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Assignment No.

01 Total Marks: 20
Semester: Fall 2022
Due Date: 05/12/2022
Software Engineering-1 (CS504)

Assignment No. 1 covers lecture-01 to lecture-09.

 To understand the concept of Requirement Engineering
 To have hands on experience of Use Case Modeling
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Internet, handouts or books.
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Case Study: Online Food Ordering System

An online food ordering system is a website designed primarily for use in the food delivery industry.
This system will allow restaurants to increase the scope of business by reducing the labor cost
involved. The system also allows for quick and easy management of an online menu that customers
can browse and use to place orders with just a few clicks. Restaurant employees then use these orders
through an easy-to-navigate graphical interface for efficient processing.
An online food ordering system is a process in which customer can order various food items from
some local restaurant menu via the use of the internet, just by sitting at any place and the order is
delivered to the given location. The customer has to register and then select the food items of their
choice from the menu list and order food online. When a customer finalized the order, then he/she can
add an item to the shopping cart and by checking out of the shopping cart, his/her order will be
delivered to the doorstep.
The system will consist of two modules: Admin and Customer Module.
 Admin will access to monitor everything. Admin can add, update and delete the restaurants.
Admin can verify all the orders.
 The customer has to create a sign-up/login. Customer can view the menu of various restaurants.
Customer can add food items to the cart and then proceed to checkout. After checkout, customer
has to select time slot and payment method i.e (Debit/Credit card or cash on delivery).
Besides all these the system shall be provided with a dynamic and interactive website. When the
customer visits the page its work quickly responds to the task. The system must be easily portable
from one platform to another. All customer data are saved and protected by management. This system
performs all of its functions excellently without any problem.The website will use security protocols
and data entered by the user during the sign-up process and customer login credential will be kept safe
and secure. Food lovers now tend to order goods through the online ordering system as it is easier and
Question No.1 [05 Marks]
Read the above case study carefully and identify any five functional requirements for online food
ordering system.

Question No. 2 [15 Marks]

Draw the Use case diagram of the online food ordering system by using MS Visio.
You can download MS Visio from this link:

Note: Any diagram drawn without using MS Visio will be awarded zero marks

Good Luck !

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