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Ce =XPRO Pre Job Briefing moment JOB DETAILS - POINTS COVERED, AREAS TO BE ADDRESSED ‘Superior - pate owe (Bee) fo “Superior ee ee a DB\AMafo @exero Pre Job Briefing mae EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS. Do you understand that you are fly empowered fo Tunsion an ESO _tany time # you have lost or ae losing contol or teat of any as Tie sracrarapennccan ates Ms ‘You will have the fullsuppot of those above you forthe acton you k SatmawiscermeSauemeemnne™ (to Nae. reason or safety concem ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION TOPICS ‘+ Management of Change MOC - To recognize that a change has taken place tothe agreed supply ‘and menage that change to achieve a successful project without disruption. If there isa change to the set programme of work scope please take the time out to re-assess. Any deviation to the programme / work scope / design must be documented and managed correct. Do not continue fo operate on the run’ as you may encounter cifficultis futher down the ine that have not been fully risk assessed. ‘+ Communication - Communication is key to @ successful operation. Please be open and honest ‘across the basefeld team. Ifyou have any problems issues / shortfalls please do not be hesitate to communicate to your immediate supervisor 80 you can work together to resolve. + Reporting of Incidents - Major within 4hours / Non-Major within 2¢hours. f you are having aifficuty meeting this timeline due to operational commitments, delegate to anther crew member ‘or callin and operations supervisor will note and submit incident repor for you. ‘+ Sequence of Events - Any event that changes or affecs the data needs to be recorded and captured in the data cards and the sequence of events ‘+ EOWR End of Wall report ~ Quality of Weillest reports submitted is fundamental- reports should only be handed in tothe onshore team as a final copy, wth limited editing required + Equipment inventory check — Piease ensure you check all equipment is as per shipping lst, PID, and cents requirements at the earliest opportunity. If necessary detalled shoxtals ist should be presented to the relevant ops supervisor or on call supervisor at the eariest opportunity of6 @exero Pre Job Briefing CHECKLIST Discussion Topie ~~ Reviewed Onshore Crew (eunoNA) Supervisor Supervisor HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT ‘Roles and responsibites are reviewed and cleary understood pro House Rules escussed ans clearly understood [Ensure personne! going to the well ste have up to dale relevant ceriteation {WMedieals, HUET, BOSIET, HS. Issue a ask spect risk assessment fer non-core wallet operations Ensure the crew are aware of the appropriate risk assessment(s) for teoperaton Ensure 2 party contractors comply HSEQ waning requtements (NEW 3 Pary Conractrs to recelve Prejob Bretg Note deals n Job Detals Secon Below) specie procedures and isk Be aware of slips, trips and fais. Participate n the rigs own safety observation schemes ‘Obtain @ Permit to Work prior to commencing any operation cross feferencing any appropriate risk assasaments, Weltest Operational _Guidetnes ana g's ob Spectic Assessments ISAS Use ime out for safety (TOF) whereever requced Fisk assessment reviews / Toolbox talks at worksite must focus On| effective hazard awarenessiventiicaton. ‘Worksite inspectons must be competed prior to commencing and at appropriate niewas _ ‘All verbal instructions must be aéknowiedged by confirmation of understanding “Trainees are not permite to work unsupervieed Review recent safety incidents / lets / memos pertinent te “operation (ast 3 month) ‘Any incident during the operation must be reporied ASAP to the _enahore supervisor ‘Shit handover forms must be completed and signed, Including rg-up ‘and down phases "PREPARATION AND SHIPPING Review rig vist client questonnar Review shiping listo confirm itis accurate Review Boom Information to confim tis correct Review relevant equiment information (ST, Separator, umers ete) Ensure a spill Kt avallable with the package as a precaution rmessure et be taken to prevent sp, Manning evel and cow competence is appropiate forthe proposed ‘peratons, the cew has boon selected flowing the Crew Sslecton Procedure (NS-002019) ‘Dangerous goods ae packed, identified as per regulations and corect y 1G paperworkin place (Dangerous Goods rained persennel to complete) © Gob Wer Tost Page 2 0f6 eo EXPRO Pre Job Briefing — Rosponsible Person Initials Reviewed Onshore Crew anna, Supervisor Supervisor Tea and revew wal tat delgn subi (maxima fararotore mano exceeded) Yoo ]ON AND SHI IPPING (continuous) Note: Discuss and review any signifiant changes tothe Cauipment or operation (does the change sect operational recitements?) | Hotel ss rd reviewwalaibb progr ard wok Spe Te Erusile Grew Spier as tes vrson of Fe ‘Supervisors Paperwork Package taken erect fom the Poral (QA WED Me _HSE/ Operational Guidoines) ‘DAG requrements and B20 services = = z fake the previous rig survey repr for ag survey is requ ‘comparison Use backoed labeling ts identity back bad equmert, while ‘complying with dangerous goods labeling when require. I “Third Party Pipework rental pipework sanicpated in package — review potent for mismatch Brief Crew : - - quaury Effective documented reporting to the cent and onshore supervisor Yoo dung the operation ‘Any changes tothe cients agreed work cope shouldbe reviewed by {at partes and approved by the onginater of the work scope or 3 seat Sonar c its Be tenpetatiny ofthe Senior Expo cow manber to Ife he Vos Vike Glen vher proponta anges oa progr ray eet be Sad ses praca ne Wi saage tng croc Foy charges required to be PAID mut bo refed BONE ‘rchagerant by tng in an Englneeing, Suppor Docent Ghunge "Request Terr" (INS-OU20S2,Solowng, Control of Wve. Opertions guppon EnglveingDecuments ocecre” INS re. er vided with a list of femsiservices to be Dea Sapir pOaN wi aT RRS cared ron Fat Yeo Tee Wel Tex suprisr ana Serr Tecnica shoul repay + ‘conf the apcraoy ofthe Wel Test Daia and eneure re Sequence Y/W\ Tie. Feria Dare oe corer ond presi — Nite Alpresus chor lbe abled. soait and sored ip we ‘Personnel Appraisal (for ll personnel ncuding consullants) and Job y ly emance Indestor forms tobe Sompeted ‘Al personnel including consuls must be encouraged to acively farcipate n comlance complain, review and sgn of appucable Yo Tye. {otasks complete on the job haan a a RTS NATE 1 A | = downtime ed — Us WC. ala aaa ine aps ao aT faxed) to ofce thin 24 hours So THe era ar ane ‘Record equipment performance: Equipr ‘maintenance 1 compitad sores ined dp ve Sa ence httate Cons) wie onssed aman, somes 6 Stig fe nts aned © Ope nett fom ate, LD We 30f6 Se =expPRO Pre Job Briefing Cent Fer een BERKin. ‘Type of Job: D. ST. Job Start Date: Mok! koto Estimate Duration, 457 fog Expro Supervisor. vy ¥ Karis. Glent Rep Client Rep Well Site Job personnel Employee IDNo. Position on ths job FKAm 1 ly 3yb. WSL Aiwe uatio Lingeo wT OP Belo TAad 1 tapes 0-0 (fight click “Insert Rows Above” as required to add more Names) 1INS.002037 Rev. 6.0 Present at meeting OO Be etbel- Wor Test Page 1 of 6

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