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Prueba Speaking Recomendación Ejemplo

3 preguntas sencillas Frases cortas 30’

Describir una foto Quién + qué + dónde + momento + ropa + opina This picture was taken (pasiva) indoors (en el interior ) o outdoor (en el exterior) 45’
There we can see a woman cooking. At the back there is/are a big window. At the front we can see
an egg and flour. I think the woman is around 50 years old . She has black hair. She is wearing a
white t-shirt and a black jeans/trousers. It looks like she´s having a great time because she´s smiling.
From my point of view cooking is fun/interesting.

Responder 2 preguntas Used to ; Condicional; Pasiva; -ing ; outdoor/indoor 45’


Comparar 2 fotos Both pictures show…….. Both photos show teenagers playing, but in a very different way. In the first picture we can see a 45’
Both photos show four people on holiday. While in the fist one ….. in the second one …….. group of teenagers who are doing sports outside. It's a very sunny day and they seem to be enjoying
What these photos have in common is spring or summer holidays.
The differences are…. themselves. In the second picture, we can see two teenagers playing a videogame, they are inside
In the first photo you can see two elderly couples on a beach
holiday, whereas in the second there’s a young family on a city One similarity is…….. and they seem to be very concentrated on what they are doing. In the first picture, all the girls are
break. wearing sport clothes and in the second picture both young men are wearing a pair of jeans an a
The couples are walking along a sandy beach, while the family is In this picture there are ……. but in the other……..
posing for a photo in front of some ruins. Whereas o while … para las diferencias shirt. Personally, I like what the girls are doing much more, they are outside, doing sports, meeting
The city photo must have been taken during the Covid 19 other girls the same age and talking to them. Besides they seem to be enjoying the fresh air and the
pandemic. Utiliza la voz pasiva, maybe/perhaps or probably y verbos
The beach photo could have been taken before the pandemic, or modales de deducción para hablar de los orígenes de la foto sunny day, while in the second picture both boys are sitting and seem to be a bit stressed. I'm sure
perhaps they’re in a low-risk country with fewer restrictions. they are enjoying themselves, but it doesn't show on their faces.
Both photos were most probably taken in spring or summer, as Especula: seem/appear to (infinitivo); look like (nom)
they’re all wearing light clothes.
The couples appear to know each other already.
Utiliza verbos modales de deducción
I can see two pictures and both pictures are related to XX (say the Because, as …
topic in common), However in the first picture I can see xx, while in
the second picture there is/are xx …

Responder 2 preguntas Do you usually play videogames? - Yes, I do. I play videogames at weekends, usually when I want to disconnect from my studies. I sometimes invite a friend to come 45’
over and we play together. I enjoy playing videogames a lot. x2

3 Preguntas más foto de Tell me about your favourite piece of clothing 1’

My favourite piece of clothing is my black dress. When I saw it and tried it on I loved it. Is´s my favourite piece of clothing because I can wear it with many things and also
contexto y respondes because it is my favourite colour. I bought the dress from Zara a month ago. It´s a maxi dress and I have worn the dress many times since then
How do you feel when you wear it?
No describir la imagen. Centrar en When I wear this dress I feel very happy and comfortable, I think it suits me since it is casual, and it can adapt to many different circumstances just like me 2’
respuestas. Usa tu papel para: frases Why do people dress in different styles?
básicas, continua, pasiva, condicional, People dress differently because everyone has a different taste. Some people like bright colours and some like dar colours. Some people like comfortable clothes as
expresiones, conectores, adverbios … some people like more formal clothes. There are people who choose the clothes wich best represent their personality or their attitude towards life, whereas there are
other people who just are fashion victims, buying new fashion trends compulsively. Besides, some people are forced to wear formal clothes because of their jobs. When
talking about business the clothes you are wearing are very valuable and wearing a suit and a jacket is much trustworthy

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