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What is your research study all about?

were range from 18 to 60 years old-depending on their capability of

Our study entitled “Parents’ perspectives and support to the answering the questionnaire in paper form by themselves, and who
student’s performance during online learning”, is all about finding have experience in supporting their child’s online learning. The
out what are the parents’ perspectives and the parents’ support to researchers expect to have 120 participants, and the location will be
their child during online learning, and if their perspectives and in some barangays where the researchers are assigned to conduct
support has relationship on the student’s performance in online the collecting of respondents, particularly in Quezon City, and a
class. barangay in San Jose Rodriguez Rizal.

Why did you choose this study? Why choose the scaffolding method?
The researchers choose this study, “the parent’s perspectives and ”Which the researchers were aiming to search”
their support to the student’s performance during on learning”, Our study will be inclined to the scaffolding method that was
because online learning was become a new normal that our introduced by Jerome Bruner, David Wood, and Gail Ross in 1976–
education system conducted when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in since according to Bruner, the scaffolding theory is where the
our country…and this new set up was a new challenge for most of children will be supported and guided by the more knowledgeable
filipinos especially to the young students, and in this case where the other, particularly the guardian or parents, and or teachers, until the
classes and lessons was held only in virtual classroom the parent’s child will gain more knowledge from their guidance and will be
involvement in education were needed to accomplish the success of able to develop until they’ll become independent learners.Our study
learning process for their children despite of the new and unfamiliar “Parent’s perspectives and support to the student’s performance
way in learning. during online learning”--has parent-child interaction. Where the
And so the researchers want to know the perspectives of the parents parents will guide their students in their online learning.
to the student's performance in online learning: If the online Researchers believe that scaffolding theory supports the study and it
learning was effective, and the accessibility in conducting online targets the objectives.
learning was met for the parents based on the performance of the
students?, What approach did you choose for your research?
And also the researchers want to know the support of the parents to We choose a Quantitative research approach, and this approach is
their child’s online learning: if the parent’s time availability in the collection and analysis of numerical data to describe, explain,
supporting their child, the study environment and parents’ predict, or control phenomena of interest., and must be addressed
participation in the student’s online learning affects the systematically. And this approach is applicable to our study and on
performance of the student? how we will collect the data.

What uses does your research hold for What sampling method will you use
educators?/parents/students? In this study the researchers will use the Simple Random sampling,
With this study, the teachers, parents, students, and other yes it is a random selection with a selected group or population and
stakeholders will be able to use this study as their basis on how to it will be the Filipino parents, male or female, and should have had
implement a more effective online learning for students in the an experience of supporting their child in online learning. The age
future. limit will range between 18-60 years old depending on their
capability of answering the provided questionnaire in a paper form
What will be the benefits in conducting this study? by themselves.
This study will be beneficial to the Education stakeholders, they
will be able to gather more ideas on how to conduct a more What’s your statement of the problem?
effective online class, what are the students’ needs of support and The statement of the problem of our study is to if there is a
guidance, and what are needed to assess if there’s any weaknesses significant relationship between the perspectives and support of the
and needed improvement in conducting online class. parents to the students’ performance during online class. The
researchers would like to determine the parent’s perspectives in
Who will benefit/gain with your study? terms of the effectiveness, and accessibility of online learning based
This study will benefit education stakeholders, particularly to the on the performance from their student. Also, to determine parent’s
teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders–it will be their support in terms of time availability, study environment, and the
basis on how to implement a more effective online learning for parents’ online learning participation and if it is effective based on
students. Also this study can be used as a guide and a reference of the performance of the students during online learning.
future researchers whose study is aligned in the nature of the topic.
Who are your respondents?
What is the scope of your study? Our study “The Parents’ perspectives and support to the student's
performance during online learning” will have the Filipino parents
This study will find out the parent’s perspectives and support to the as the respondents, and these respondents should have the
students’ performance during online class so the researches will experience in supporting or guiding their children (specifically
have the Parents as the respondents, particularly a parent who ages elementary students) in their online learning. And the parents' ages
will range from 18-60 years old. and The researchers aim to have 2. DM (division memorandum) NO. 149, S. 2020 |
120 participants, And the gathering of respondents will take place VIRTUAL ORIENTATION ON THE ROLE OF
in some barangays in QC, San Jose Rodriguez Rizal. PARENTS IN THEIR CHILD’S EDUCATION IN THE
This activity aims to ensure that all parents are informed
How will you gather data?
about the educational setup in this COVID-19 Pandemic
The researchers will be conducting this study using a survey and the new normal situation they have to embrace.
questionnaire in a paper form, and we will distribute the Moreover, through this orientation, the parents are
questionnaire face to face to the target respondents which are the expected to realize their role as active agents in the
parents ages between 18-60 years old, and who had an experience teaching learning process, considering that learning will
in supporting their child in online learning. take place at their homes.

What are the strongest and weak points in your research?!.pdf
Firstly, social media and technology are easily used in our
generation. As such, the researchers were able to gather and cite
many other studies that are related to our topic, and the amount of
literature on our topic is plenty. Another strong point of our
research is the convenience in gathering data since the respondents
SEC. 5. Curriculum Development - The DepED shall formulate the
of this study will be found in the areas where the researchers are
design and details of the enhanced basic education curriculum. It
living near it, we are quite confident to be able to gather the desired
shall work with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to
amount of respondents that we needed.
craft harmonized basic and tertiary curricula for the global
We will address these weaknesses so you can ensure that our
competitiveness of Filipino graduates. To ensure college readiness
research does not have them.
and to avoid remedial and duplication of basic education subjects,
the DepED shall coordinate with the CHED and the Technical
Do you think your proposed study is timely and useful?
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).
Yes, even though our education we’re slowly coming back to face
to face learning, our study will still be useful because we don’t
know what the future holds. Our world is changing but education MyJBDry9/view
will continue and so who knows in the future we will go back to Pursuant to Batas Pambansa 232 titled “An Act Providing for the
online learning. And there’s also some cases where some students Establishment and Maintenance of an Integrated System of
can’t be able to attend classes f2f and only in virtual for some Education.”, Republic Act 9155 also known as “Governance of
reasonable excuses and so, the school still need to implement an Basic Education Act of 2001”, and Republic Act No. 10533 or the
“Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”, this Office announces
online class…I found this site called “Homeschool Global”, and I
the conduct of a virtual orientation titled “The Role of Parents in
was a bit curious what it is all about, and found out that this Their Child’s Education in the New Normal” on August 6, 2020.
program was partnered with TMA school or “The Master’s
Academy” , and became the pioneering Home Education Program Why should we approve your study?
(HEP) in the Philippines. This program has the mission to help The researchers are confident that the study presented is worthy of
families all over the world achieve true success through world- approval for the reason that, with the guidance of the research
class, parent-led, home-based Christian education, and empowers adviser, the research teacher, the research statistician and the
parents to pursue what matters through flexible and personalized proofreader; the resources are credible, the research instrument is
education. validated, the manuscript has been checked thoroughly, and the
methodology applied is correct based on the research problem. In
So yes, as you can see this study can be used as a guide on how to addition, proper citation and referencing is observed to avoid
implement a more effective education for the students, and will plagiarism. Those are the reasons why the research presented is to
know what is needed to improve in implementing online learning. be approve.

What legal bases do you have? Do you think your research is correct?
Yes, the researchers think that this study is correct since it was
1. Senate No. 1460 introduced by Sen. Francis Tolentino on already checked by our research professor, Dr. Marilyn Obod, who
May 4, 2020. AMENDING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10533 specializes in…… and Dr. Obod also helped us in some revisions
OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "ENHANCED BASIC and correcting some errors, advising us to improve our research
EDUCATION ACT OF 2013", study. So we are confident that it is correct to the extent that we
chose to conduct this research.
This is an act to expand the basic learning curriculum where
under Deped the education will include “distance learning and Do you have any closing comments?
online learning”. The researchers would like to thank the respectful panelist that we
The act shall be known as the “Basic Online Learning and have here in front of us. We were honored to be guided by _____,
Distance Education Act of 2020." for we learned a lot on how to improve our study more.
2.1 Theoretical Framework determining a child’s educational attainment and
development according to Wu,2015.
The Scaffolding Model was introduced by Jerome Lastly, according to Dolgunsoz & Yildirim, the
Bruner, David Wood, and Gail Ross (1976). devices that are available at home help to carry out more
Instructional scaffolding is a process where the effective online learning and can be useful in interacting with
teacher/parent adds support for students to enhance learning others.
and aid in the mastery of tasks. Bruner’s scaffolding theory is
that children need support and active help from a more 2. For our second topic: Online learning: it is defined as
knowledgeable other, particularly the guardian/parent and/or
the teachers until the child will be able to develop and “learning that takes place via the Internet” according to Singh
become an independent learner. & Thurman (2019). And with online learning, it increases the
flexibility in terms of time, location, speed of the study, larger
Therefore, it concludes that our study will be inclined range and higher quantity in accessing knowledge, and low
to this method, and the parent’s perspective and their support financial cost according to Aldafeeri & Khan (2016).
to their child during online learning is an example of a
scaffolding method, where the parents implement According to Rhayu (2020), online teaching and learning will
instructional scaffolding; by guiding and supporting them in
be successful if the guaranteed access and technology, their
their online class.
guides and step by step, participation, and student-teaching
collaborative and interaction were seriously observed.
Literature Review
Our Review Related Literature have 6 topics: And the 3. Let’s move on to our 3rd topic: Parent’s perspectives ….
following are the (1) parent’s profile, (2) online learning, (3) According to the study by Abdallah (2018) -parents are
parent’s perspectives to the students’ performance during having difficulties with balancing responsibilities in the needs
online learning, (4) parent’s support to the student’s for the online learning of their child. (learner motivation,
performance during online learning, (5) student’s accessibility, and learning outcomes with online learning.)
performance during online learning, and the (6) parent’s
perspectives and their support to the student’s performance 4. For the 4th topic: Parent’s support….
during online learning. The implementation of online learning in early childhood
education needs assistance with the parents so that it will be
1. For our first topic “the parent’s profile”, it includes more effective. (Sari & Maningtyas, 2020) The
literatures that concerns about the indicators that are related implementation of distance learning for the early childhood
in our profiling that are in the questionnaire: particularly the education level cannot be carried out independently by
age, occupational status, parent’s educational attainment, the children without the assistance of parents. Parents are
number of children, and the available devices that were used expected to be able to guide children to learn from home and
in the online learning of their child. According to the study by replace the role of teachers at school. Starting from providing
(Fall, 2015), the age of the parent could derive from more learning facilities in the form of internet -based digital media,
readiness of the parent in supporting their child, that could until learning management at home must be managed by
be translated into better parenting practices and can affect parents.
the learning development of the child.
5. For our 5th topic: Student’s performance during online
For, the occupational status, according to Shah and Hussian learning
(2021)--that parents with high ranking occupational status Acording to the studies by Crader 2002, Thomas 2002, and
might have provided their child a better education and that be Arestovich 2020, that with online learning and using
really helpful to the improvement of the child’s learning, unlike technology, it enables students to communicate conveniently,
to the parents who have low-ranking occupational status– and the students expressed confidence, and that the
where they might find trouble in providing their child the best interaction and collaboration were still present even in an
education needed for the child. online environment. And according to the studies by Kapasia
And according to Asad & Tasneem (2015) , the (2020), and Gonzales (2020)-- that during online class it had
educational attainment of the parents has relevance to the significant positive effects on their performance.
child’s education. Their study stated that parents with high
level education have more influence on their children to 6. Finally in our last topic: Parent’s perspectives and their
achieve and perform well in their studies at primary school support…
level. According to the studies by Bruni (2015), De jong (2013), and
And with the number of children in the family, is Lau (2020), parents stated that they were having difficulties
recognized as one of the most important predictors of with children’s learning at home because of the unorganized
environment,, and lack of resources and equipment. Also the
parents were worried about the risk for overuse of screen
time for their child.
In contrast, according to the studies by Klein (2020),and
Drvodelic (2021), that parents are overall supportive of
virtual schooling.

Which to be discussed by

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