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‘JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE EARTH Tishani Joshi ian indian poet, jouralist and dancer, The short story ‘Journey to the E describes the journey of the author, to the end of the world i.e., Antarctica aboard a Ru: vessel. The Antarctica gives an insight into the world’s geaological history. It explains how was millions of years ago and how gradually it has changed to sustain life. It holds in the de its ice half million year old carbon records. It reveals our past, shows our present and visua future. Tishani Doshi was one of the fifty-two memiber team visiting Antarctica to understand the the earth. He boarded a Russian research vessel, the Akademik Shokalskiy, and headed tow coldest, driest, windiest continent in the World i.z,, Antarctica. He had to pass nine time zones, thr water bodies, six checkpoints and many ecospheres. He used car, aeroplane and ship to complete his 100 hours journey. When he landed on Antarctica’s expansive white landscape and uninterrupi: blue horizon, he felt a sense of relief and wonder. Six hundred and fifty million years ago, earth was an undivided land mass. It slowly drifted to form different continents and water bodies. It acquired the shape of the globe much as we know today Antartica is the place whete 90 pet cent of the Earth’s total ice volumes ate stored. Walking her like walking in a giant ping-pong ball devoid of any human markers. The visual scale in Avtar Tanges from the microscopic to the mighty, midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as bi

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