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Faculty of Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering

BME19315E – Biomedical Electronics; Homework-2 Due: 07/12/2022

1. Calculate the output voltage, Vo, in the circuit of Fig. 1

2. Calculate the output current Io in the circuit of Fig. 2.

Faculty of Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering

BME19315E – Biomedical Electronics; Homework-2 Due: 07/12/2022

3. Calculate the lower and upper cutoff frequencies of the bandpass filter circuit in Fig. 3.

4. The power amplifier shown is used to drive an 4Ω/32W

speaker through the transformer whose turn ratio is 2:1. The
supply voltage is 20 volts. Current gain () of the transistor is

a. How much is the load resistor seen at the primary

side of the transformer? Draw DC and AC load-line.
b. How much is the maximum peak-to-peak current
swing at the collector of the transistor (assume the
collector saturation voltage is 0V)? Determine the
value of RB to have full swing at the collector.
c. How much is the maximum sound power possible at the speaker? Derive the conversion
efficiency  for this power amplifier.

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