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Urzică Andreea
Liceul Teoretic Spiru Haret
Municipiul Moinesti, jud. Bacau

Elaborare subiecte pentru concursul Cangurul lingvist – limba engleza,

martie 2023

1. Match the idioms of comparison:

1. as proud a. a mule
2. as drunk b. pie
3. as light as c. a lord
4. as nice d. a peacock
5. as stubborn e. a feather

A) 1a/2e/3b/4c/5d; B) 1d/2c/3b/4e/5a C) 1d/2c/3e/4b/5a

D) 1a/2c/3b/4d/5e; E) 1c/2a/3e/4b/5d;

2. Choose the correct answer:

Hardly had I arrived at home……………….. my phone rang.
A) that B) than C) when D) so

3. Match the cities with their nicknames:

1. New York a) Emerald City
2. Las Vegas b) The Windy City
3. Seattle c) The Big Apple
4. Chicago d) Sin City
5. Philadelphia. e) City of Brotherly love

A) 1e/2d/3a/4b/5c; B) 1c/2d/3a/4b/5e; C)1d/2a/3b/4c/5e;

D) 1c/2d/3e/4a/5b; E) 1c/2d/3a/4e/5b;

4. Who wrote the famous speech “I have a dream” in which we have the creed that the
people “will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
A) Benjamin Franklin B) Abraham Lincoln C)Thomas Jefferson
D) Martin Luther King E) Louis Armstrong

5. Which American president abolished slavery?

A) George Washington B) Ronald Reagan C) Thomas Jefferson
D) Abraham Lincoln E) Ulysses S. Grant

6. The title of the novel The sound and the Fury written by William Faulkner was taken
A) Macbeth – William Shakespeare
B) Hamlet - William Shakespeare
C) Othello - William Shakespeare
D) Great Expectations – Charles Dickens

E) Moby Dick – Herman Melville.

7. When his mother came home and saw the mess, she hit the roof and grounded his
son. What does the idiom hit the roof mean?
A) was depressed B) was strongly affected by this C) was enraged
D) was sad E) was somewhat disappointed;

8. She always tells her friends to make themselves at home when they come over. What
does the idiom mean?
A) build themselves a nice home;
B) clean the house;
C) act like her home is their home.
D) admire her home;
E) check if they have enough food;

9. Jane doesn’t like her run-of-the-mill job. What does the idiom mean?
A) stressful and difficult;
B) regular and ordinary;
C) poorly-paid;
D) challenging and exhausting;
E) part-time;

10. When James invites a girl out to dinner, they go Dutch. What does the idiom mean?
A) speak about the Dutch culture;
B) buy only Dutch food;
C) share the food;
D) share the bill;
E) they wear fancy clothes;

11. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players - is a famous
quote in William Shakespeare’s…………………
A) Hamlet B) Macbeth C) As you like it
D) King Lear E) Othello

12. All that glisters is not gold. - is a famous quote in William Shakespeare’………….
A) Hamlet B) The Merchant of Venice C) Macbeth
D) Richard II E) Othello;

13. I don’t honestly believe she is capable of being correct as the leopard never changes
his spots. What does the idiom mean?
A) people always complain;
B) people always gossip;
C) people are seldom reliable;
D) people never change;
E) people are often deceived.

14. Which president said these words in one of his famous speeches: “Ask not what your
country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
A) Barack Obama B) Donald Trump C) George Bush
E) Ronald Reagan E) John F. Kennedy

15. What feelings are expressed in the famous American hymn “Amazing Grace”?
A) the love for the country;
B) the love for the family;
C) God’s forgiveness of the sinful past;
D) sadness for the loss of the dear ones;
E) hope for a better life;

16. Who wrote the American hymn “Amazing Grace”?

A) Benjamin Franklin;
B) an unknown slave;
C) a slave trader;
D) Louis Armstrong;
E) Aretha Franklin;

17. Why did around 2 million African slaves (out of about 12 million who were shipped
during the transatlantic slave trade from Africa to America) die?
A) because of the severe punishments inflicted upon them;
B) because they weren’t used to the voyage;
C) because they were missing their families;
D) because of the bad weather;
E) because they didn’t know the language;

18. Who said: “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
A) Winston Churchill B) Louis Armstrong C) Neil Armstrong
D) John Kennedy E) Richard Nixon

19. ………………………………….the truth, I would have behaved in a different way.

Find the correct option:
A) If I knew B) If I would know C) If I have known
D) If I had known E) If I know

20. Match the tourist attractions to the city where it is located:

1) The Golden Gate Bridge a. Dublin
2) Rockefeller Center b. Arizona
3) Tower Bridge c. London
4) Trinity College d. New York
5) Grand Canyon e. San Francisco.

A) 1e/2d/3c/4b/5/a; B) 1d/2e/3c/4a/5b; C) 1d/2a/3c/4e/5b;

D) 1a/2d/3c/4b/5e; E) 1e/2d/3c/4a/5b;

21. Let’s revise for the written paper, ……………….?

A) do you? B) will you? C) can you?
D) shall we? E) don’t you?

22. The American Civil War (the war between the North states and the South states)
ended with the Union victory at:
A) The battle of Court House; B) The battle of Antietam; C) The battle of Gettysburg;
D) Fort Pillow; E) Fort Sumter;

1. C;
2. C;
3. B;
4. D;
5. D;
6. A;
7. C;
8. C;
9. B;
14. E;
15. C;
16. C;
18. C;


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