PYQ 2016 Sem 3

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B.A. LL.B. (H) Semester I1I Examination, 2016

Paper- I

Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. at top immedintely on receipt of this question paper)
Answer ONE question from each Unit.
All questions carry equal marks.


1. Explain the importance of the constitution in a country. Is there anydistinction between

constitution and constitutionalism? Discuss.
2. Discuss the doctrine of separation of power. Why is it important to not concentrate too
much power in one branch of govenment? Explain with the help of case laws.
3. What are the objectives offederalism? Do you thinik that the Indian constituntion basialy federal
with unitary features?
4. What would happen in the case of confict between a Central and State law with regard to
the subjects enumerated in the Concurrent List, and how such conflict can be resolved?
Answer with the help ofjudicial decisions.
5. Do you agree with this statement that "parliament is the sole judge in matters involving
parliamentary privileges immunities except when it is the question concerning the

personal liberty of a citizen'". Discuss with the help of decided cases.

6. Explain the importance of Anti-defection law in India in present day scenario. Whether it
is "constiturtionally impermissible" for a speaker to proceed with disqualification
proceedings, if a no confidence motion against him is already pending? Elucidate with
the help of judicial decisions
7. Discuss the constitutional position of the Indian President. Do you think that the

President of India is mere a constitutional head? Critically examine.

8. Discuss the contingencies under which the presic.ont may promulgate ordinances. What
safeguards are available in case of abuse of ord:1ance making power by the president
under the Constitution? Discuss with the help ofjudicialpronouncements.
9. Discuss the true scope and nature of amending process provided under Art.368 of the
Constitution. Whether amy amendment of the Constitution is open to judicial review and
liable to be interfered with by the Court on the ground that it affects one or the other of
the basic features of the Constitution. Excplain with the help judicial decisions.
10. Discuss the doctrine of judicial review. Whether a policy decision is subject to judicial
review or not? Refer to case laws.
Code No.: BL-132
Total pages: 2



Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll No. at the top Immedlately on recclpt of this qucstion paper.)
Answer 5 questions selecting ONE question from each Unit.
All Questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the customs and the usages prevalent in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Explain the
message of Islam as it introduced changes/reforms pertaining to socio-economic
conditions of women in the whole world.

2. The Prophet of Islaun made the people bound together by faith in one God. Explain the
socio-religious conditions during the period of Ignorance and highlight the contribution

of the Prophet.
3. Discuss the primary Sources of Islamic Law. What do you mean by Divine Sources of
Islamic law. Discuss them in detail.
4. Discuss in brief the meaning of ljma and Qiyas as primary sources of Islamic law.

5. What is the meaning of the term ljtehad? Discuss its objective and the qualification
needed for a Jurist (Mujtahid) to find out laws fronm the Holy Quran and the
Hadith/Sunnah of the Prophet to apply them to the prevailing conditions of the society.
6. Write Short notes on the following
a. Equity, Justice and Good Conscience as a source of Islamic Law.
b. Taqlid as a source of Islamic Law

7. Discuss in brief the Sunni schools of

Islamic Law.Explain the nomenclature of the Hanafi
School of Islamic Law.
Explain main features of the Hanafi School, also why the founder
of School is known as Imam-e-Azam.
8 What do you mean
by Schools of Islamic Iaw? Discuss in brief the reasons for
development of the Shia and Sunni Schools.
Briely explain the Shia Schools.
9. Discuss the nature and
objectives of Shariat Act. Explainits salient features. Do
agree before the passing of the Act you
the status and conditions of
muslim women under the
so called customary law was
10. Write Short notes on the following:
(a) Wife's right to maintenance under Muslim Women
Divorce) Act. (Protection of Rights on

(b) Muslim wife's right to Divorce under

the Muslim
Marriage Dissolution Act.

Code No.: BL-133 Total pages: 2

Time: Three Hourss
Max. Marks: 75
(Write your Roll no. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)
NOTE: Attempt any five questions. One question is compulsory from each

Unit I

Q.1 (a) What are the different approaches to the study of Law?

Q.1 (b) Distinguish between public and private law.

Q. 2. Discuss the functional school with support of Roscoe Pound theoryof social

Unit II

Q.3. Is custom a source of law? If yes, discuss the circumstances in which custom

gets transformed into law.

the Indian parliament empowered to make any law? If

0.4. What is legislation? Is
yes, what will
be the consequences if any law is not found inconformity with

the constitutional provisions? Discuss with the help of decided cases.

Unit III

O. 5. King is not above the law". Discuss the Indian perspective of rule of law in
light of the above statement.
Courts in India and England. Discuss in detail.
Q. 6. Discuss the hierarchy of
Unit IV

Q.7. What is statute? Discuss the rules of

interpretation of statute in brief.
Q. 8. What is precedent? What is the
difference between obiter dicta and ratio
decidendi? Explain.

Unit V
Q.9.(a) Examine the reasons for the growth
of delegated legislation in India.
(b) What are the permissible limits of delegated legislation? Discuss in the
light of decided cases.
Q. 10. Discuss the primary and
secondary sources of law. And Discuss the various
legal materials requisite for conducting lagal research in
India? What are
impediments to legal research in India?

Total pages: 2


Legal and Constitutional History

Paper No. Ih

TIME: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 75

(Write your Roll no. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper)

NOTE: Answer ONE question from each Unit.

All questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the contributions of Warren Hastings to judicial reforms under the 1772 plan

and the subsequent reforms and reorganisation undertaken in 1774 and 1780?

2. Discuss the composition powers functions and working of the supreme courtat

Calcutta. Also, discuss any one of the following cases decided by this court:
a. Trial of Raja Nand Kumar (1775).

b. The Patna Case (1779)


history behind the setting up of High Courts in India. Also

3. Describe the legislative
describe its relevance in the present scenario.
4. Discuss in detail the changes brought about by the Act of Settlement, 1781 and
after 1781.
the jurisdictional issues that arose

5. Critically analyse the development of civil law in the mofussil areas and presidency

towns during the British period.

6. Discuss the developments and reforms in the field of criminal law brought about

during the British period?


Critically examine the revolt of 1857 with specific reference to the legal and
constitutional changes that came into being in its wake.
S. Analyse the Government of India Act, 1919 which established dual
government in
India. Referring to its salient
provisions, elucidat why the system laid down by this
Act proved unsuccessful?

9. Discuss the
development and organisation of the legal profession in India. Also
critically elucidate the problems and challenges facing this
profession in India?
10. Discuss the process of codification
of law in India under various law commissions
established under the Charter Act of 1833 and 1853.
BL-135 Roll no.

B.A.LL.B (Hons) III Semester Examination 2016

Law of Crimes I

P'aper No. V

Time: Three hours

Maximum Marks: 75

Note: Answer question from each unit.

AU the questions carry equal

Answer elaborately. (15marks)
What is crime? What its essential elements?
the eventual attribution
causal responsibility is a preliminary step towards
2. "Attribution of
the accused." Explain.
of criminal culpability to
of Indian
difference between a rash
act and a negligent act under section 304A
3. Is there a
sufficient case law. (1 marks)
Penal Code? If yes, explain by means of under
and sudden provocation to murder
defence available of grave
4. Explain the partial English doctrine of
Code. How different
is the Indian law from the
the Indian Penal
provocation on this point?
Differentiate between both the offences
different from abduction?
5. How is kidnapping
under IPC.
to complete the
hurt? Whether mere existence of grievous hurt adequate
6. What grievous
sufficient case law on point. (15marks)
325 IPC? Answer with
offence under secfion


Differentiate between the

offence of theft and dacoity under the Indian Penal Code.
trust? How does the offence of criminal breach of trust differ
8. What is criminal breach of

from the offence of theft and

criminal misappropriation of property? (1 Smarks)
Are the test
the Supreme Court of India.
9. Discuss the tests of obscenity applied by
material distributed in
differently applied when it comes to obscenity/gornographic
electronic form?
10. (a) Differentiate the scope of application of sect »n 304B and 498A of Indian Penal Code
(7 marks)

(b) Explain the scope of "consent" in section 375 of the Indian Penal Code. (8 marks)
Total pages: 2

Code: BL-136

BALLBH)IlIrd Semester Examination,2016

Property Law

Paper No:VI

Maximum Marks: 75
Time: 3hrs.

one question from each unit. All questions carry equal

Note: Attempt five questions selecting any
Unit 1

make a clear distinguish between moveable

Q1. What do you understand by the term 'property' ? Also
and immoveable properties.

a valid 'attestation'
mentioned under Transfer of Property Act, 1882
Q2. A) Explain the essentials of
notice? Ilustrate with suitable examples.
difference between 'actual' and 'constructive'
What is the
Units 2

the law relating to spes

successionis with the help of decided cases

Q3. A) Explain 'A*' düring his

'B' and a brother "C'.
property dies leaving a widow
separate have one and in
B) 'A' a Hindu owning
and then to his son if he
to his wife for her life-time his brohther's
life-time makes a
to M. C challenges
the sale of
B. B is issueless and sells the property
default of son to the sale.
Discuss the validity of
claims his share.
property and
and elucidate the doctrine of
Q4.a) Explain of
the same transaction gives C's minor son a gift
an estate belonging to C and by favour of B. Advice A and
transfers to B
b) A with his estate in
gift but refuses to part
Rs.2000. C accepts the
Unit 3
1882. Explain the essential

of 'sale' as provided
under Transfèr of Property Act,
Q5. Define the concept
valid sale of immoveable property.
elements of a
various forms of 'mortgage'
provided under Transfer of
Define the term
'mortgage'. Explain
Property Act, 1882.

Unit 4
immoveable property be determined?
by which the lease of
the different modes
Q7.A) Briefly explain
B)A purchased land at a revenue sale in the name
of B, his b namider. A then lent the land to C. At the
expiry of the lease, C refused to hand over the
Can C succeed? Cite reasons. possession of tie land to A alleging that real owner was B.
Q8. Explain the essential ingredients
How can a gift of immoveable
of a valid 'gift' as mentioned under Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
properly be effected? Explain
Unit 5
Q9.Briefly explain the concept of "easement". How can it be c eated and
Easement Act? become extinct under Indian

Q10. What do you understand by the term license' ?

Distingiish between license and easement.

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