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A. EXPLORE. Read the article about Felix Baumgartner.

The World’s Highest Skydive

Jumping out of a balloon in space sounds impossible, but Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner
did exactly that! Baumgartner wanted to become a professional skydiver from a very early age.
He learned to make parachute jumps and enjoyed jumping a lot. His father taught him to
skydive when he was 16 years old. He hoped to become the fastest skydiver of all time;
therefore, he practiced skydiving every day.

Skydiving became a passion of Baumgartner. In 2012, he met Joseph Kittinger who was a
famous skydiver. He convinced him to attend a competition and helped him to prepare for the
historic jump. On October 14 of that year, Baumgartner succeeded in flying a helium-filled
balloon to a height of 38.6 kilometers above the surface of the Earth, and then jumped. On his
trip back to Earth, Baumgartner managed to reach a record speed of 1357.6 kilometers per
hour . . . faster than the speed of sound! His jump set new skydiving records for speed and

Now, Baumgartner has decided to retire. This will allow other skydivers to aim for his records.
He considers using his skills to help people in danger. He plans to fly rescue helicopters or
become a firefighter. Adapted from Grammar Explorer 2

B. CHECK. Choose the correct answer to complete each statements.

1. Felix Baumgartner became interested in skydiving______________

a. when he was very young
b. after he learned to use a parachute
c. as an adult
2. Baumgartner became a skydiver because_______
a. he wanted to learn new skills
b. he wanted to set records
c. he wanted to become famous
3. In the future, Baumgartner _____________
a. won’t skydive anymore
b. doesn’t know what he will do
c. hopes to set skydiving records
DISCOVER Adapted from Grammar Explorer 2

c. Read the text again and try to find two verbs in a sentence. Analyze the table below.
Can you find other examples?

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Rule : Verb + Gerund Verb + Infinitive Verb + object + Infinitive
enjoy jumping want to become taught him to skydive
Practiced skydiving Hoped to become Convinced him to attend
Considers using Learned to make Helped him to prepare
Managed to reach
Decided to retire
Plans to fly

d. In A2 level you learned some verbs which are used with Gerunds and Infinitives. What
are some words that you can remember? Can you write sample sentences?


They agreed to come with us.

I always avoid smoking cigarettes.

She enjoys dancing.

I detest waking up at the morning.

Baumgartner succeeded in
flying a helium-filled balloon I am learning to speak Turkish

Skydiving became a passion

of Baumgartner. I hope to become the best in my job
e. Do you remember the negative forms? Write the negative forms of the sentences

Gerund (+) They considered taking the exam.

Gerund (-)
Infinitive (+) They agreed to come with us.
Infinitive (-)

Study the charts below. You do not need to write anything here. Learn these verbs
and how to use them.

Verb + Infinitive
I am learning to speak English.

agree* expect* prepare

appear hope* promise*
arrange intend refuse
ask* learn* seem
choose manage volunteer
claim need* want*
decide* offer* would like *
demand plan* wish

Verb +Object+Infinitive
Her mother advised her to see a dentist.

advise enable remind

allow encourage require
ask₁ expect₁ tell
cause help₁ teach
choose₁ invite want₁
convince need₁ warn

₁These verbs can be either with or without an object. (I want (you) to go.)

Verb + Gerund
They enjoy dancing.
admit enjoy*
advise finish*
avoid imagine*
can’t help involve
complete keep
consider mind*
discuss miss*

*These verbs are from A2 level.

Adapted from Grammar Explorer 2

f. Use the verbs in the boxes to fill in the blanks below. Use gerund or infinitive

Say Have answer Travel

Pay write Pass Read
Cook (x2) Come

1. She decided to pay for a monthly ticket for the public transportation.

2. She admitted having committed the robbery.
3. They are leaving now but they hope to come back very soon.
4. We celebrated passing our driving test.
5. They suggested writing to the professor.
6. He avoided saying his nationality.
7. I agreed to travel for the end of the year party because their budget was not
8. You just don’t care answering to our question.
9. Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies. I like preparing food for people I love.
10. Two things I like doing in my free time are cooking and reading.

g. Answer the questions below. Use the structure “by+gerund” in your

sentences. Write one sentence only for each answer.
1. How can you be better at speaking English?
By reading books in English language.

2. How can people have a healthy life?

By doing exercises regularly.

3. How do people lose weight?

By doing sports and maintaining a calorie deficit
h. Answer the questions below. Use “in order to” or “in order not to” in your
sentences. Write one sentence only for each answer.
1. Why do you learn English?
In order to learn English, I am doing exercises everyday

2. Why do some people prefer going abroad for travelling.

People travel abroad in order to see new places which they don’t have in their

3. Why do people use social media?

People use social media in order to stay up with the latest news.

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