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Trading Post Name: 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Origin Specialty Age

Condition Visitor Traffic Size

Modified by: Age Modified by: Visitor Traffic

Environment Notes

Step 2: Community
Resident Population Demographics Disposition

Law Enforcement Leadership Population Wealth

Modified by: Condition

Crime Notes
Modified by:
Visitor Traffic
Resident Population
Population Wealth
Total Crime Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.
Law Enforcement = Modifier Table found in Appendix B (p.###).

Trading Posts Page 1 (Find Step 3 on the next page)

If your Specialty was Unscrupulous Contractors, you got a free Sercive - Hired Help
Step 3: Points of Interest (and rolled for what kind). Don’t forget to put that under service locations.
It does not count towards your “number of service locations.”

Number of Shop Locations = Number of Service Locations =

Included General Store does not count toward your “number of shop locations.” Included Inn does not count toward your “number of service locations.”

Shops: Notes (quality, hired help size, etc): Services: Notes (quality, hired help size, etc):
General Store Inn

Place of Worship
If there is no Place of Worship in the trading post, skip these boxes.

Size Fervency of Local Following Alignment of Faith Notes

Extra Intrigue
Recent History Politics Events

Opportunities Weather Danger Level

Danger Type Notes

Trading Posts Page 2

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