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The global demand for electricity is increasing, and around 11 million Filipino citizens lack access to

adequate electricity. Many who have access to electricity have to deal with frequent power outages.
The Philippines has implemented a variety of programs and policies in an effort to improve access
to affordable energy, lower carbon emissions, and address energy security. One of the strongest
oppositions to establishing nuclear power plants in the Philippines is the fear of environmental
risks.Perspectives on the Barriers to Nuclear Power Generation in the Philippines: Prospects for
Directions in Energy Research in the Global South - ProQuest

Nuclear energy has relatively low emissions of CO2 during its lifecycle, making it a viable option for
producing zero-carbon energy. Additionally, it is less land-intensive than other sources of zero-
carbon energy, and does not have the same impacts on the physical space as renewables do.
(resrep44947.4.pdf ( There are 442 nuclear power reactors in
operation worldwide, generating 393 gigawatts of electricity. This provides a
reliable source of low-carbon power, accounting for 11% of all global
electricity.(Nuclear energy: A pathway towards mitigation of global warming -

In addition, nuclear energy can produce a lot of electricity from a small

amount of uranium. Coal and gas are more common sources of energy, but
they require a lot more resources to produce the same amount of electricity.
One tonne of natural uranium can produce forty-four million kWh of
electricity, compared to 20,000 tonnes of coal or 8.5 million cubic meters of
natural gas. (j.ctt6wq56p.12.pdf ( Nuclear waste is removed from
the environment by concentrating it into a form that can be stored or disposed
of. International regulatory bodies like the International Atomic Energy
Agency, along with other government regulatory agencies, work to ensure the
safety of nuclear energy by ensuring the removal of radioactive materials from
effluents and solid wastes. (Transport and disposal of radioactive wastes in
nuclear industry - ScienceDirect)
According to an EIA report, nuclear power remains an economically
competitive option for generating electricity, due to its low fuel costs and the
fact that nuclear plants are generally reliable. Additionally, electricity
generated from nuclear plants cannot be stored easily, which means that
generation and consumption must be balanced at all times. This is important
for meeting the needs of a base load power system. (j.ctt6wq56p.12.pdf
) Nuclear power is a low-emitting energy source that has been proposed as a
possible way to address climate change. Compared to thermal power plants,
nuclear power plants produce much lower levels of greenhouse gasses. ( Ready
for nuclear energy?: An assessment of capacities and motivations for launching new national nuclear
power programs - ScienceDirect)

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