 hours . Max. Marks: 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Note: Attempt one queston from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. UNIT-1 1. Discuss the significance of the preamble to the Constitution of India, What are the political ing to the preamble India seeks to secure ? 2. Explain the doctrine of separation of powers. To what extent this doctrine operates in the Indian Constitutional system ? Discuss. UNIT-I 3. Doyou agree with this view that “Our Founding Fathers appear to have leaned in favour of strong Centre while distributing the powers and functions between the Centre and the States”? Discuss with the help of Constitutional provisions and case law. 4 Critically examine the financial relations between the Union and State. Is there any difference between Tax and Fees ? Discuss. Unit-I 5. Whatdo you mean by Privileges ? Whether the Legislative Assembly or its Members enjoy any privilege in respect of an inquiry or an investigation into a criminal offence punishable under any law for the time being in force, even when inquiry or investigation was initiated in BL-131 (@.T.0.) Performance of duty enjoined by Inw enacted by the very Legislative Assembly of which the breach of privilege is alleged 2 Discuss the abject of Anti-defeetion Inw under the Constitution of India. Is there any exemption under the 10th schedule When a member shall not be disqualified ? Whether the Speaker has Power to review his decision on the question of dis qualification of a Member of the House, rehdered under the Tenth Schedule to the Constituti n? UNITIV ‘What ae the qualifications forthe person standing for presidential election ? Also discuss the Procedure Isid down in the constitution forthe election of President, Whether the election of the President can becalled in question in the Court of law ? Explain the contingencies under which the president may promulgate ordinances, Whether an ordinance issued by the president is subject tojudici: I review or not ? Discuss wi ith the help of judicial pronouncements. UNIT-V Discuss the importance: of judicial activism in preser:: day scenario, Whether the court has any competence to issue directions to the legislature to :nact the law in a particular manner or by adding something to the policy ? Explain the power of Parliament to amend the constisution. Is there any limitation on it ?Ifany law inserted in IX Schedule can be challenged on the ground that it violates the basic structure of the constitution, Discuss. BL-131 Total Pages :2 Your Roll N B.A. LL.B.(Hons.) Semester-II Examination, 2014-2015 Islamic Jurisprudence Paper No. : IT Time: 03 hrs.) (M.M. : 75 (Fri Note: Pp BL-132 your Roll No, on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Answer any one questions from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit-I Discuss in brief about the customs and usages prevailing in the Pre-Islamic Arabs. Give a brief account of the reforms brought out by the religion of Islam Partaining to women. ¢ Prophet Muhammad (SAS) is not only a messanger of peace for humanity but his actions also had profound bearings on socio-legal dimentions of society. In the light of the sbove, discuss in brief the life and contribution of the Prophet of Islam. Unit-IL What do you mean by Direct and Indirect revelation ? Discuss in brief the Primary Sources of Islamic Law as per priorties and relevance given in Islamic Jurisprudence. Hadith or Sunnah of the Prophet is a second most important source of Islamic Law. Discuss and explain the meaning of Ijma and Qiyas as a source in Islamic Law. Unit Define and explain the nature and scope of Ijtehad as a source of Islamic Law. Do you agree that many of the societal ills in Sunni society are the result of making Ijtehad [P.T.O.] ‘ee qa) Q) @) redundant where as Shia Community still considers Ijtehad as one of the crucial secondary source of Islamic law. Write in brief about the secondary sources of Islamic Law. Unit-IV What do you understand by the schools of Islam.c Law ? Discuss in brief. Discuss the Hanafi and Shafei schools of Islaraic Law in brief. Do the differences between them means difference in Islamic principles or distinction in opinions ? Unit-V In the religion of Islam a man who sincerely adheres to Iman (Faith in Unity of God), to Islam with complete submission and is committed to doing of good deeds is a Muslim. Discuss and refer the opinions of famous muslims scholars on the point. Write short notes on the following : Wife's right to divorce under the Dissolution of ‘Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, Wife’s right to maintenance under the Muslim Women Act, 1986. Briefly mention the aims and objectives (Protection of Right on Divorce) of the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937. BL-132 Total Pages: 2 BL-133 Your Roll No. vee B.A, LL.B. Hons.) Semestrer-INJ, Examination, 2014 Legal Methods Paper No, : IIL Times 03 hrs.) , (MM: 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Note: Answer one question rom each Uni. Al questions cary equal marl. Unit-1 1. Whatdoyoumean by ‘Social Engineering’? Diseusits relevance in present day context in India. 2, Explain and differentiate the following : (a) Public Law and Private Law. j (b) Substantive and Procedural Law. ‘ | Unit-I 4, Whatis difference between culture as a soure of lw and custom sa source of Law ? Explain. 4, Discuss the meaning and importance of precedrotrs ase source of law. Whether the Supreme Court is bound by its own devsion ? Comment. Unit-Il 5 Whatdoyoumeanby the term Roll of Law” ? How farbasthe concept of ‘Roll of Law’ been recognized inthe Indian Legal System 7 Explain. 6 Whatare the various lege remedies available under the Indian Legal System ? Do you think that compensation is an effective remedy in modem time ? Discuss. BLAS (P10) u () (b) 10, Unit-lV Discuss the meaning of Judicial Law Making so there any limit on it ? How would you justify the practice of Judicial Law Making in the light of doctrine of separation of power. Write note on the following : Difference between ratio decidends and a biter dicta. How is a statutory law enacted ? Unit-V ‘What do you mean by the term ‘Delegated Legislation’ ? Also explain the main causes for the growth of delegated legisltation. Discuss the importance of Legal Materials in research assignment. [2] BL~133 Total Pages : 2 Roll No.... BL-134 B.A. LLB (Hons.) Semester-III, Examination, 2014 Legal and Constitutional History Paper No. : IV Time: 03 hours Max. Marks. 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on recipt of this question paper) Note : Attempt any one question from each unit, All questions carry equal marks. [Unit-1] 1, A great step forward was taken in the Indian Legal History when the Supreme Court of Judica- ture was created at Calcutta under the Regulating Act of 1773. Discuss the powers, functions and juridiction of the Supreme Court of Calcutta with special reference to land mark decisions. 2. _ Discuss the system of administraction of justice in the Presidency towns of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras during the period 1600 and 1726. Critically analyze the development of Courts. and Institutions under the East India Company. (Unit-II] Lord Camwallis made significant contribution to the development of judicial system for the native Indian population. Discuss the reforms introduced by him under the plans of 1787, 1790 and 1793. 4. Discuss the progress of the Adalat system under Sir John Shore, Lord. Wellesley, Lord Amherest and Lord William Bentick. [Unit-11]] 5. The British period was marked by racial discrimination in the administration of civil and crimi- nal justice. Critically analyze this statement. BL-134 @.1.0) 6. _ Discuss the development of personal law during the British Period. Also explain the role played by the courts in contributing to these developments. [Unit-IV] Critically analyze the revolt of 1857 with specific reference to the legal and constitutional changes that took place as a ‘consequence of the revolt.” 8. Write an essay on the emergence of Gandhi in Indian politics and his techniques of mass mobi- lisation with reference to the Non-co-operation, The Civil Disobedience and the Quiet India Movements. [Unit-V] 9. Discuss the process of condification of law in Indi« under the various Law Commissions estab- lished under the Charter Act of 1833 and 1853. 10. Discuss the growth of Legal Profession in India v Mh special reference to relevant legislations. (2) BL-134 pl-135 © Your Roll No Total Pages : 2 B.A. LL.B, (H.) Semestor IIT, Examination, 2014-15 Law of Crimes-I Paper No. 1 Time : 3 hours Max, Marks : 75 (rite your Roll No, on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Note: Attempt one queston front each Unit, All questions carry equal marks. UNH Explain the doctrine of Mens-rea, Has this doctrine been accepted in the IPC ? Discuss. The accused picked up arevolver and believing it to be londed pulled the trigger with the criminal intention of shooting B dead. Fortunately for B, the revolver was not loaded gd he escaped unhurt. What offence, iff any, has the accused committed ? Discuss in the light of relevant provisions of IPC, . UNIT Distinguish between culpable homicide and murder. A by shooting at a bird with intent to kill and steal it, kills B, who is behind a bush; A not knowing that he was there. Is A guilty of culpable homicide ? Explain, A, apickpocketer, puts his hand in the pocket of B, a person, who was reclining in the park. Incidentally had the pistol in his pocket and as the pickpocketer puts his hand in the pocket, it touched the trigger and the pistol went of killing the person ?Is A guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Explain with the help of illustrations and decided cases. BL-135 @.1.0) UNIT (a) A obstructs a pathalong which Z has a right to pass, A not believing in good faith that he has. , aright to stop the path. Z is thereby prevented from passing. What offence is committed by A? Explain with reasons. (b) A places men with fire arms at the outlets ofa building and tells Z if he attempts to leave the building he will be killed. Referring to relevant legal provisions, and decided cases, Point out what offence, ifany, has been committed by A. Write note on the following : (i) Kidnapping and abduction (i) Hurtand Grievous hurt UNIT-IV ‘What do you understand by term ‘theft’ ? Explain its ingrédients and distinguish between theft and extortion. @ “Inall robbery there is either theft or extortion "Explain, Also discuss when does robbery amount to dacoity ? (b) AholdsB down, and. fraudulently takes B’s money and jewels from B’s cloths, without B’s Consent. Explain what offence has been comniitted by A. UNIT-V Discuss the law relating to ‘Dowry Death’ underthe PC with the help of recent judicial decisions, Define ‘Rape’. What changes are incorporated in the lavy dealing with the offence of rape ? Discuss in the light of recent amendments, BL-135 Total Pages : 2 Roll No... BL-136 . B.A. LLB (A) Semester-IIL, Examination, 2014 Property Law Paper No. : VI Time : 03 hours Max. Marks. 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on recipt of this question paper) Note : Attempt any one question from each unit, All questions carry equal marks. [Unit-1] 1. Whatare the different modes of transfer of immovable property ? Also discuss their distective features. ‘ 2. Discuss.the concept and meaning of immovable property. Also differentiate it;from movable property. (Unit-0] 3. (a) Discuss and explain the effects ofa condition attached to the transfer of property restrain- ing alternation. Are there any exception to it? Explain. (b) Amadea giftifahouse toB with a condition that if B would sell it during the life time of A’s wife, she should have an option to purchase it for Rs. 1,00,000, Discuss the effect of this condition and validity of gift to B. 4. (a) Whatis the law governing ‘Rule against perpetuity’ ? Make your answer illustrative with the help of judicial decisions. (b) A transfer property of which he is the owner to B in trust for A. and his wife successively, for their lives, and aftr the death of the Survivor, for the eldest son for life, and after his death for the A’s second son, Decide the validity of transfer to eldest and second son. BL-136 (.T.0.) 10. [Unit-0] (a) What are the essentials which the parties are zequired to observe the sale legal. Explain | with illustrations. g , (©) Discuss in brief the rights and duties ofthe seller and the buyer with respect to immovable property. «Define and discuss mortgage of innovable property. What are the kinds of mortgages ? [Unit-IV] (a) What is ‘Lease’ of immovable property ? Also discuss the duration of lease. (b) Describe the manner by which lease can be made by lessor in favour of lessee. (a) Define and discuss gift, highlighting its essentia! features. Under what circumstances can a gift be suspended or revoked ? (b) A.widow gifted her property to the donee with the condition that donee should pay certain amount her month towards for maintenance. Decide the validity of gift. [Unit-V] : ‘What is ‘Easement’ ? Discuss the ways by which it can be created and acquired. Under the Indian Easement Act, 1882. Define and discuss ‘License’. Also distinguish it from easement. (2) BL-136 '

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