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Digital and Customer

Experience Strategy,

Engagement and Vocational

Education Portfolio

GPO Box 2476

Melbourne VIC 3001

Tel. +61 3 9925 2000

Earn cash by participating in market research

Dear Students and Parents,

As prospective students of SIM, RMIT University’s Digital and Customer Experience team is interested in
learning about your experience, needs, challenges, and motivations as you considered university as an

The team will be running a number of market research sessions and are looking for people who have
finished their Polytechnic or Pre-University studies, and are planning to study an undergraduate degree
next year to participate. Each session will require the student and one parent to attend. By participating
you will receive a $100 (total) payment for attending.

We understand it's a busy time of the year and are very thankful for those who are able to attend.

About the Sessions

Date : 16 November 2015 (Monday) to 19 November 2015 (Thursday)

Time : Sessions run for 90 minutes, per timeslots below
Venue : Singapore Institute of Management, Block B, Level 3, Seminar Room SR B.3.08,
461 Clementi Road, Singapore 599491

16 Nov 11:00-12:30 17 Nov 09:30-11:00 18 Nov 09:30-11:00 19 Nov 09:30-11:00

16 Nov 13:30-15:00 17 Nov 11:30-13:00 18 Nov 11:30-13:00 19 Nov 11:30-13:00
16 Nov 15:30-17:00 17 Nov 14:00-15:30 18 Nov 14:00-15:30 19 Nov 14:00-15:30

The sessions will be informal, conversational and relaxed, with an experienced market research practitioner
facilitating the conversation. The results from this research will be used to create better services and
support for students when choosing a university.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in being a part of, please register your interest by
emailing Ms Anna Moretti at

In your reply to Anna, please indicate two of the above listed timeslots you are able to attend, and we will
schedule you for one of the two options you indicate.

Kind Regards,
Anna Moretti

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