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Once upon a time in Nagari Minangkabau, there lived Pak Buyung's family with his wife and son
named Indra. Indra grew up to be a diligent and devoted child. Indra also has a pet chicken named
Taduang. Indra's only weakness is his excessive appetite.


When the lean season arrives, forest and marine products are increasingly difficult to obtain and
make Pak Buyung's family must endure hunger. They also only depend on improvised agricultural
products such as sweet potatoes and taro. After a few days Pak Buyung's family only ate sweet
potatoes, Indra started to fuss and cry. He complained of hunger and asked his parents to find him
something to eat. But his father and mother were so lazy to go to the forest or go to sea, because it
was difficult to find food. Mr. Buyung was annoyed and then rebuked his son. "Lazy Boy! If you
are hungry, find your own food in the forest or the sea!” said the father. Indra obeyed and went to
Junjung Sirih Hill after feeding and saying goodbye to Taduang. Unfortunately, Indra returned
empty-handed without being able to get food.

The next day, Indra was again ordered by his father to look for food in the sea, but he returned
home without success. When he asked permission to rest, the father was angry and called him a lazy
child. Indra who did’nt dare to fight his father finally went to sea. The mother followed him when
Mr. Buyung was looking for food in the forest. The mother brought home the pensi clams which
were then cooked into pangek. But before eating, Mr. Buyung also asked his wife to finish it
secretly without Indra's knowledge.

When Indra came home, they immediately cleaned the food and washed their hands. Indra, who was
exhausted, was even asked by his father to wash the fibers in the sea until they were white. After
returning from the sea, Indra was surprised to see his father and mother asleep in the kitchen room
with food scraps around them. In the pot there is only a little gravy and pensi meat left from the
food of his parents. Indra is sad because his parents lied, but as a dutiful son he can't be angry

Indra also told his complaints to Taduang on a large rock. Suddenly Taduang flew and carried Indra
so that the big stone was lifted too. Something strange happened because the stone that was brought
was getting bigger. Seeing Taduang getting weaker, Indra stomped his foot until the stone fell on
the hills around the ocean. The stone forms an elongated hole. The water from the sea shrinks to fill
the hole and its flow forms a river. It is said that since then the river formed is called the Batang
Ombilin River. Meanwhile the sea water is shrinking to fill the basin which is now Singkarak Lake.


The moral message that can be taken from this story is never lie to people who already trust us,
don't be selfish because it can hurt other people's hearts, and be a dutiful child to our parents even
though they lie to us.


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