Chapter3 Remember

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Remember – chapter3

1. wordlist
Force 力 Definition 定义 Unit 单位
Action 作用 Newton 牛顿 Weight 重力
Vertically downward 竖直向下 Upward 向上的 Newton’s first law 牛顿第一定律
Impede 阻碍 Drag 液体摩擦 Law of inertia 惯性定律
Air resistance 空气阻力 Upthrust 浮力 Contact force 弹力
Resultant force 合力 Gravity 引力 Falling bodies 落体
Vacuum 真空 Free fall 自由落体 Fluid 液体
Gravitational field 重力场强度 Acceleration 重力加速度 Acceleration due to 重力加速度
strength of free fall gravity
Parachuting 跳伞运动 Parachute 降落伞 Centripetal force 向心力
Momentum 动量 Impulse 冲量 Conservation of 动量守恒
Total 总的 Explosion 爆炸 Jets 喷嘴
Parallelogram law 平行四边形法则 Triangle law 三角形法则

2. Force: Force is the action of one body on a second body.

3. Newton: 1 Newton is the force required to give a mass of 1kg an acceleration of 1m/s2.
4. Weight: the gravitational force that acts on an object that has mass.
5. Friction: The force that acts when two surfaces rub over one another.
6. Solid friction: The force between two surfaces that may impede motion and produce heating.
7. Drag: Friction that acts on an object as it moves through a fluid (a liquid or a gas)
8. Air resistance: The friction acting on an object moving though air.
9. Upthrust: Upthrust is the upward push of a liquid or gas on an object.
10. Resultant force: The resultant force is a single force that has the same effect as two or more force.
11. Resultant force: Resultant force is the change in momentum per unit time
12. Newton’s first law / law of inertia: Every body continues in its state of rest, or with uniform velocity,
unless acted on by a resultant force.
13. Momentum: the quantity mass × velocity
14. Impulse: If a constant force F acts on a body for a time t, the impulse of the force is given by Ft.

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