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Name: Marife O. Morales Date: Nov.


Instruction: Give one (1) actual scenario related to the following concepts.


-Angie is sitting on a park bench with her purse sitting on her lap with her hands over
the purse. Jason comes along, grabs the purse, yanks it away from Angie and starts
running. In this case Jason has taken the property from Angie’s presence with force or

2. Culpa

-Ana hits a car because she WA distracted by her phone, then she drove his car away
without checking the other parties

3. Mala Inse

-Rob and Sally made a great couple! They had dated throughout the term, but still had
that excited feeling whenever they were together. One rainy Oregon Saturday night,
they decided to stay home and have a quiet evening together. While Sally built the fire,
Rob made some popcorn with plenty of butter. Together they sat by the fire, munching
popcorn and watching a great old movie. When the movie finally ended and
conversation waned, they began to kiss. Rob and Sally were both getting turned on.
After a while of heavy petting, Rob began to take off Sally’s clothes. Sally stopped him
and said she was not ready to go all the way just yet. Rob persisted despite Sally’s
protests. When Sally pleaded for Rob to stop, Rob replied by saying he was too turned
on to stop. Rob went on to have intercourse with Sally while she lay there very quietly
and cried.

4. Mala Prohibita

-A friend is selling some of his important and valuable belongings. He has also asked
other friends to borrow money.

5. Ex Post Facto

-law that makes chewing gum illegaland requires the arrest of everyperson who has
ever chewed gum,even before the law existed

6. Bill of Attainder

-Congress passes a law which authorize the arrest and imprisonment of communist
without the benifit of a judicial trial
7. Act or Omission

-the Portfolio and Program Teams collaborate to align the Program work for the next
few Program Increments with the Portfolio priorities. As this happens, the Portfolio will
be watching for any risks or impediments so that mitigation happens in near real time.
This Act involves both Portfolio and Program project areas, so roles change for the
Program Leads depending on which project area is used.

8. General Characteristics

-The newly assigned marketing manager of a firm selling low calorie bread decides tochange
the packaging of its bread. Instead of "Low Calorie Bread!", which was printedon the previous
packages,the new package says "50 percent less calories!”The bread was never subjected to
any lab testing to verify whether it really had 50%less calories,before the manager launched the
bread with the new packaging on the market.

9. Territorial Characteristics

-The man who is not wearing a face mask was cought of police officer because they are
follwed in the organization where they are belong but other places is fine even you are
not wearing a face mask in outside

other example there's a foreigner in our country and is wanted in their country if we
cought that person we need to turn over their in their own country. Because there's
appropriately law to the guy who was wanted.

10. Prospective Characteristics

-The bonus of standing for hours in a queue at the

station was that we struck up a friendship with three

fellow Primaverians.One of them,Ben,hatcheda

plan.They would spend the ripht in Paris then take a

hire car down through France,over the barder to

Barcelona Now legaliy,you can't do that Going over


Instruction: Draw your own concept of Criminal Justice.

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