Presentation Talk

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Assalamualikum and good morning, we are from group 2.

So today
we will present about beverage industry. So here is our groupmate.
We will introduce ourselves. Start with me, I am hanis syazwani binti
halim, my number is two zero two one two zero seven four zero six
2021207406 and I will present slide 6 to 9.

So I will explain first about the benefits of avocado. This fruit can
protect our heart health such as lowering lipid levels and lowering
blood pressure.

next, avocados are believed to have a lot of fiber. Fiber is an

undigested plant material. It helps with weight loss, blood sugar
balance, and several other ailments.
Although avocados are high in fat, they can help with weight loss.
Avocados in drinks can help you eat fewer calories. Avocados are
high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. Both of these qualities make
avocados great for weight loss.

last but not least avocado can beautify the skin. Every individual can
start practicing avacado drinking. This is because avacado contains
vitamins E and C which can help improve skin texture and prevent
when a nutritious goat's milk is combined with a nutritious avocado,
this will make this drink better. Among the advantages when goat's
milk avocado is made is that we can reduce the smell of goat's milk.
as u know, goat's milk original will have some smell we called hamis.
and some people can not drink this milk only because of the smell.
whenever we add avocado, it can prevent the hamis smell from goat.
so for those who can not drink, will drink soon
next, not everyone like goat milk. but there has a lot of people love
avacado as well. so when we combined the goat milk and avacado,
people who doesn’t like and does not drink goat milk will attractive
and ofcourse they will try to taste this new product to know either it
good or not. and after they try, i am sure they will love it. because
the taste is really awesome

and then, before this, maybe goat milk only drink by pregnancy mom
and baby for their good. but, whenever we create our new product, i
am sure that every age from the young person until the oldest
person will drink and like the taste. because the taste totally
different from others and very special one.

last but not least, it is about packaging. we have make a little bit
change about our packaging from the existing packaging. our
packaging now is in sachet. this is to make it easier for people to
make it. As example , they can bring two sachets when they go to
work by putting it in their pant pocket if there are rushing, or else
they can bring when they go traveling, only carry some sachets, no
need to bring big packet anymore. This sachet is easy because it is
already packed, you just need to pour stirring water and drink. no
need to measure anymore.
First of all,goat milk have High In Magnesium and Calcium.
This is good because Calcium is very important for make our
bones and teeth more strong. it is also good in helping
maintain heart health. This is because magnesium in goat’s
milk which helps maintain a normal heart rate and prevents
the formation of blood clots. Goat's milk is also able to lower
cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol in the body.
Next, goats milk also can improving children IQ
And then,goat’s milk contains low fat globules this makes it
easy to digest in the digestive system. It is said that goat's
milk only takes 20 minutes to digest compared to cow's milk
which takes 2 hours to be fully digested.
Last but not least, goat milks can acts as a natural immune
for our body. It can work to prevent inflammation by
triggering the natural and adaptive immune response in the
human body.

I did not deny that goat milk have a lot of benefit, but we add
avocado because the taste is awesome when we combined
this two drinks. Avocado also have a lot of benefit. One of
them is
Assalamualikum and good morning, we are from group 2. So today
we will present about textile manufacturing. So here is our
teammate. We will introduce ourselves. I am hanis syazwani,
Based on our research in the textile manufacturing we identifying
problem. And it is about the microfiber give bad effect to
environment. These microfibre particles are small that can pass
through wastewater. Since microfibre is not biodegrade, they pose a
serious threat to aquatic life.. For example, creatures such as
plankton eat the microfibres and make their way for man-eaten fish.
So we have done research about this problem to find solution for this
problem. Here is the result. First of all, we can change the fiber
length. This is because the shorter the fibers, the higher the
probability to migrate to the yarn surface. Second,, solution we can
do is we change microfiber with cotton. This is because cotton is
more better than microfiber, cotton has a lot of advantages such as
cotton is naturally sustainable, comfortable, and people will sleep
better whenever wear cotton type. Third,, we can change the yarn
twist. More compact yarns are achieved with higher twist values.
Fourth,, we change the linear density (yarn count): the number of
microfibers released will increase with the yarn count due to a larger
amount of fibers per cross-section. Last but not least we chang the
fabric densit. In the many solutions we found, the best solution is
the second solution which is we use cotton instead of microfibers. If
we replace microfiber with cotton, we can definitely reduce the
pollution produced by microfiber. This can save the environment and
also can save aquatic life from dying due to ingestion of the remains
of these microfibers.

Why we choose cotton? This is because Cotton has infinite

possibilities: it is natural, safe, eco-friendly, and sustainable.
It can create value for society and contribute our own share to make
a better and "greener" world. THE value of the cotton, first of all,
cotton can save the environment, it more better than microfiber.
Second, cotton is beauty and comfortable also durability and
versatility. Third, cotton is naturally sustainable, last but not least,
the importants thing which is cotton is hypoallergenic.

In addition, not only having a lot of value, cotton is also suitable for
all ages. ,our target is for every age since cotton is very comfortable
one that we really sure every kind of age will love it
 Likehood

likelihood is about how likely and the probability of the event to be happening at the workplace.
Likelihood is about based on the likelihood of an event occurring. We may ask question to the
workers like “how many times has this event happened in the past?”. Likelihood is based worker
experience, analysis or measurement. Likelihood have 5 level, start with most likely which is the
example the most likely result of the hazard/event being realized with rating 5. Second is possible
which is example has a good chance of occurring and is not unusual with rating 4. Third is
conceivable which is the example is might be occur at sometimes in future with rating 3. Fourth is
remote, and the example of this is has not been known to occur after many years with 2. And lastly
called inconceivable which the example is practically impossible and has never occurred with rating

So for my point, that other day I tought this is under safety hazard. But when I make research more
detail about this, I realize actually this is under health hazard. Okay so I will start, if work at the
automative workshop, first the work activity is whenever workers doing their job while enginer car
open. In mechanical workshops, maintenance interventions often require keeping the vehicle on:
the engine is running and the combustion process in progress; from the muffler exhaust gas escapes
and mechanics are in very close contact with it.I will explain more about the exhaust gas. this is the
product of gasoline or diesel oil. Its is like liquid hydrocarbons - combustion together with air as
example oxygen and nitrogen; subjected to high temperature, this mixture produces two effects: on
the one hand, it frees energy indispensable to operate the engine, on the other, it produces waste
substances that are, precisely, the exhaust gases. The Exhaust gases contain many toxic elements

Such as Carbon monoxide. It is toxic if present in quantities greater than 2% in the air breathed. And
then, Unburned hydrocarbons,the effect is  irritating and carcinogenic. Next contain Nitrogen oxides
also can irritants. . the workers can be exposure to gasoline and diesel.

In order not to seriously damage mechanics’ health, it will give bad effect to workers, and if it is a
long period, it can bring to serious damage.

The existing control just workers need to wear mask. As we know, ppe is the last choice, so first
choice is we need to eliminate those exhaust gas.

filtration may be the first solution i think about; however, exhaust gases toxic particles are so fine
that they escape any attempt at filtering. In order to neutralize the gas toxic action, we need to
remove the product before releasing it into the air.

The only way to eliminate the exhaust gases is take them directly from the vehicle's muffler to the
gas collection and disposal section, without dispersing them along the way.

For this purpose, we need to built specific exhaust gas extraction systems for workshop: systems
consisting of nozzles, flexible hoses and powerful fans that capture the gases as soon as they are
emitted, and safely expel them to a proper and safe place.
Gas extraction systems are a necessary measure, as also established by work safety regulations: in all
the enclosed spaces where there is emission of exhaust gas, it is mandatory to install gas extraction
systems, in order to preserve workers’ health.

So the gas extractions systems have 4 types which is system fixed, system sliding, system stand-
alone and lastly system underfloor
So I will introduce about phase diagram. So for the definition about
phase diagram is a graphical representation of the physical states of a substance under
different conditions of temperature and pressure. it is a graph which shows under what conditions of
temperature and pressure distinct phases of matter occur. The simplest phase diagrams are of pure
substances. These diagrams plot pressure on the y-axis and temperature on the x-axis.

Next phase diagram have 4 types, first is 2D Representation Of Phase Diagram. Second is 3D
Representation Of Phase Diagram, third is Binary Phase Diagram and lastly Crystal Phase

I will explain more about the phase diagram. U can see the particle change with their name

process. So for the critical point, critical point is t h e p o i n t a t w h i c h t h e r e i s n o

boundary between the liquid phase and the gas phase. Next, for

the triple point, it is the point that describes the conditions

which three phases can coexists. And then phase bring meaning

about the homogeneous part of a system which is separated by a

distinct boundary such as solid, liquid and gas. And lastly

component is a chemical independent constituent of a system.

S o f o r t h e Labels on the graph : stable states of a system in equilibrium.

 Lines : combinations of pressures and temperatures at which two phases can exist in
 These lines define phase change points.
 Red line divides the solid and gas phases : sublimation (solid to gas) and deposition
(gas to solid).
 Green line divides the solid and liquid phases : melting (solid to liquid) and freezing
(liquid to solid).
 Blue line divides the liquid and gas phases : vaporization (liquid to gas) and
condensation (gas to liquid).
 There are also two important points on the diagram, the triple point and the critical

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