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1/ What is reproduction?
mmjj-Reproduction is the process by which living organisms generate
new individuals of the same kind as themselves.

2/ What is asexual and sexual reproduction?

-Asexual reproduction requires one parent and the offspring is
genetically identical to the parent.Sexual reproduction requires two
parents and the offspring is a genetic mixture of the both parents

3/ What is a gamete?
-A gamete is another word for a cell sex.

4/ How does sexual reproduction occur?

-Sexual reproducation occurs when a male gamete fuses with a
female gamate and create a genetic mixture hence resutling a offspring

5/What is contraception?
-Contraception is a variety of methods used to prevent pregnancy.

6/What are the types of contraception?

-The types of contraception are:Hormonal and Barrier.

7/Five ways to prevent pregnancy?

-Five ways to prevent pregnancy
are:Abstinence,IUD,Condoms,Spermicides,Rhythm method and
contraceptive pills.

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