Students Council Guidelines 2022-23

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Central University of Haryana

(Ofice ofthe Dean Students' Welfare)

No. CUIVDSWI 2022/ 436 Dated: 30.09.2022

All tho Deuns und lends ure requested to submit the names ofthe nominated/elected
students lrom their respective departments (us per the list attached) for the formation
of Students' Council to the undersigned within two wecks of commencement of
clusses of' new ncademic session i.c. 2022-23. In case of nomination, the names are
to be decidecd on the busis of merit in studies, sports and extra-curricular activities.

As, the Central Universities Act 2009 limits the number of students to be elected and
nominated to totul forty (i.c. 20 students to be nominated and 20 to be clected), there
being total 34 departments in the University, the names of nominated and elected
students ure to be submited as per the list encloscd only.
Eligibility of the Students for Students' Council:
A student seeking election to the Students' Council must fulsil the following
cligibility conditions as mentioned in the Lyngdoh Committec:
His/her name must appear on the roll of the departmen/School concerned
i. His/her age must not exceed thec following limits as on the date of filing of
the Nomination Puper:
1. 22 ycars in case ofUG students
2. 25 ycars in case he/she is a lPG student
2. 28 years in case he/she is a Rescarch student;
i. He/she must have a minimum of 75 percent atlendance in all courses taken
by hi/her during previous semester(s) except those who are in the first
iv. He/she must not have any ucademic arrear i.c. he/she must have suceessfully
completed all the courses he took during the previous semesters of the
programme of studies in which he/she is presently enrolled; such persons
who have failed and/or awarded I grade and/or detained due to shortage of
attendance in any of the courses, during the previous semester(s) of the
programme of studies in which he/she is presently enrolled shall not be
eligible to contest the election.
.He/she must not have any fee arrears in the year ofcontesting the election.
v. He/shemust not havea previous eriminal record, that is, he should not have
been tried and/or convicted of uny criminal offence or misdemeanour.
vii. His/her conduct in the University must have becn exemplary and he/she
must not lhave been subjected to any disciplinary action by the University
b. Election of a Candidate shall be declared null and void in the event of
noneonlormity with any of the above rules or guidelines.
This notice is being issued in prior consultation with the competent authorities of the

Denn Students' Welfare
Copy to:-PA to the VC for the information of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, CUH
PA to the Registrar for the information of the Registrar. CUH
All the Deans, CUH
All the Heuds, CUH
Notice Bourds, CUH

Denn Students' Welfare

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