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® What is Language } language is a structured system of communication. Words and the methods of combining them for expression of thoughts. A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing Language components Phonology is defined as the study of sound patterns and their meanings Some linguists include phonetics, the study of the production and description of speech sounds, within the study of phonology. Morphology is the study of words and other meaningful units of language like suffixes and prefixes. Like “dog” and “dogs” or “walk” and “walking,” Syntax Syntax is the study of sentences and phrases, or how people put words into the right order so that they can communicate meaningfully. Functions of Language Expressive Function Every person has some feelings, emotions, ideas and he needs to express those feelings. By using an language the individual can express his views. Informative Function Language helps in giving information. If we want to pass information to another person or if a teacher wants to teach in his class then the language plays an important role Directive Function Language helps in giving directions to others + A Link Language English is a link language that is it helps us to connect with other people. Ifa person goes to some other state or foreign country where he cannot communicate in his mother tongue, there he can easily connect with other people in English. + International Importance English is said to be a universal language. English is mostly understandable in most of the countries. + Educational Importance Without English higher education in science, medicine, engineering etc can not be perceived. + Cultural Importance English helps to bring people of diverse cultures closer to each other. + English at administrative level English is used at all administrative levels in state as well as centre. + English in our social life English is also playing a important role in the social life. + English Opens New Career Opportunities English can help you pursue and obtain more career opportunities + English is the top language of the Internet ; English is the most-used language online, with nearly 1 billion users typing and chatting in the language. Reading Reading is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from . When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, puncti n marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us. Reading Skill Reading skills is the ability of an individual to read, comprehend and interpret written or printed symbols. Reading consists of three elements Symbol : Symbol are the letters which makes words and sentences. Sound : Every Symbol has some particular sound. ; , Sense : Symbol and sound makes some sense which is the ultimate aim of language. Aims of teaching reading [Sohne the sudemetorcad with full understanding. 2 To help them have good reading practice. ee » To enable them to understand the meanings of each word contained in a sentence. To develop interest of the students in literature. » To read with correct pronunciation in isolation and also in the context ofa sentence. ® To develop the appreciating ability of the students. + To enable them to interpret sentences of paragraph. Types of Rea xfensive Reading: This means reading for pleasure and relaxation. A reader can take any topic of interest and get indulged in self-appeasement. The purpose is to enjoy. Intensive Reading: As the term, itself states, Intensive is ‘in depth. This type of reading is careful reading with the utmost concern for the understanding of the text in hand. Intensive reading can also be of Scanning is considered as a helping hand in reading texts that are heavy and need to be searched upon. Skimming: Creating a Condensed Understanding of the given text. This is also rapid reading which focuses on the text Title, Headings, Topical Sentences, Tables and Charts, Figures and Diagrams etc. At) Sta i i Preparatory Reading Letter Recognition Productive reading if Enhancem ent stage eters of teaching reading comprehensi i activity helps students think about what they know about a topic a peeeict wil they will read or hear. -Rea ie: on aspects ate Activities are defined as activities that help students to focus Post-readin ne te and to understand it better. ig activi help students understand texts further, through critically analyzing what they have read Suggestions for Reading skills ] fave them read aloud Provide books at the right level Reread to build fluency Practicing phonics skills. Look for easy-to-read books or magazines Talk about what they’re reading Ask questions before, during, and after a session to encourage reading comprehension iting is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in areadable form. Writing Skills Writing skills are an important Good writing skills allow you ease to a far larger audience. raining to penmanship Letter writing Mature style of writing Suggestions to improve handwriting Correct habits of writing should be cultivated in the students at the early stage. Students should sit in the proper posture while writing. The student should be asked to use calligraphy note books. They can practice in writing by tracing. Students should use four lined exercise books for doing written work. The teacher should pay individual attention. Specimens of good handwriting should be displayed in the class. Thank you so much for reading this article t part of communication. to communicate your message with clarity and

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