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Tutorial 2

1. The air in an automobile tire with a volume of 0.015 m3 is at 30oC and 140 kPa
(gage). Determine the amount of air that must be added to raise the pressure to
the recommended value of 210kPa (gage). Assume the atmospheric pressure to be
100 kPa and the temperature and the volume to remain constant.
• Solution : An automobile tire is under inflated with air. The amount of air that needs
to be added to the tire raise its pressure to the recommended value is to
• Assumption : i) air behave as an ideal gas
ii) the volume of the tire remains constant
• Properties : The gas constant air :

• Analysis : The initial and final absolute pressure in the tire are
Treating air as an ideal gas, so the initial mass ;
2. A spherical ballon with a diameter 0f 9m is filled with helium at 20oC and 200 kPa.
Determine the mole number and the mass of the helium in the ballon.
Solution : ballon is filled with helium. The no. of moles and the mass of helium are to
be determined.
Assumption : At specified conditions, helium behaves as an ideal gas.
Properties : A molar mass of helium is 4.003 kg/kmol.
Temp of the helium gas is 20oC convert to K
Universal gas constant,

Analysis : The volume of sphere is , D = 9m

Assuming ideal gas behavoir, the no. of moles of He is determined from
3. A cylindrical tank of methanol has a mass of 60kg and a volume of 75L. Determine the
methanol’s weight, density and specific gravity. Take the gravitational acceleration to be 9.81
m/s2. Also, estimate how much force is needed to accelerate this tank linearly at 0.25 m/s2.
• Solution : A cylindrical tank contain methanol at a specified mass and volume.
The methanol weight, density, specific gravity and force needed to accelerate
the tank at a specified rate are to be determined.
• Assumption : Volume of the tank remains constant
• Properties : the density of water, ρH2O = 1000kg/m3
• Analysis : the methanol’s weight, density and specified gravity are
the force needed to accelerate the tank at the given rate is

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