PYQ 2017 Sem 3

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Shakee} Det-lo\i2])5 Ft B—1VBO Commute, Bailes os Roll No. B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) _Ilrd_ Semester, Examination,December,2017 BLW-302 Paper No.-IV_-Islamic Jurisprudence Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75 Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Answer one question from cach unit. All questions carry equal marks. UNIT-1 1. Islamic Jurisprudence is said to be in conflict with the Western Jurisprudence because of the difference between the ideas about regulation of human conduct, Do you agree? Mention in brief the difference between God given and manmade law. 2, Prophet Muhammad was not only a messenger uf peace for humanity but his actions also lucidate it in the light of the had profound bearing on socio-legal dimensions of society. changes brought out by the Prophet on the prevailing conditions of women in pre-Islamic Arabia. UNIT What are the primary sources of Islamic Law? Discuss in detail and also highlight the Ne imter-relationship of Holy Quran and Hadith as a source of Islamic Law. 4, (a) Who is a Muslim? Explain. (b) The Shariah can be explained as the provisions in the Quran as well as the teachings and practices of Prophet Mohammad. However. the origin, evolution and y ofthe Shariah is far more broad based than that..But when it comes the applicabi to personal issues (Marriage. Divorce, inheritance, custody of children, ete), Muslims in India are governed by the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Act. Discuss in detail the aim and object of the Act and its interpretation made and as applied by Courts in India. UNIT-II Yo prevent individuals trom practicing ljtehad haphazardly. Al-Shafii developed a gy for using Ijtehad in his book. Usul al-figh. Since then, the role of ijtehad has methodol who occupy a special role in Ww not been in the hands of the laymen, but in a select fe - asa source of Islar Islamic law, Discuss the meaning of Ijtehad and Taqli 6._ Discuss in brief the secondary sources of Islamic Law. UNIT-IV rinciples and 7. Although the Muslims generally apply the Islamic law according to the p: rom time 10 details laid down by the four ancient jurists, legal situations keep arising time. In the light of this discuss the various schools of thought in Islamic Law? What do you mean by schools of Islamic Law? Do the differences between them mean difference in Islamic principles or distinction in opinions? UNIT-V 9. Islam elevated the position of women and marginalized people exponentially when it was practiced in the right spirit. Elucidate by supporting your arguments from modern adaptations on the right of Maher, Maintenance and Divorce. \ 0. Write notes on the following: (a) Concept of Justice and Shariah Adalats; s Act.1939, (b) Women’s right to divorce under the Dissolution of Muslim Marri NXXXNAXNXXXXXG * XNNNNNN Buns Sehr BLA.LLB. (H.), 3* Semester Examination 2017 Legal and Constituttonal History Paper No. IV Time: 3 Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 75 (Write your Roll Number on the top Immediately on receipt of this question paper) Note: Answer One Question from Each Unit. All Questions ¢arry equal marks, Unit- 1. Discuss the administration of justice in the Presidency Town of Bombay from the period 1668-1726. 2. Discuss the rhain features of the Charter of 1726 and 1753. Kindly analyse the working of Judicial Plan of 1726 & 1753. UNITAI Lord Comwallis made significant contributions to the development of judicial system “for native Indian population. Discuss the reform introduced by him under the Plans of 1787, 1790 & 1793. 4. Write Notes.on: {a) Establishment of High Courts (8) Privy Councit f + Unit-Mt . 5. The British period was marked by racial discrimination in the administration of civil “and criminal justice. Critically analyse this statement. 6. Discuss the development of personal laws during the British period, Also expfain the role played by courts in contributing to these developments. Unit-1v Emergence of Gandhi on the horizons of Indian politics with his technique of mass mobilization in reference to Non Cooperation, Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement led to the Independence of India. Discuss 8. “Revolt of 1857 was considered a watershed moment in Indian History. Though it is not considered as a full-fledged independence movement, still this revolt propelled. ‘the nationalistic feelings which caused freedom fight in future”. Discuss the causes of revolt and analyse the above statement. ~ uUnit-v 9. Discuss the history of law reporting in India, 10. Discuss the history behind codification of laws in india and the role of thefaw fommission. . 4 Rott no, Kb BLWID ‘emester Examination 2017 BLW-205 B.A.LL.B (Hons) HTS Law of Crimes 1 Paper No. V Time: Three hi Maximum Marks: 75 Answer one question from each unit. All the questions carry equal marks. UNIT-I 1s stages in commission of a crime? Enumerate tests differentiating 1. What are the var preparation from attempt what do you understand by the latin maxim “actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea”? Explain. UNIT-IT 5, Rie, « highly educated woman residing in Delhi, suspected that her husband Raj was into 2p relationship with his secretary Simran, On getting to know that her Tsband was within half an hour, extra-mar V Seving in a hotel with Simran, Ria rushed to the hotel. On reaching there yn. At this, Ria took out the revolver that she Rie sew Raj and Simran in a compromising posi 2s Se Gi her and shot both of them, Simran died on the spot and Raj died after a week as be Ria is prosecuted for causing death of Raj and had not received proper medical treatment. Bee" She pleads the defence of “grave and sudden provocation’ in her favpur. Decide in the ight of relevant low and decided cases on the point. ‘upreme Court in Kapur Singh v. State of Pepsu, AIR between Sections 299(b) and 300 (3) of IPC explained Critically examine the decision of the Si 4. 1956 SC 654 in the light of the distinction betwee and erystellized by the Supreme Court in Virsa Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1958 SC 465. UNIT-I11 ‘5. Jaya, 17 upset by the constant nagging of her parents to crack INTJEE, leaves her house. On ‘ay ‘om school Vishnu to whom she explains her plight. to the railway station, she meets a friend fr Vishnu counsels her to go home. Pacified by his kind words, she agrees to go back home but before leaving takes his number and asks Vishnu to stay in touch. After appearing for entrance exam, she calls Vishnu fnd asks him to meet her at a café, On meeting, she tells him that her parents continue to harass her and in all probability she might not clear the Entrance exam, Therefore she doesn’t want to go back, She requests him to take her along with him to Mumbai ‘where she would make a career in modelling. On her obstinacy, he takes her with him to Mumbai where she insists on getting married so that they don’t have problems in finding accommodation, They get married in a temple and start living together. Jaya’s parents file a \ cati fishnu be punished complaint for the offence of Kidnapping under setion 361 of IPC. Can Vishnu be punishes ‘under section 363 of IPC? 6. Differentiate between- (2. Wrongful restraint and wiongful confinement — bb. Assault and criminal force ¢._ Kidnapping from India and Kidnapping fom lawful guardianship — UNITIV 7, Read the following facts and answer accordingly. Ya. A" meets "2" and “Z's” Child on highway and takes the child and threatens to fling him down a precipice unless “2” delivers his purse. “Z,” in consequence delivers his purse, What offence has “A” committed? b. “BY voluntarily throws “A's” wallet full of money in Yamuna river causing wrongful loss to “A”, Is “B” guilty of any offence? ¢. “A” along with his gang members “BC” ami “D” holds “X” down and fraudulently takes X's" money and jewels from “X’s” clothes without his consent. What offence “A”and his gang members committed. 4. “2° is hgving an extra marital effair with “A.” “2” gives a valuable security which belongs to her husband and over which ste r35 no authority to give to “A.” Is “A” guilty the intention of of any offence? e. “AM by exhibiting to “2”, a false sample of an article intentionally deceives “Z” into ~ Beligving that article corresponds-with the sample, and thereby, dishonestly induces “Z"to buy and pay for the article, What offence has “A” committed? 8 What is meant by criminal misappropriation of property? How does the offence of criminal misappropriation of property differ from the offeace of theft and criminal breach of trust? Explain with illustrations. UNIT-V 9, What is meant by the terms “against her will” and “without her consent” in section 375 of IPC? Explain the term “consent” as embodied in section 275 IPC in detail 10. Write notes on the following: 7 (i) Section 304-B of IPC and Section 4: 3-A of IPC are not mutually exclusive, ‘Comment, (ii) Highlight the changes brought out by the 2013 amendment in the law pertaining to the offence of rape.

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