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LAB 4: Packet Tracer

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:

• To install a Client / Server network.
• To provide an automatic IPv4 address to all hosts assigned by the DHCP server.
• To provide a web server function
• Verify the network connection using PDU in simulation mode.


1- Form a Client/ Server network that composes of ONE (1) DHCP Server computer and ONE (1) Web Server,
attached to TWO groups of switches. Each group of switch consist of six (6) host (clients) that are connected to
the switch and get IP addresses automatically from DHCP Server.

2- DHCP Server IP Address

– Assign an IP address manually to the server with an IP address: and a Network Mask:
– Configure the DHCP service and set the following options:
– Start IP address:
– Mask address:
– Max no. of users: 20
– Make sure the service is turned On.

3- Web Server IP Address

– Assign an IP address manually to the server with the IP address: and a Network Mask:
– Configure the Web Server service and set the following options:
– Make sure the service is turned On.

4- Setup an IP address at each PC client by obtaining an IP address from DHCP Server

5- Verify connection of web server function from the PC client.

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