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Date Given : 28 – Sep – 2022

Submission Date : 07 – Oct – 2022
Date Submitted :
Weightage : 20%
Semester : SEPTEMBER 2022

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 This is Group Assignment.
 Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your Assignment (first page).
 This page is to be printed on GREEN colour paper.

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 This assignment is our own work
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 Our lecturer has the right to deduct our marks in the case of:
- Late submission
- Any plagiarism found in our assignment.
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Microsoft sql server

The standards compliance tells how MySQL is related to the ANSI/ISO SQL standards. There are many
versions of the SQL standard, and the phrase ‘SQL standard’ is used to refer to the current version of SQL
standard at any point in time.
Following are the MySQL Standards Compliance −
 MySQL server was originally designed to work with medium-sized databases (10 to 100
million rows or 100 MB per table) on small systems. But currently, it has been upgraded to
work with terabyte-sized databases.
 MySQL supports ODBC levels ranging from 0 to 3.5.1.
 MySQL also supports high-availability database clustering, which can be achieved with the
help of the ‘NDBCLUSTER’ storage engine.
 A native JSON datatype, which has been defined as RFC 7159. This is based on the
ECMAScript standard, ECMA-262.
 Implements a subset of the SQL/JSON function which has been specified by a pre-publication
draft of the SQ-2016 standard.
 The MySQL server can be operated in different modes, and these modes can be applied
differently to different clients. This depends on the value associated with the ‘sql_mode’
system variable.
 The DBAs are allowed to set the global SQL mode so as to match the site server operating
requirements. Every application can set its own SQL session mode depending on its
 Depending on the mode of SQL, the syntax of MySQL also changes, along with the data
validation check that is performed alongside.
Type of language does MYSQL support

To connect and execute MySQL statements from another language or environment, there are standards-
based MySQL connectors (that provide connectivity to the MySQL server for client applications), and APIs
for most popular programming languages (to provide low-level access to MySQL resources using either the
classic MySQL protocol or the X Protocol).

Some of the popular connectors and APIs include ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), Java (JDBC –
Java Database Connectivity), Python, PHP, Node.js, C++, Perl, Ruby, and native C and embedded MySQL

type of architecture does MYSQL use

MYSQL is a relational database with a layered kind of architecture. The layers of the architecture include a
server resource end at the middle, the storage engine at the bottom, and the client-end or query execution
end at the top. It’s a three-layered architecture database system.

The architecture of the database explains the relationship and interaction between the:

 client-end

The client-end of the MYSQL architecture is the part being interacted with by end-users of the
database system. The user makes use of the graphic user interface screen or the command prompt
for the submission of various MYSQL commands to the server end.

For every valid command submission, there is a valid output on the screen; for every wrong
command submission, there is an error message sent as feedback to the screen. When a user
sends a request to the server-end and the server accepts the request, a connection is established at
once to enable the user to carry out further requests. This could be termed connection handling,
and it’s a function rendered by the client-side of the architecture.

 server-end

The server-end of the architecture comprises the logic of the database system. It is the brain of the
MYSQL architecture. It receives every request sent by the client-side and also returns feedback
upon processing every request.

For every request sent by the client, there is an establishment of a connection, this connection is
known as a thread on the server-side. The server end of the architecture helps in managing every
established thread and this is known as thread handling. Thread handling is a function carried out
by the server-end of the architecture.

 storage-end

The MYSQL database contains different kinds of storage engines which exist as a result of the
varying needs of databases. The storage engines are used to hold every user-created table in the
database system. The storage-end facilitates the storing and retrieving of MYSQL data. The
storage engine has an API that aids in the execution of the queries from the client end of the
architecture just by passing rows back and forth in it.
Criteria 4 (Good to Excellent) 3 (Proficient) 2 (Beginner) 1 (Novice) Marks
Engaging opening that orients the Clear opening that orients Opening only orients the reader to No clear opening. Reader is
Opening reader to the topic and theme. audience to topic and theme but the topic or theme but not both. unsure what the theme is. No
(10%) Reader knows what will follow. is not engaging. Reader has a Reader has some sense of what basis for reader to predict or
good sense of what will follow. will follow. follow.

Students demonstrates full Students are at ease with content Students are uncomfortable with Students do not have grasp of
Content knowledge or more than required. but fails to elaborate. content but can demonstrate information; students cannot
Knowledge basic concepts. answer questions about subject.
Information in logical, interesting Student presents information in Reader has difficulty following Sequence of information is
Organization sequence which reader can logical sequence which reader work because student jumps difficult to follow.
(10%) follow. can follow. around.

Argument is based on sound Argument is based on moderate Argument is based on weak, Argument lacks logic; examples
logic, evidenced by clear logic, with appropriate examples uneven logic with some are inappropriate or missing.
Critical organization and appropriate and with some lapses in inappropriate examples.
Thinking examples organization, but not so many that
(20%) the main point is lost.

Created all the tables defined in Created most of the tables Partially created some of the None of the tables defined in
project requirements. Named defined in project requirements. tables defined in project project requirements. Table name
tables appropriately regarding Table name was a little unclear requirements. Table name did not did not correlate to its data
their data elements  regarding its data elements  correlate to its data elements elements
Relations Correctly interpreted all the Correctly Interpreted most Incorrectly Interpreted the No interpreted the Business
and Business Rules and created all Business Rules and created most Business Rules, few relations Rules, no relations were created
Cardinalities necessary relations with clear of the necessary relations with were created and few indications and no indications to Cardinalities
(10%) indication to the cardinalities. some indication to cardinalities. to Cardinalities.
Correctly choose all primary and Correctly choose most of the Incorrectly choose most of the No primary and foreign key
Keys and
foreign keys respecting the primary and foreign keys primary and foreign Keys, and
naming convention  respecting the naming somehow respected the naming
convention  convention 
Uses precise, evocative language Uses strong accurate language Uses occasional strong, accurate Uses vague and weak language
Vocabulary throughout that is appropriate to throughout that is appropriate to language that is appropriate to and/or uses language that
(5%) the theme and reader. theme and reader. the theme of the reader. violates school honor code.

Creative restatement of main Clear restatement of main theme There is some restatement of the No clear conclusion. The idea just
Conclusion theme and supports. Strong call and supports. main theme and support. seems to be incomplete.
(5%) to action or beliefs.


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