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ICS 93.



Classification index B 12
STAS 500/2-78
Structural steels for general purpose - Grades Previous editions:
Oţeluri de uz general pentru construcţii - Mărci 1963; 1968; 1978; 1979
Validation date:
Aciers d’usage général pour constructions - Nuances 1980-05-25


1.1 Object and scope

This standard refers to general purpose steel grades, intended to the manufacturing of products by hot plastic
deformation, under rolled goods (as compact and fashioned profiles, plates, sheet strip above 4 mm thick, s.o.) and
forging bars, complying with the general technical conditions according to STAS 500/1-78.

The main scopes depending of the steel grade are according to table 1.

Table 1

Steel grade Main utilization ranges

OL 30 Elements of structural steel for general purpose low loaded, as foundation setting plates, handrails,
balustrades, flanges mounted for low-pressure tanks, pipes joints.
OL 32 Elements of structural steel and mechanical constructions for general purpose moderate loaded, as brackets,
frame, cases and covers, reinforcing elements, rods, fittings, rivets, flanges, chains
OL 34 Elements of supporting structures of farm machines, rods, brackets, ratchets, assembly parts, chains,
fittings, thrust hooks, hot and cold molded parts, reinforcing bars, welded netting for reinforced concrete.
OL 37 Elements of structural steels jointed by welding or other processes, as girder bridges, viaducts and railway
bridges, tanks, piers, elements for supporting structure of machines and equipments, welded framings,
machinery parts moderate loaded, chains, welded netting for reinforced concrete.
OL 42 Machinery parts moderate loaded, as: connecting rods, cranks, axles and shafts, gear pinions, grooved and
threaded pieces, reinforcing steel, metallically girders low loaded.
OL 44 Welded elements of structural steels, relatively high mechanical loaded and which must present a satisfactory
liability against the tendency to brittle failure.
OL 52 Elements of structural steels high loaded, as: open-air power-line tower, runways, cranes, cars chassis, high
capacity tanks.
OL 50 Elements of mechanical constructions high mechanical loaded, as: draw bars, erect and crank shafts, shafts
for pumps and turbines, hooks for cranes, vices, precision screws, screw nuts, fly wheels, tools for low duty
cutting, gears wells for low peripheral speeds.
OL 60 Elements of mechanical constructions high mechanical loaded, as: erect and crank shafts, precision screws,
tools, gear wheels for moderated peripheral speeds.
OL 70 Worn out machinery parts, as worm conveyors, press spindles, centering nails, sprocket wells.

This standard is applicable for semi-finished products complying with the general technical conditions
stipulated in STAS 436-80, STAS 6791-70 and STAS 8914-75.


Adresa poştală: str. Mendeleev 21-25, 70168, Bucureşti 1, Direcţia Generală: Tel.: +40 1 211.32.96; Fax: +40 1 210.08.33,
Direcţia Standardizare: Tel. : +40 1 310.43.08; +40 1 310.43.09, Fax: +40 1 315.58.70,
Direcţia Publicaţii: Serv. Vânzări/Abonamente: Tel: +40 1 212.77.25, +40 1 212.79.20, +40 1 212.77.23, +40 1 312.94.88 ;
Fax : +40 1 210.25.14, +40 1 212.76.20

© ASRO Entire or partial multiplication or use of this standard in any kind of publications and by any means (electronically,
mechanically, photocopy, micromedia etc.) is strictly forbidden without a prior written consent of ASRO
STAS 500/2-80 2

1.2 Designation
The designation of structural steel for general purpose grades consists of symbol OL, followed by two
characteristic numerals, signifying minimum tensile breaking strength (expressed in kgf/mm2), except OL 30 grade,
having the quality class in accordance with STAS 500/1-78 (see also table 4), in the event of that differs from quality
class 1 and from this standard.

Example of designation:
- Structural steel for general purpose with minimum tensile breaking strength of 360 N/mm2 (37 kgf/mm2),
quality Class 3, is designed as:
OL 37.3 STAS 500/2-80
- Structural steel for general purpose with minimum tensile breaking strength of 490 N/mm2 (50 kgf/mm2),
quality class 1, is designed as:
OL 50 STAS 500/2-80
- Structural steel for general purpose with minimum tensile breaking strength of 490 N/mm2 (50 kgf/mm2),
quality class 1b, is designed as:
OL 50.1b STAS 500/2-80


2.1 Chemical composition
In accordance with the table 2.
Table 2
Chemical composition, max. %

Degree 2)3)
Steel Quality C Mn1) P S
grade class
On liquid On On liquid On On liquid On On liquid On
steel product steel product steel product steel product

For finite products having diameters and thick above 16 mm is admitted a maximum carbon contain in accordance with table 3.
Table 3
OL 52.2 and
Steel grade OL 37.2 OL 44.2
OL 52.3
Maximum carbon On liquid steel 0.20 0.22 0.22
contain, % On product 0.25 0.24 0.24
3 STAS 500/2-80

1. For qualities class 1; 1a; 1b, the deviations from the Mn content don’t constitute a reason for rejection if all the other standard
characteristics are complied.
2. Symbols meaning is as follow: k=killed, kf =aluminum supplementary killed.
- For the killed steel (k) OL 37, OL 42, OL50, OL 70, the Si content shall be of max. 0.40 %, and at OL 44 and OL 52 shall be of
max. 0.50 %.
- For the aluminum supplementary killed (kf), the Si content shall be the same as the killed steel (k) and the minimum aluminum
content shall be 0.020%.
- Steel for which the dezoxidation degree isn’t show in table 2, depending on manufacturer needs to provide the mechanical
characteristics, can be delivered unkilled (n), demi-killed(sk) or killed (k), Si content being max. 0.07% for unkilled steel,
max. 0.17% for demi-killed steel and max. 0.50% for killed steel. Currently, these steel grades are delivered (for bloom and
shaped products grade OL 37.2 , this stipulation refers at products up and equal to 16 mm thickness); at customer demand and
with the manufacturer agree, they could be delivered demi-killed or killed .
3. It can be done dezoxidations not only with aluminum but also with others elements having a similar result.
4. As a supplementary delivery condition, with the parts agreement, it can be limited the maximum content below the specified
value for one element. In case when is demanded to limit the maximum content for two or several elements, the mechanical
characteristics shall be established by mutual agreement
5. For quality classes 3 and 4 steel, the allowable content for the residual elements of Cr, Ni, and Cu cannot exceed 0.30% for
each of them, but for As max. 0.08%. At the customer demand, the N2 max. content should be limited up to max. 0.015%.

2.1 Mechanical and technological characteristics

In accordance with table 4.
Table 4
Products with the thickness or diameter a, mm
a≤16 16<a≤ 40<a≤ a ≤100 - a≤ 16 a>16 a≤ 16 a>16 -
≤ 40 ≤ 100
Breaking energy
fracture 3) for min

grade Tensile
elongation after
Percentage (%)

strength2) Thorne Resilience
class Upper yield stress1),

Rm diameter on KCU 300/2 KV,

ReH(Rp 0.2), Tempera-
N/mm2 cold bending, J/cm2, J,
N/mm2 (kgf/ mm2) ture
(kgf/mm2) at 1800C (kgfxm/cm2) 0 (kgf*m),

22 1,5 a 2,0 a
STAS 500/2-80 4

1. For products with thickness or diameters ranges from 63 to 100 mm, the yield stress values reduce with maximum 20N/mm2
(2 kf/mm2).
The yield stress value could be guaranteed for upper dimensions then those from table, the value succeeding to be established by
mutual consent by the parties as a supplementary delivery condition.
2. Overtaking superior limits of tensile strength with max 20N/mm2 (2 kgf/mm2) do not constitute a rejection reason, if all the
other standard characteristics are complied.
3. The elongation values are guaranteed on test pieces longitudinal assayed. For compact profile, forging bars, sheets and strips
with thickness ranges between 8 to 40 mm inclusive and for shaped profiles with thickness ranges between 6 to 16 mm inclusive.
Elongation values for transverse test pieces (sheets and strips) are two units lower.
Guaranteed elongation values for other products thick nesses, shall be established as follow:
- For compact profile, strips and forging bars with thickness or diameters ranges up to 8 mm inclusive, for shaped profiles
up to 6 mm inclusive, for sheets and strips with thickness ranges between 4 to 8 mm, the mentioned elongation values
from table 4 are one unit lower for each millimeter of thickness decreasing;
- For compact profile, sheets and strips with thickness or diameters ranges of 40 mm and above, for shaped profiles with
thickness ranges between 16 to 100 mm inclusive, the elongation values decrees with one unit for each 4 mm in addition
at thickness, but not more as 3 units;
- For compact profile, forging bars and sheets with diameters or thickness ranges above 100 mm, the elongation values shall
bindingly measure and shall write down in the certificate of quality, but do not constitute a reason for refection.
4. For sheets and strips with thickness range below 10 mm, of OLD 32 grade, the bending shall perform without thorn and for
those of OL34 grade the diameter shall be d=0.5a.
5. As agreement between manufacturer and user it can be guaranteed the resilience KCU 300/2 also for the quality classes 3 and 4,
and this constitutes a supplementary delivery condition.
6. The guaranteed value of the breaking energy KV of 27J (2.8 chg.) regards longitudinal test pieces having a 10x10 mm section
sampled from the products with diameter or thickness ranges up to 100 mm and means the average of individual values, out of
which no one shall be below 21J (2.1 kgf.m). For products with thickness of 6…12 mm, the breaking energy values, KV,
measured on test pieces having a 5x10 mm or a 7.5x10 mm section are established by parties agreement.
7. For products with diameter or thickness range above 100 mm, the breaking energy values, KV, are guaranteed only with the
manufacturer agreement. At parties agreement it can be guaranteed the breaking energy, KV, of 27J (2.8 kgf.m) on test pieces
having 16 mm diameter, in annealed state.
8. The mechanical and technological characteristics values shown in table 4 are guaranteed for the STAS 500/1-78, table 5 delivery
For semi-finished products, performed of any steel grade from table 2, and also for ware products of OL 50, OL 60 and OL 70
class, the characteristics values of table 4 are guaranteed on test pieces with diameter of 16 mm, at annealed state, from which the
test piece is made of.


In accordance with table 5. PURPOSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH
STAS 500/1-78
Table 5 Table 6
Steel grade Marking color Crt. Guaranteed characteristics Quality class
No. 1 1a 1b 2 3 4
OL 32 white
OL 34 yellow 1 Chemical composition on liquid steel x x - x x x
OL 37 red 2 Tensile characteristics x - x x x x
OL 42 black x
3 Cold bending angle on thorn x - x x x
OL 44 brown
OL 52 violet 4 Breaking energy KV
OL 50 green - - - x - -
at temperature +20 0C - - - - x -
OL 60 blue
OL 70 purple 0 0C - - - - - x
-20 0C
OL 30 It isn’t marked by


Elaborate by: Collaborators:

Institute of metallurgical research-Bucharest - Ministry of Industrial Buildings
Project executive: eng. Viorel Ghica - Ministry of Transport and Communications
Checked by: ROMANIAN INSTITUTE FOR - Ministry of Electric Energy
STANDARDIZATION - Ministry of Mine, Oil and Geology
Eng. Alexandru Steliana - Iron and Steel Aggregate works-Hunedoara
- Iron and Steel Aggregate works-Galati
- Iron and Steel Aggregate works-Resita
- Research and Technological Project for Manufacturing Center
- Scientific Research and Technological Engineering Center - Electroputere Craiova
- Technological Project for Chemical Industry Institute
- Research and Project for Thermoenergetical Equipments Institute

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