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Uit 3

Krakeaiemal Condukt amdudenlenal ethis

Naucey Suepe
ke2xy L e , in lega prstessien als
h aednc guiollinss
9uidelines 0L Hhepsfeaienal etMisdid
dulemine he elet pessba-alism, a heon
diaplaund mam 0&g0msdaHem

Jhe Lelealemal
Cendut wula a manolakehily Lollend l
follend ly
au usteuenals pxelteaiem has_a
dineunt psfeLMal tu's
pAlmiemal AkLl t h ett
he damemtal ediial buple au
uatwtuinla henlah
AGially lealky Aau aladling
ueapemaille MRst aiumLs eall
Th lode londuct
n cudiu amue pusfesssbn
dh alue -nummad thiial
piniples anro the
puABral Aloukd haw an edald-
dtamdand Lehaiouk9ualihye Aw
m a i n Qam
l pufenal Lendiut iss
dalkguaud theinouat t the ustsignals
hil h m te Gd
achieue theia touget.
esonly when wo fornt nur t s and
bfecthres nn r p l es."-Jawahatal shnu
Jhpauefeienals qe following detnlk LAin
puteosdvnal Cod ndut

thÞAohesaismal aelssce to tu Cmduut Locle

Lmtht9.emal pulue i U u a k _ m
Anoditolual pofenanmal Akil

he clienta ill hoe CEnnolem Hgakolsag tlhe

gualty AUwiA

3 5Jh adhiuence te the Code eudut alsr lenefik

thi he Am
pusaem The
theue_ane l chante
StallebuA iá dueleped aand

uopisaieMalis_aM te lnhane heValur amd


Aepe hpuaLe amdalse hely in pepulanuty-

Gong t h gaal puld.
lmhancOA the epukataen o tho
5 Th thial Coxddu Comeorutalle de deal_
pusnien_Omethe peeple e
Lith the pusleraienal

6. elinmienali not diatrackedl om th i g l t

eath -ol i l l l e alde to ghne laigA
Asno impeuethe qually Lrk

h holemuinals ha e play adi4oy Aaponilblite

Qs l l as Cnluakualdubies
nanubleW otnaina has
cliena Cerlaia Qck
1 s my hsotute betiet thet Indians have unlimited talent. I have no douist aboul our capabiulties
e ottuiemal dhas lo lellou th eole o
enduc amol h mktrd ints an agulAmind
ith Hhe climt.

Sechn 49 Jhe hoftsafonal Ltis in

0gCMLt wth a leut tauh
adheu i t OthirwMAe
uAt the puotvauenal

Sciem 49 (1) C) th Advealea Ak 1941

b a lsuumul B 4ndia te nnak
as te pLALnil Hhe atamolard
isunal Coductt mdich i te Je sseued
the Ndveaha But guch ulu all de
Liti ralye han the aue aphuered Ly=
Ck Juaki of the nol'a.
Kults are Lancl_dem in Chabhta 2
Advmau At 1961Ih

ADuby teu dhas Cou

Du pALatmtaten a Ndvetale
6 Cendut umael ilh diity
annol Al Heapet
2An Advbuat 1 AL wsud te mA
a MeaheLtul
AHihde t w d s h Cowut.
onprin y wahartat Nehn

3 NoAduretae
ahall inutm the duAiLd E
m y ilgal impuepex meams.
he Lent
4nNdealea mehsLiled er bvak
pimdinge Cases
L h the Judge elaEnge e iumt hsclient-
n Adawetale i als wguinede
em uLALin wmoi
C e u t s 4 Hhe 8ppeoik CoAsek
nAdveale is ueguneol to- aphea ib leuut
niy in RLAiled in puld placus
e t te a bamd
e t h i hen in_COwtt
AnAdasraeahelL nstact 0 _bleadin On
pleadAin Ony
Mattu in udaic he ishimal


te 9 4 he Adveraes Act deals

Kule tewauds a
he aduera
Litl he dluHes o
doale isleumol
Rule u o l u LIhat
bui i n theC o t

Ndverale AhalL net

Kule 12peuides hat
appea after acupiin t l u a a e
ibt Caua. n d he isalse keurol
h o t i e t e th Cliemtt.

3 Rule 13 An ad vetaleAhsuld e t aheak

cur c p O t n s N a r e n d r a
1s my absolute beltet that ndians have unlimited talent. I have no deubt about
CaA Min Lwic A has a keasn
hat Ae ill he a knee
y. Rule ne. 14 puede that am AolMbcak ia
eumd e diakeu te ischient ktgandis
is Lemnecion i d h peaik paily
Rule pueridle Lhat t isthe oluy
olvorale ts upheldthe inknLstAis
cimt arlealyr Uaiagfaiu meand
Rule 16 buekiou thatE am aduerak apptasmy
in th iina ulalaleuld ak CaMe
that e innount_pessnd mvited.

Kule 17 bueoleA hat adveak_Ahall

net_Lemhait liatnen
Kule 1 8 nen-iole hat_a aowrscadk_ Alall
9Kule 19 Atabe that it i thL dul
n adhwGrak inaleuciens
perama he tham
Qutheiand aqLak
Rule 24
puovtous hat _adlvecale shal
Aak Umdue adwamtaje the
Lendidtna hs lie

uru comes only when wa

forget our 1de ats nd
objec thves and principles."- Jawahartat Nehru
Ciakucianies ducdtes
heLlatin blw the aoverak. amd uit clent
duuay i Ceneidentral matwe
LgunLAkig degae f a s i k amol ust

2 m adbcalee CAnnnatCaim a Liem

itigatao enduateo t e bim {

DDutiu temauds he opbomt (Rute 34-3s)

Rule 34 uamed he ban Cowmul
nd peiols tha Qm Aderakk Ahall et
in a ayLemmuudcale 4 nezotiak un
h e Aulpk mattin Om LeluehAN
ith_naeparky ipulsmke d nadncele
Ahuaugk hak adacerak

Rule 35 HAOles_ that m aalserakAball

de us eat t e cahhe u_all lestimate
e he ppeaike

EDuhy tenuaud tu collsaguu.

1 Rule 36 buevideA thaE_aa Odweakahall

met odae:iasRAKLLA y way adurttiamknt
teuks peersmal_Ltmmuaaitahan puoduur
his 4astepaap In_hunpah es

t 1s
my eDsolute beiler that lndians have unlimited talent. I have no doubt about cur copabities.-arenera Wo0

that an AolweraeAhal!.

Pule 31 puueuTdlts
Lau n
ake umautheuzed

thak Qn adeak
Rule 38 make la
3 han thu
ahall net aupt es Res
Aimilar aaR.

aka that Om olaerakAhall n

4Kule 39
An amy
CAAL in hith
ais appeanAmi
aeaoly a Vakalatnama HL z
theu Com
nether Oduale

he adwecake alnadaye
lngRLd by ihepau
aalaroake appeas belee the
Letunt wih Lenaemt ham

ts atale
Led net_depreduud asaal h alal
abLa Enlye at eiatainins
the Lut

0the duis o AdvecaJe

Rule uo DuDvid Ahat_am adhveake em th

aka a n u0umuil ay
Awm emey e the Atak Bar Leuml

Rule 42 v i d s hat i a n aduerakala

the Awm mOne menhoned.

In Rule y0 hen lhe

ro romes only when we foroet our 1deni3 znd abjectives and princlptes."-Jawahariat Nehru
Ceuanu'l Ahall Åue
iget alise e-be net
aApealAlall l
Rle y bevides tha an
d i at the
te Lhe bauCeunci a d r e a l e ziun
iAteMce aa agueed
perieol 30 e m
days Luandl Rle 4o a n e l
the d e baald
Kuule Y3

nd iitdea Adeales
theelleudng ugh nsl
oleraes bau
eeena peuk
Cenakiutian ASdes
A-ide 19 a ) o indiaa
t e uedem heek aal dnpzLsAi=
hh e ughttztons Wn Adscaale need wat
te al Agialatue lut
La alout belic atuictiea
LLaA Dmalle
Lge fdlo Aevewignily
en sughk_in the Antiuest
s Inoia, Ahe seunity oAh
Qmol Awlegzuiy ouignatatis
iemdly HlatAenswAL
d dtemyamol uOkalily O n
puldu Ceuut,difamatem-
uelakin teLerilempt o
lhe uelugfesulaliehs
Hesheuld net he
wme delat mqAag-
amois leumno e

no doubt bcut
indians have unlimited
that t
Rialt e pariAL
am olrecate
Seution30 the Adierah
At woy Ndhetak wene
emtine n th Stale le Ahall
Lmtitled to ptLaLlfaethneughsuk_he
a n all Louts ntlheiong ht Supuem
Bekm ibma Du peraen lgaly
auiheuiaud te ake ezidliaaie
c _ stus authenly
bers omA
ALds advorake mdls m Laus
thL tme heinge Lmsu_snoLndiHe te- paalise.

3 Ria elLae
ihe AnalhuA Paadesk aouseLales_Lela md
a t 1987 phakiaing in

Wa per ule o
Uapea p0u 6 af baCuml ndia
ulu h e has a ialt A maiakm
Amding at "bau
Riod ndes the Cguuk A adweate
ugLt Te Lrnkes the C8ut_Gmd
amd akLaki
Cas nt
h t
amd84eed bewdisy
"Failure comes only when wa forget our ldeats and
objectives and
princloles."- Jawaharlal Nehru
Viiedges 8p th dduemake
ldgu Rnmpien QhAAL-am aduzerale
while9tmge e h e Ceuut_d M n i n g - _ E h e
Deding bloue d h e Ceuut Aas i l e
CA_anlst STHeth t h i alAoent appl

iminal LMAL

- atnln the
Vakalatnama fareus adarate
Cliend Aigms akalakamaa
adueake AuLb aoluenate. ac mduaie puavledg
Jais ditont ia hat

hat CAAeLaitheut iaCnaRnE _Hae

LOAMn- nprimpushidiHion

3. n adwerale kau a
W_aHem an eaken AgainstLhe adae
h a dses ao igdiglane

It is my absolute beiret that indians have unlmited tatcnt. I have no doubt abeit C capabrlities."-Narendra Pod

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