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Name: Kim Nalda Block-3A Date: November 5, ,2022


1. Samantha and Richard was hit by a stray bullets.

In this case I can say that the victim hardly get the justice they want

because they didn’t know who’s responsible to blame. Justice is prickly.

2. Cardo was killed by eleven (11)-year-old boy.

Justice is the quality of being just, even the defender is underage he should

be put in jail and undergo psychological examination.

3. Benita was raped by Mark as a result of high school challenge.

Justice should be served for the Benita and Mark deserve to be

sentenced to death or reclusion Perpetua.

How will you then define justice in victims’ perspective? Discuss with your group mates.

Justice is the process or result of using laws fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals.

Justice itself is one of the most difficult goals of any justice system. The reason for this is the different
concepts of every individual of what is justice and fairness. However, the state cannot just rely the
seeking of justice to the individual just to satisfy his own thirst. This is so to avoid blood feud. The tool or
machinery of the state to prevent such as is the Justice System. Thus is actually grounded on the concept
of justice based on what the state believes to be just for the general welfare of the people.

Name: Nalda, Kim Block-3A Date: November 5, 2022

Instruction: Give one (1) actual scenario related to the following concepts.

1. Dolo
Mario stab intentionally his friend because of jealousy.

2. Culpa

Peter and Jane had a fight, because of their problem. Peter got his key’s car and

drove as fast as he could that he didn’t notice the young lady passed the street he hit the young lady and
it was killed.

3. Mala Inse

Mang Dario saw a woman wore a sexy and revealing clothes, he felt arousal that leads him to rape the

4. Mala Prohibita

A group of teenage girls in a province talked about their dreams and goals

in life, they wanted to finish their studies but their parents don’t have a money to

give their needs. Here comes Aling Marites, she heard the conversation of the

teenage girls so she said that she will be giving them a work that can give them

enough money to send their selves in schools they work as sex slave.

5. Ex Post Facto

‘No Smoking’ but Gary still smoke in a public place.

6. Bill of Attainder

Mary and her friend Jane have a misunderstanding, one night they have

a big fight that can lead them hurt each other, Jane got a knife and kills Mary

without further investigation Jane put in jail.

7. Act or Omission

Mike stab his girlfriend to death.

8. General Characteristics

Harry is an OFW he was maltreated by his employer, he asked for a help in the Philippine embassy found
in the place were he worked at

9. Territorial Characteristics

Many Filipinos fought the West Philippine Sea.

10. Prospective Characteristics

The children of late President Aquino wanted to have a statue of their mother.

Name: Nalda, Kim Block-3A Code: CR633 Activity No. 6

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