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Total Pages : 2 Your Roll No. BLAS. : B.A, LLB: (otis), int Semester Examination, 2015 Constitutional Law - It Paper No. : Ft ‘Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Frite your Roll No, un the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Note: Answer ONE question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks, Unit 2 1. What do you mean by the term ‘constitution’? Also explain the various kinds of constitution, Is preamble a part of the constitution? Discuss. 2. Explain the development of the doctrine of 'Rule.of Law’? Do you think that this doctrine is one of the most effective weapon to restrain misuse or abuse by administrative authority? Discuss. ‘Unit-IL 3. Explain the distribution of legislative power with Tespect to subject matter. Whether the Parliament can legislate on the subject of State List? Discuss with the help of judicial decisions. 4. ‘Write note on the following : . 10. ee erases np ne eee (@) Doctrine of Occupied field (®) Doctrine of Pith and Substance Unit-O Explain the procedure for the appointment and removal of Speaker under the Constitution of India Whether the speaker has power to suspend any Member of the House? Write note on the following : (@) Parliamentary Sovereignty (0) Need of Parliamentary Privileges, Unit-IV Critically analyse the pardoning power of Presideat, Wheth formulated any uniform standard and guidelines tc be follo Power under Article 72 of the constitution? Explain, er the government of India has wed in exercise of constitutional Discuss the Constitutional position of the Indian Prusident. Whether the president can dismiss the Prime Minister? Explain. Unit-V Dissuss the doctrine of judicial review. Do you th ak that the exercise of power of judicial review depend upon the will of the Parliament? Disouss the diferent modes for amendment of :3e Constitution. Whether the power of Faslament to amend the Consition is unlimited? an Parliament alte, amend and abrogate coy part of the Constitution even to the extent of taking away all fundamental rights? Elaborate, : R2/BL131 Total Pages : 2 Your Roll No. BL-132 B.A., LL.B. (HL), I Semester Examination, 2015 Islamic Jurisprodence Ir Time : 3 Hours Paper No. Maximum Marks : 75 (Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Note: Answer ONE question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit-I lL "The position of women is always taken as a benchmark to assess the state of development of the society." Discuss the statement in the light of the customs and the usages pertaining to women prevalent in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Explain how Islam introduced changes reforms pertaining to women around the world. 2, "The Prophet of Islam miade the people bound together by faith in one God and to rejoice the prin principles of natural justice.' In the light of the above, discuss the life and contributions of the Prophet. Unit-IT 3. ‘The whole superstructure of Sunnah is based on the verses of the Holy Quran revealed gradually during a period of 23 years. Thus, both the Quran and Sunnah constitute one complete whole and both are fundamentally interdependent’ Discuss in brief, the primary sources of Islamic law especially legislative functions of the Sunnah of the Prophet. Discuss the various sources of Islamic Law. What do you mean by Divine Sources of Islamic law? How is it diferent from the Dependant Sources of Islamic Law? Unit-11 What do you mean by the term Ijtehad? What is its objective? Discuss the qualification for a Jurist (Mujtahid) to find out laws from the Quran und the Sunnah and to apply them to the prevalent conditions of tho society, : Write Short notes on the following : (a) "Taglid is following the decision of'a jurist without demanding arguments for that (due to confidence in his leaming)". Comment. () Equity, Justice and Good Conscience as a source of Islamic Law, Explain, Unit-IV Explain the nomenclature of the Hanafi School of I: Yamic Law. "The teachings of Imam Abu Hanifa acquired for him the title of "Upholder of Private Judgement’ and his School of law was distinguished by that epithet" Discuss in brief the Sur ni schools of Islamic Law, ‘What do you mean by Schools of Islamic Law? Discuss in brief the reasons for development of the Shis and Sunni Schools under Islamic Jurisprudence, Unit-v. ‘In the Islam credo what is believed in the heart should be expressed by the lips, and what is expressed by the lips should be sincerely felt and believed by the heart’. Discuss and define the nature and scope of a Muslim's beliefs and Practices prescribed by the religion, Write Short notes on the following : (2) Wife's right to maintenance vis-a.-vis Muslim V/>men (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986. (>) Muslim wife's right to Divorce under the Muslin: Marriage. Dissolution Act, 1939 (c)_ The aim and objective of The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937, R-2/BL-132 ‘Total Pages : 2 i : Your Roll No. BL-133 B.A. LL.B. (H.), I" Semester Examination, 2015 Legal Method | Paper No, : IP# Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (W¥eite your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of thls question paper.) Note : Answer ONE question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks, Unit-I 1 ‘What do you mean by term ‘Law’? Distinguish between Intemalional Law and Municipal Law. "The movement of societies of Progressive Societies hitherto has been from status to contract". Examine the above statement. L Unilt-II 3 Define Legislation. Distinguish between supreme and sub-ordinate legislation. 4 Explain the religion as a source of law. Unit-O Discuss writ of Habeas corpus and state the grounds on which the writ can be issued. RI2 [P-.0.1 6. Write notes on the followitig > (@) Hierarchy of Indian Courts, 2 (®) Theories of punishment. Unit-IV 7 Distinguish between Ratio decidendi and Obiler dicta. What are the rules governing the binding force of judicial precedents? 8. What do you mean by term 'Statute'? How to read a statute? “Unit-v %- Explain the primary and secondary source as legal materials, 10. Write notes on te following : @) Ordinances (©) Judicial Decisions : (©): Law Reporis R3/BL-133 Total Pages : 2 ‘Your Roll No. BL-134 B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), HI" Semester Examination, 2015 Legal and Constitutional History Paper No. : 1V® ‘Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (rite your Roll No. on the top Immediately on receipt of this question paper) Attempt any one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit-I (a) Discuss the main features and working of the Charter of 1726. () Discuss Wairen Hasting’s Plan of Judicial Administration of 1772, 1774 and 1780. The Supreme Court of Judicature was established in Calcutta under the Regulating Act of 1773. Discuss the powers, functions and jurisdiction of the same with special reference to landmark decisions of the Supreme Court. Unit- Lord Cornwallis made several important reforms in the judicial administration some of which constitute the foundation of our present legal system, Discuss the reforms introduced by him under the Judicial Plan of 1787, 1790 and 1793. Write notes on : (@) Establishment of High Courts ©) Privy Council a Unit-IT 5. Explain how the personal laws of Hindus and Muslims sees during the British periogy eal Briefly discuss the various legislations passed during this period. a 7 - | | 6 Discuss how social discrimination existed in the administration of justice of civil and criminal | ‘maiters in the Presidencies and Mofussils. 7. ‘The emergence of Gandhi on the horizons .»f Indian politics with his technique of mass mobilisation in reference to Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movements led to the independence of India. Discuss. | | Unit | 8 Briefly discuss the Government of India Act, 3909 (The Minto Morley Reforms of 1909), the Government of India Act, 1919 and 1935, Unit-v 9. Discuss the process of codific ation and legislat on by the Law Commissions under the Charter of 1833 and 1853, es Referring tothe various legislations passed, disass the growth of legal profession in India, R2/BL-134 : Total Pages : 2 Your Roll No. ... BL-135 B.A, LL (1), I" Semester Examination, 2015 Law of Crimes-I Paper No: V4 Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (rite your Roll No, on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.) Note : Answer ONE question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit-1 1. Examine the maxim ‘actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea’. Are there any exceptions to this maxim? If yes, discuss with the help of cases. +2. With the help of relevant legal provisions and case-laws, explain the difereat stages of the commission ofa crime. Unit-2 3. Define and distinguish between culpable homicide and murder. Refer to relevant legal provisions and decided cases. 4. (a) ‘A’ is at work with a hatchet’ the head flies off and kills a man who is standing by. Deci the liability of ‘A’. (o) ‘A! under the influence of passion excited by provocation given by ‘el who was ‘B's child. Explain the offence committed by 'A'. teationally kills RI2 [P-1.0.1 6 a % 10. Unit-3 (a) Whatis criminal force? How is it differect from assault? (©) ‘A intentionally pulls the veil of a worlan without her consent, What offence has ‘A\ committed? (@) Kidnapping from lawful guardianship. (h) Sexual harassment as per Section 354-A cf the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Units What offence, if any, has been committed by "A" in the following situations : (a) ‘A’ finds valuable ring not knowing to whom it belongs. 'A' sells it immediately without attempting to discover the owner. (©) A‘ a revenue officer, is entrusted with public money and is either directed by law or bound by a contract express or implied with the government to pay in a certain treasury all the public money which he holds. Howaver A appropriates the money for his personal use. What do you understand by the term extortion? Explain its ingredients and distinguish it from theft and robbery. Refer to the relevant legal prewision and decided cases, Unit-s ‘The recent Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2313 have made major changes in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 regarding offences against wo.aen. Discuss them in detail Explain the law relating to doing death and crue! ‘ty against married women under the Indian Panel Code, 1860. Refer to the relevant legal provi isions and decided cases, R2BL-3S Note: RID Total Pages : 2 Your Roll No. .. BL-1396 > B.A. LL.B. (11,), 111 Semester Examination, 2015 Property Law Paper No. : Vit Timo: 3 Hou Maximum Marks : 75 (tite your Roll No. on the top Immediately un recelpt uf thls question paper) Attempt any one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit-I Explain the different mode of transfer of immovable property recognized under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, highlighting their distinctive features. Define and discuss the term ‘immovable property’ under the different enhancement. lw» distinguish it from movable property. Unit-It (@) Discuss the law relating to transfer of property to unborn person. (©) Amade a gift of her properties to B, her nephew's daughter, This gift by A was nade tor the life of B and then to B's male descendents absolutely if she would have any: Hut she (B) had no male descendents, then to B's draghter(s) without power of alienation and if there was no descendents of B, male or female, then to her (A's) nephew absolutely. dies without having any issue, Decide the validity of transfer to all the persons. (a) What is the effect of transfer of property by ostensible owner ? Discuss it with the help ot relevant statutory provisions and judicial decisions. IPO) Ahad purchased certain properties in his wife's name. The wife looked after the property My and its management. Later on, the wife mortgaged the properties to N. Decide the validity of transfer by wife to N. Unit-I0 (@_ What are the essential elements ofa valid sale ? Explain. ©) Differentiate between sale and agreement t9 sell. (®) Discuss the ‘mortgage by conditional sale’ and ‘usufuctuary mortgage. (&) What is clog on redemption ? Is a contract of mortgage valid, which entitle, the mortgage some penalty on default by the mortgagor? Discuss. Unit-IV (S) Explain the definition of the term ‘Lease’. Also discuss the different types of lease. (®) Difiereatiate between lease and license. 8. @)_-Whatis gift of immovable property ? Whe: can a gift be revoked ? ©) Armsde a gift of his property in favour of h. The deed of gift is not registered but B is put in possessions. Decide whether the gift is vulid. Unit-v 9. Define and discuss Easement ? How it can be ertinguised ? Substantiate your answer with the help of case lew. : 10. (@)_ What is License ? How it is acquired ? () Distinguish between Licence and Easement 1-2/BL-136

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